Chapter 374 Breaking the limits of talent

The majestic aura of Kunimitsu’s hand did not affect Mōri Juzaburō who was still sleeping.

But he didn’t care.

Open all three doors in Selfless State.

He is extremely confident in his heart!

“Since you are asleep.”

“I will use this tennis shot to wake you up!’

Kunimitsu said in a low voice.

Then he threw the tennis ball in his hands directly.

And he slammed his feet to the ground.

The whole person leaped in place.

As if the next moment is soaring in the air-.

The racquet in his hand is also boldly pressed down.

Zero smash!


Tennis suddenly resembled a cannonball.

Accompanied by endless roar.

He rushed directly towards Mōri Juzaburō.

As if the air above the entire arena was completely swept to both sides by this moment.

The whole space also seems to be penetrated.

The friction between the tennis ball and the air almost produced a terrifying sonic boom.

This tennis strike is like a master’s punch!

next moment.

The tennis ball was about to crash and land on the court on Mōri Juzaburō’s side.

at this time.

Mōri Juzaburō suddenly appeared here.

He stepped forward and bent back.

The whole person seemed to squat directly on the ground.

And his right hand flicked from behind.

Hit directly on the tennis ball.

This hit the tennis ball frantically and violently rubbed against racquet.

The harsh neighing sound seemed to wake Mōri Juzaburō.


racquet shivered.

The spin of the tennis ball has also slowed down.

The entire tennis ball was under intense friction at this moment.

It has become extremely scorched.

next moment.

The racquet in Mōri Juzaburō’s hands seemed to be reinjected with power.


The tennis ball on the racquet suddenly exploded.

The tennis came to Kunimitsu’s court in an instant.

Handist Kunimitsu tried to use the limit of talent to calculate and predict Mōri Juzaburō’s tennis.


The other party is sleeping at this time.

As if all actions are unconscious.

this moment.

The limit of talent is directly dead.


Hand Kunimitsu did not directly give up the tennis shot.

this moment.

The reserved light on his body became more and more brilliant.

He tried to weaken Mōri Juzaburō with the restrained light of the seamless limit.


What is unexpected is that.

At this time, Mōri Juzaburō seemed to be unable to find his consciousness at all.

Kunimitsu’s eyes became more serious.

at the same time.

He also quickly drove out.

The racquet in the hand is directly behind.

The whole person appeared in front of the tennis ball instantly.

Then directly slap out.

Zero smash!

“I will definitely wake you up completely!”

Handie Kunimitsu roared lowly.

The tennis hit became more and more terrifying.

It seemed as if the master rushed out directly with a knife.

It’s almost impossible to see.

Powerful mind is terrified!

The crowds in the surrounding audience also had no idea that this game would directly reach such an intense level.

“It seems that the limit of talent has been silently cracked by the hand!

Yuan Zhe on the side also widened his eyes and exclaimed.

He himself had already opened the door to the limit of talent.

I am quite aware of its horror in my heart.

However, the Mōri Juzaburō on the field was not affected by it at all.

This all illustrates a fact.

“That guy really fell asleep!”

The people beside him also breathed in a cold breath.

This situation really makes them unbelievable.

Above the court.

After the tennis player Kunimitsu hit the tennis ball.

Tennis shots came in an instant.


It was still dissolved in the hands of the sleeping Mōri Juzaburō.


This time it was extraordinarily hard!

Even his closed eyes Qing Qing seemed to open the next moment.

This is a slight change.

I was caught by Kunimitsu in an instant!

His eyes flickered.

It seems that there is a corresponding countermeasure in my mind.

And this time.

The tennis ball that came from the blast also crashed onto the ground.

Directly rushed towards his blind spot.

Kunimitsu then stepped back.

The whole person shot out directly.

Almost instantly came to the blind spot.

It can be said.

The current hand Kunimitsu has no dead ends at all!


The tennis ball hits the racquet directly.

But the next moment.

He actually took the tennis ball and jumped up on the spot.

The tennis ball seems to be glued to the racquet.

Then he squatted down in the air for an instant.

The racquet in the hand looks like a huge palm.

The tennis ball was suddenly suppressed.

…Seeking flowers 0-


The entire tennis ball was almost instantaneously separated from the racquet.

If it burns directly, the flames will be fierce.

The scorching breath swiftly rolled around.

This momentum became more and more terrifying.

Everyone held their breath again.

They are all curious.

Under such a terrifying game of tennis.

Mōri Juzaburō can continue to sleep peacefully.

Or wake up in horror?

Tennis is like a punishment for those who have seen the opposite of this world.

The terrifying air wave was stirred up.

Tennis is not here yet.

The air wave has completely bombarded Mōri Juzaburō’s chest.

Directly make the opponent’s action stagnate.

But it still didn’t seem to break the other party’s sleep.

It’s almost the next moment.


He shot directly to the tennis side.

It’s a counterattack similar to ballet dancing.

Racquet seemed to hit the tennis ball fairly easily.

But this ease lasted less than a second!

next moment.

Mōri Juzaburō’s racquet began to tremble crazily.

It doesn’t seem to be directly penetrated by a tennis ball.

It will leave the palm of the hand.

The face of Mōri Juzaburō who was already sleeping peacefully.

There was a look of horror in an instant.

It seemed to have had a terrible nightmare.

The cold sweat ran down.



The tennis has completely passed through the racquet hole!

And the racquet in his hand was directly impacted by this huge force.

Crash and the tennis ball fell to the ground.

The score was 4-0 instantly!

Kunimitsu won the next round again!

On the other hand, look at Mōri Juzaburō’s side.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

The whole person began to gasp frantically.

“Whirring whirring!

Sweat kept slipping from his hair.

His face was exceptionally pale.

Then I found out that the racquet in my hand had been flying to the baseline position.

So dilapidated.

The pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly.

The complexion is even harder to look.

Rikkai is here.

Just when I was about to cheer for Mōri Juzaburō’s success in fighting back again.

It was as if someone pinched his neck in an instant.

The whole face flushed extremely.

His eyes revealed extremely unwillingness and disbelief.

That’s it.

The sleeping Mōri Juzaburō finally woke up in a nightmare!

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