Chapter 352 Sonic boom, extremely powerful

“Ajujin, you will pay for your arrogance!”


Sanada Genichiro quickly threw the tennis ball into the air.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.

Just when Sanada Xuanichiro swung the pat.

The racquet in his hand seemed to disappear.

Then followed by a dull crash.

Even tennis disappeared in an instant.

As if they never appeared before.

Sanada Genichiro knew that Akutsu was great.

Even this contempt for him is just anger.

He did not lose his mind.

-He went straight up and went all out.

Directly use its swift and windy derivative skills.

“As soon as Sanada came up, he used all his strength!”

“Now Sanada is not like Sanada before!”

“Ajujin still underestimated him now!”

Seeing Sanada Genichiro’s shot is his swift stunt.

The people at Rikkai also sneered.

He didn’t think that the current Akutsu could match Sanada’s soaring strength.

It’s not just the people of Rikkai who think so.

Even Shinichiro Sanada on the field is quite confident.

It is as fast as the wind but hits the ball at super high speed, and its power is above the fire!

This spin-off skill is an invisible swing!

With super high speed.

It’s hard for ordinary people to see this tennis shot with the naked eye.

Although Ajiuzin had shattered all his stunts before and after.


Now Sanada Genichiro doesn’t think that Akuzu can easily resolve it!

“A group of losers, what do they dream of in the Spring and Autumn Period?”

Just at this time.

A shout awakened Sanada Genichiro and Rikkai.

The people at Rikkai hurriedly looked towards Akutsu.

I saw him step on the ground suddenly.

Then the whole person burst out directly.

Brazenly waved the racquet in his hand.


After a dull sound of racquet hitting the tennis ball.

The tennis ball that disappeared just now appeared on Aguzin’s racquet.

Sanada’s tennis ball was cracked in an instant!


“How is this possible!”

“Vice Minister Sanada is not as strong as before!”

“It was so easily resolved?!!”

The people of Rikkai watched this scene in front of them.

Everyone has an incredible face.

This is its swift and windy spin-off skill!

The current Sanada Genichiro’s strength has been greatly expanded!

Yajutsu didn’t even look at the tennis shot.

Easily resolve this hit tennis.

“Although Sanada’s strength has improved a lot.”

“But Ajujin’s strength has also been greatly improved!”

“Also, Ajutsu has a beast instinct!!

Senyu Shinji looked at the two people on the field and chuckled.

How powerful is Ajutsu’s beast instinct.

I am afraid that only Akuzu and Senyu Shinji will understand!

“You loser, I don’t think you have made any progress!”

“Beat me?”

“Really ridiculous!”

Ajutsu looked contemptuously.

Standing directly on the arena and laughing wildly.

Then his body jumped up.

Tennis on racquet seems to be inseparable from racquet.

The racquet in his hand turned.

Then the tennis shot burst out.


Accompanied by a violent sound.

The tennis came to Sanada Genichiro’s side in an instant.

Point straight to the dead spot.

“The tyrant Ajiujin, he really deserves his reputation!”

“This kind of miracle-like ability to control the ball, even if it is tilted, it still hasn’t fallen!

“This style of playing is really horrible!”

The crowd in the audience was also moved by Ajiuzin’s strength.


At this moment, Ajutsu only showed a small part of his strength!

For the current situation on the field.

Everyone in front of Yuzao had an expression that should have been.

“Sanada Genichiro is already defeated by Akuzu.”

“It’s still so rampant.

“Ajujin will definitely make him desperate!”

“There is a good show.”

Several people at Kikumaru Eiji looked like eating melons.

Talking to each other.

In their opinion, it is impossible to lose this game!

“Even so!”

“I will still wash away all the shame of the past!

Sanada Genichiro’s eyes flickered.

For this Ajutsu who defeated himself.

He knew exactly what kind of monster the other party was.

So I didn’t care about the tennis shot just now.

I saw him one step forward.

Then waved the racquet.

“call out!”

At the moment he swung the pat.

There was a violent roar in the air.

Tennis is like the moment of contact with racquet.

Was bombarded out.

The speed is jaw-dropping.

The crowd in the audience did not see the slightest trace of the tennis shot.

Sanada Genichiro’s stunt-wind.

It’s as fast as the wind!

“…”Wash your shame?”

“If you are defeated by me, just take pleasure in it!”

Ajutsu’s face was full of disdain.

He didn’t put Sanada Genichiro in his eyes at all.

His body flew upside down suddenly.

No one knew what Ajujin was going to do.

But the next second.

Their faces were full of shocked expressions.

Because when Akutsu retreated to the baseline position.

Leap directly without any help.

He brazenly waved racquet.

His windy super high-speed tennis ball immediately hit his racquet.

It was cracked instantly.

“Even the wind is as easy as the wind?”

“Vice Minister Sanada must defeat this crazy guy!,

Everyone at Rikkai was shocked.

Some people even wiped their eyes in disbelief.

This is the wind of Sanada Genichiro!

This super high-speed ball skill.

It was easily cracked by Yajutsugaru.

After gaining strength, Shinichiro Sanada made this tennis shot.

(Mano Zhao) Even in the current Rikkai team.

There are not many people who can follow.

At this time, the Rikkai people have completely lost their previous tools.

There was only a deep worry on his face.

They were afraid that Sanada Genichiro would be defeated by Akuzu as before.

On the field, Ajutsu did not stop there.

I saw him step directly in the air.

Then the body rose again miraculously.

that’s all.

Ajutsu’s body was directly like a big bow, bursting out in an instant.


After racquet’s violent impact.

The tennis ball suddenly bombarded the past like a ray of light.

The violent sonic boom sounded continuously.

The pupils of Sanada’s eyes shrank and searched.

There is no time to worry about anything.

He rushed forward directly.


After his racquet hit the tennis ball.

Suddenly his face changed greatly.

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