Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 125 Reunion

A rainbow from far to near, launched to the surface of the moon.

It's Thor!

He is also now a member of the Avengers.

With the help of Tesseract, Dominion has repaired the destroyed Bifrost, which was just completed a few days ago!

"Here you are, Thor!"

The Avengers landed on the moon wearing space combat uniforms, and watched the Carnage approaching in the distance, waiting with rigor.

"It's the 'Slaughter' Pirate Legion. This pirate gang is notorious in the universe. All the planets it goes to are robbed and killed, but fortunately, the strength of these star pirates is not enough, we should be able to deal with it!"5

Thor frowned, although he said it lightly, but in fact he had never fought against these pirates.

"But I remember that the slaughtering star pirates should have a fleet of 30 spaceships. Why is only one appearing at present, and the others~ are they hidden?"

"30 spaceships..." Steve's face was dignified—.

This data is still a big threat to the earth at present, especially the environment they are in is not the familiar home ground of the earth.

The gravitational force of the moon is too light, if it weren't for the special function of the space combat suit, they might not even stand firm.


Never bring the battlefield closer to Earth!

The destructive power of aliens is terrifying, and New York is the best proof.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, it's up to you, first lock and kill the ship in front of you!" Tony-Stark ordered.

After confirming the identity of the spaceship through Thor, the hesitation in his heart completely disappeared.


The 500 satellites on the Earth's surface are the ones that glow dark blue.

Stark's weapons were never just for defense!

There are more than 500 satellites combined to release the rail gun enough to annihilate any strong enemy!

This is also the meeting ceremony that Shi Stark prepared for the invaders.

"Targeting, Mr. Stark," J.A.R.V.I.S uttered a reliable electronic synthesis sound.

at the same time.

"The weapon is locked, Mr. Luo Bing, is the jamming system turned on?" Friday's sweet voice also rang out at the same time.

Compared with functionality, the Friday of the extraterrestrial technology plus the wisdom of Atlantis is not known to be several levels higher than J.A.R.V.I.S.

"I just said how did these guys know we're back..."

"It turned out to be treating us as the enemy"

Luo Bing didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had just seen so many familiar faces in an instant, and he thought he was here specially to greet him.

"But the changes on the earth are really big..." Carol exclaimed.

In the era when she left, there was no such thing as high-tech on the earth.

Just like now, she has a panoramic view of the defensive force field all over the planet, and At the moment is aiming at their star destroyer, which means that the current earth is enough to go to the universe.

"Huh" Luo Bing disappeared instantly and appeared above the Slaughter.

"Idiots, it's me!""

"Open your eyes and see clearly"

There is no matter that transmits sound in the universe, but this does not affect the transmission of Luo Bing's voice to every Avengers communication system on Friday, and to Earth.

Skye was stunned, the voice was so familiar, so familiar that she never thought she could hear it again!

It was a scene that I would only encounter in my dreams every night.

So, she lost control of her emotions and yelled at the communicator excitedly: "Luo Bing! Is that you! Are you back!"

It's a fact that Luo Bing is dead.

But many people can't accept it.

Before seeing the man's body, everything is still fantasy.

But anyone with a little common sense knows in their hearts that under the heat wave that destroys everything, any life will die.

Black there an exception?

"Well, after wandering in the universe for more than half a month, I'm finally back," Luo Bing replied.

At the same time, his voice also reached every corner of the earth through Friday.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be stunned.


Just ecstasy! Shout! Roar! Crazy!!

Just hearing that voice, they already understood what happened. Looking at the spaceship that was getting closer and closer in the live broadcast, and looking at the man above the spaceship with his hands on his chest and the corners of his mouth raised, everyone's emotions instantly changed. out of control.

"" Tony's genius brain almost didn't react.

J.A.R.V.I.S automatically canceled the attack system, and the annihilation gun slowly extinguished.


He is back!

He is back!!!

Such the same voice spread all over the streets and alleys, one by ten, ten by one, by word of mouth, everyone was so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and even lost control of their emotions, squatting on the ground and crying.

The Carnage finally landed on the moon.

Looking at the familiar handsome faces, the Avengers were rather at a loss.

Maybe...and a little embarrassing...?

After all, they held a grand funeral without my consent...?

Skye launched Vibe towards the back, and instantly fell on Luo Bing's body, hanging his hands on his neck.

"Sorry for worrying you guys." Luo Bing patted Skye on the back with a smile.


Tony's tense nerves loosened instantly... The corners of his eyes in the mask instantly became wet.

He's already a full-fledged Iron Man and doesn't get emotionally out of control, maybe because there's too much sand in the mask.

"Brother Luo!" Parker was unexpectedly speechless and rushed forward.

However, because he exerted too much force, this was the moon, so he soared into the sky and swept over Luo Bing.

Luo Bing shook his head speechlessly and let go of Skye.

Polaris on the side laughed, stretched out his hand to manipulate the magnetic field, and pulled Parker off the spacewalk.

"Brother-in-law!!!" Thor happily rushed over from behind, like a 300-pound fat man.


Luo Bing turned around and pushed Thor face-to-face on the moon in a flash.

A lunar crater with a big face was born in this way.

If there are ants on this planet, then this is their crater.

"Last time I didn't have time to ask you, what the hell is your brother-in-law?" Luo Bing asked in a dark voice.

"Puff puff puff..." Thor choked on himself as he blew the soil on the ground.


The Avengers laughed cheerfully, and even Natasha Romanoff, who had been frowning all the time, pursed his lips and smiled.

A golden light flew out of the cabin and landed on the moon.

Is Captain Marvel---Carroll.

She is a little depressed now, Luo Bing seems to have forgotten her...and.

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