Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 126 Thunder's Hanhan's Speech Is Amazing [15]

In the media world, Black Knight-Robin has two big licking dogs.

One is James, the president of the Daily Bugle, and the other is Martin, a famous daily news headliner. On the basis of economic strength and fans, Martin is obviously not as influential as James.

However, James may still need to work hard for more than ten years in touting the Black Knight.

Both are big fans of Black Knight, but emotionally, Martin is slightly different, and that's where he really started to become famous.

However, within a short time, the news of Black Knight's return spread all over the world. Various media and TV stations all broadcast this shocking news, and the whole earth became lively.

In the streets and alleys, listen to all the sounds of playfulness and laughter. The lively atmosphere is short of a good day BGM, but although the BGM may be late, it will definitely come "August 10", there is Huaxia UP The Lord immediately pulled out the 'Reminiscence of Black Knight Classic Collection' that was carefully crafted some time ago

I changed the title and added some new stories and the latest pictures. After uploading, it was immediately liked and forwarded by thousands of people.

Stark's live broadcast was cut off after hugging Luo Bing, he didn't want to reveal this superhero sensational scene to the world.

He is a selfless person, but also a selfish person.

No one bothers, no one makes noise, the Avengers need alone time to vent their feelings.


Tony would never admit that it was all to keep him from being so humiliated in front of the mass media.

after all...

The image of the Avengers crying into three hundred pounds of children is really not very good-looking.

After briefly introducing the identity of Captain Marvel, Luo Bing kicked away the void, and everyone returned to Earth, directly to the Avengers Building.

Not a good place to talk on the moon.

"So you gave me a funeral?"

Stark Building, oh no, Luo Bing rolled his eyes speechlessly on the top floor of the Avengers Building.

Stark's sign was damaged in the last war, and Tony simply added a few letters and turned it into the Avengers Building.

The Avengers on the side laughed.

Nick Fury solemnly walked up to Carroll and shook hands with her.

"Thank you for saving Luo Bing agent's life"

Carol smiled embarrassedly and waved his hand, the ghost knows who rescued who, and in the next few wormhole shuttles, if it wasn't for the blessing of Luo Bing's luck, they still didn't know which part of the universe they were in. Drifting around the corner.

"If it wasn't for me... maybe he would have come back..." said the blonde woman.

Fury on the side had a black line on his face, a little embarrassed.

After a long time... his request for help didn't work at all, which made him a little ashamed.

"When I woke up, you know what I saw?"

"A mermaid is the kind of mermaid that is half human and half fish, and the kind that has a good figure. Have you seen the movie?"

Luo Bing talked about his own cosmic drifting story, and also brought out a lot of cosmic specialties, including the edible pearls of the mermaid family.

The Avengers on the side listened curiously.

Except for Thor, no one really has the experience of drifting the universe.

"Brother-in-law, Bifrost is now repaired. No matter where you are in the galaxy in the future, you can just call Roar Hamdal. Although you got him pregnant last time, he won't hold any grudges." Lei Hanhan said out amazing.

Luo Bing:

Avengers aside:

Walter?? Getting pregnant?? What happened?

Can anyone explain?

Skye on the side was already red-eyed, murderous, and even Polaris's expression turned cold.

"It's a pity that you don't engage in the media." Luo Bing covered his face with a black line.

"Uh...that's it, don't get me wrong, Heimdall is a man" Thor explained immediately.

"Men!!!??" The Avengers' eyes widened.

"Don't get me wrong, in addition to Heimdall there are 100,000 Giants of Jotunheim army, and they are all pregnant, oh, yes, now that the father has sent them back to their hometown, I should not be so merciful" Tuo Er explained.

"One hundred thousand... Giants of Jotunheim!!??" The Avengers were speechless.

"Giant???" Tony-Stark swallowed.

The little Spider-Man on the side quickly interjected, and then said: "All pregnant??"

"Enough, you three bastards!" Luo Bing's eyes shone with golden light, and he couldn't bear it any longer. Three rays shot out of his eyes in an instant, and drilled directly into Thor, Tony, little Spider-Man's in stomach....

"???" The question marks around the three people's heads are unclear.

Then, within ten seconds, their stomachs became bigger and bigger, and when they became pregnant in October, the childbirth experience card renewal fee was received, and a pig croaked.

"Look, this is the effect" Luo Bing spread his hands and smiled kindly.

"Crack..." The coffee cup in Carroll's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

In fact, she hasn't passively broken things for a long time. As a Superman, she can always save everything before it happens, but now, the shock in her heart makes her subconsciously forget it all.

"Believe it or not I got you pregnant?" Carol remembered what Luo Bing had said to him that day.

At first... she thought it was the other party who was teasing her...


Now it seems...not so!!!

He can really get pregnant!!!

"Damn it! Boss! Help!" Tony was about to cry, and he just asked a stupid question.

"Ouch...I feel like a little Spider-Man is brewing in my stomach..." Peter-Parker's shameful face turned tomato-colored.

Even if he is underage, he understands what it means for a man to be pregnant, which is too shameful 5.0.


It still hurts․ ..

"Devil..." Hawkeye and Banner shuddered subconsciously.

The few female compatriots on the side were a little eager to try.

"Isn't she really pregnant?" Pepper frowned at Tony, and then looked at Luo Bing pitifully.

The look on Tony's face looked like he was about to give birth.

But if you really give birth to a child, what should you do? Take over the stepmother?

"Definitely not, but..." Luo Bing was stunned, thinking of the water of life, a specialty of mermaids.

Maybe combining the two will have special and wonderful consequences???

Having shivered, Luo Bing couldn't imagine the beautiful scene.

He didn't want to be the father of a bunch of kids.

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