Chapter 373 Court Sleeping God, is it funny?

Just after Mōri Juzaburō said it.

He really fell asleep while standing on the arena!

This shocked everyone’s jaw directly.

No one can believe this scene will appear in the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

It was like making a terrifying joke with everyone.

Inside the otherwise silent stadium.

Suddenly, there was a burst of heated discussion.

“In such an important game, actually sleeping?!”

“I was shocked!

“Who would have thought of such a scene?!”

The voices of the audience seemed to be unable to interfere with the sleeping Mōri Juzaburō on the court.

On the other hand, Rikkai’s big side.

Everyone has swept away the decadence before.

Everyone looked at Mōri Juzaburō on the arena with a look of expectation.

No one complained loudly for his act of sleeping on the stadium at the moment.

Here in front of Tamamo.

Whether it is Fuji Syusuke or Akuzu.

At this moment, the whole person is down.

They couldn’t believe that someone would actually fall asleep in the finals of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition!

And I fell asleep in a game that was very important to Rikkai!

“You guys take a good look!”

Senyu Shinji’s voice awakened everyone at this moment.

Everyone still looks like they can’t touch their heads.

But since Senyu Shinji said so.

Everyone also continued to silently watch the situation on the arena.

The upper side of the auditorium.

Ito Kanako looked dull.

“Uncle, what the hell is he doing?”

“Will you sleep on such an important game?”

“However, he is so handsome!”

Kanako couldn’t help covering her blushing cheeks.

Said timidly.

Yasu Ito Haginosuke on the side laughed and said nothing.

As if to see a very interesting situation happen.

Above the court.

The handist Kunimitsu looked at Mōri Juzaburō, who was already asleep.

A little puzzled in the majestic look.


He did not waste time.

Throw the tennis ball in your hand directly.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.







Almost less than a minute.

Kunimitsu scored three goals directly!

On the other hand, the opposite Mōri Juzaburō was still asleep.

The moaning from the auditorium almost drowned the entire stadium.


Everyone’s eyes at Mōri Juzaburō were also exclaimed from just now.

Turned into disdain!

Shoujia Kunimitsu still didn’t pause at all.

Continue to serve.

This hit is still zero serve!


Everyone thinks that this game should end with this situation.

But the next moment.

A crisp sound rang from the arena.


Kunimitsu, the opposite handist, immediately looked at Mōri Juzaburō.

I saw that he was still sleeping.

But this moment.

But while sleeping, he swung the racquet.

The posture of the whole person is like half-kneeling.

It’s like dancing ballet.

Unspeakable beauty.

But it is extra humorous!

After he swung the tennis ball out with this blow.

The tennis ball suddenly came in and shot out like a ray of light.

The speed is shocking.


Tennis seems to have a life of its own.

Pass directly by the hand of Kunimitsu.

Then crashed to the ground.


Mōri Juzaburō scored for the first time!

But for this scene.

The handist Kunimitsu is particularly stunned.

Because the opponent’s reaction speed is too fast.

It was as if he had just slammed racquet.

Tennis has already come behind him.

At this time, the look he looked at Mōri Juzaburō suddenly changed.

Be extra cautious.

The crowd in the audience didn’t seem to understand why this happened.

I saw Mōri Juzaburō, who scored just now, putting down his racquet and continuing to sleep.

“What’s wrong with that guy?”

“Obviously already asleep!”

“Why did Ke already hit the tennis back so quickly?,

There was a sudden uproar on the arena.

Everyone at Rikkai felt like a long sigh of relief this time.

Everyone has a confident look on their faces.

It seems that this game started with Mōri Juzaburō’s counterattack.

It’s the same as directly setting the outcome.

Here in front of Tamamo.

The people who were still stunned just now.

this moment.

Even more stunned!

Because who didn’t think of it.

A person who fell asleep.

It turned out to be even more terrifying!

“The Maori people are really sleeping people!”

Senyu Shinji chuckled lightly.

Then several people casually explained to Fuji Syusuke.

“Isn’t it often said that you are in the state?

“Once in the state.”

“The concentration will increase rapidly, and the opponent’s movements and ball types can be judged almost instantly!’

“And hit back as you like!”

“Now he is similar to this situation!”

Then Senyu Shinji still looked at the two people on the field with a calm expression.

There is no worry at all.

Here in the audience.

Atobe Keigo was also shocked and completely speechless.

They also did not see what state Mōri Juzaburō is in.

Instead, it was Haginosuke Ito Yasu who was leaning on the railing.

Laughed softly.

“This boy is amazing!”

“Now should I say that he is in deep sleep, or is he in a real state?

On the contrary, Ito Kanako, who was next to him, didn’t care about these words.

They just looked at the two people on the arena with blushing faces.

Above the court.

Kunimitsu took a deep breath.

Then serve again.

This time he is directly Zero Lob!

The tennis ball immediately followed the impact of racquet.

He rushed towards Mōri Juzaburō suddenly.

And he was still sleeping on the ground.

Instantly got up and rushed out.

Directly left a trail of afterimages in the air.

Then the racquet in his hand was also directly waved.


The tennis ball was hit back in an instant.

It’s still a fairly ordinary powerball.

But the terror response speed is unimaginable.

This directly caused the tennis ball to pass by Kunimitsu’s side once again.

Then crashed to the ground.



Sleeping Mōri Juzaburō scores again!

Rikkai’s big cheers echoed all over the field.

And Kunimitsu stared at Ma Lijusaburo who was still sleeping on the other side.


Then he stopped talking.

The whole person’s momentum burst out.

As if the master is coming at this moment!

One color after another appeared.

Selfless State is in full swing!

at this time.

The limit of seamlessness, open!

The serious look in Kunimitsu’s eyes is completely revealed!

“It seems that it really has to be what the minister said.

“Let you hone and hone my limit of seamlessness!”.

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