Marine: Reported By 3,000 People On The First Day Of Retirement

Marine: Reported By 3,000 People On The First Day Of Retirement


375 Chapters Ongoing Status


The 75-year-old Xilan is about to retire. He thought he could live a leisurely life in the future. Who knew that on the first day of his retirement, 3,000 people reported him.

Akainu reports him for colluding with pirates.

Aokiji reports him for selling warships.

Kizaru reported to cover up the Four Emperors, behind the scenes is still the backer of Kaido of the Beasts.

cp9 reported him for assassinating Five Elders and making trillions of Baileys.

Even Boa Hancock, the queen of pirates, did not hesitate to stand up and self-destruct her image, reporting Xilan to keep her.

Xilan was very helpless, so he packed Marine and Admiral and sold them on the black market overnight.

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