Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 128 I Have a Special Way to Identify HYDRA Undercover [35]

Pierce disappeared without a trace.

No clues were left.

Even his files in S.H.I.E.L.D have disappeared completely, and all the tasks he has handled over the years have been emptied of records.

Not only that, Pierce has promoted a lot of backbones over the years, occupying almost all the senior management of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Those level 6-7 agents cannot be trusted, and the underlying agents are not much better.

S.H.I.E.L.D instantly became an empty shell.

like a fake...

Pierce is the previous SHIELD Director, it's hard to imagine if he is a HYDRA's really a SHIELD HYDRA game.

Now there's an even more critical issue! Fury on the Council can't trust it anymore.

All agents in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D must be excluded from security risks, which is a disaster!

S.H.I.E.L.D is a United Nations-funded organization, which means that HYDRA's hands are now in every country in the world.

Once civil unrest occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

"I've become a pawn..." Fury's face was gloomy, his fists clenched tightly.

He was picked up by Pierce.

For Pierce, the former SHIELD Director, he never had doubts.

Pierce would give him a lot of advice on S.H.I.E.L.D things with large file size and small size, and even Fury praised that Pierce was by his side.

"Although this matter seems simple, it is really troublesome to deal with, and the means should not be too extreme. I suggest to conduct an investigation of the agent secretly." Steve frowned.

"For HYDRA, if they want to conquer the earth, the first goal is to defeat the Avengers, I don't think they have any power to confront the Avengers head-on, otherwise they won't hide for so long, so I guess they will use the means Let's split inside." Stark sat down in his chair, tapping his fingers on the tabletop.

"Maybe my return broke their long-planned plan. If I were the top of HYDRA, I would sell some of the most important powers, such as Pierce, and then give up the commander, let us think that we have cleared everything In the future, when the Avengers relax, they will "`disintegrate" from the inside, Luo Bing thought.

"By the way, tell me honestly, does S.H.I.E.L.D still have any secret weapons hidden?" Luo Bing looked up at Fury.

Fury froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Insight Program"

"Pierce is going to send three air carriers to the sky, targeting every criminal who wants to commit a crime. If this plan can be successful, it will almost win the Nobel Peace Prize." Fury shook his head.

"It now seems that the muzzle may be aimed at our own people"

"What? Gotta say... some of S.H.I.E.L.D's decisions really strike me as absurd" Tony scolded.

He is a mortal without Iron Man armor, and without any weapons, he will die if hit by a missile.

"That thing is still at the Sanquyi headquarters, and it needs the authorization of five high-level council members to start it. Maybe we can use this big guy to annihilate HYDRA in one fell swoop," Fury said.

"I need a list," Stark said solemnly.

With the list, he can change the setting of the attack target.

"No list" Fury shook his head, and it was this thing that gave him the most headaches right now.

He does not know now who is the enemy and who is the friend.

"Maybe...I can try" Luo Bing pursed his lips.

"Friday, print me a list of all the agents and staff of S.H.I.E.L.D. I want them all," Luo Bing instructed.

"Okay, Mr. Luo Bing" Friday's voice suddenly sounded in the Avengers Building.

Tony looked at Luo Bing suspiciously. All the intelligent systems here are J.A.R.V.I.S. When did they come in on Friday?

And...she seems to be different...

About two hours later, under Luo Bing's tenth-level agent authority, all the S.H.I.E.L.D agent and staff profiles were printed out, covering the entire hall.

About 10,000 copies.

"Now, what are we going to do?" Fury frowned in disbelief.

Others, too, were at a loss.

Looking at the densely packed photos and portraits on the ground, I had a headache unknowingly, and had a new understanding of how troublesome things were.

"Have you ever played the ring game?" Luo Bing asked inexplicably.

Then, without waiting for everyone to answer, he snapped his fingers lightly, and a pile of rings appeared behind him like a hill.

No more, no less, exactly 10,000.

"Walter?" Everyone looked at this scene suspiciously.

I really don't understand what Luo Bing said.

Luo Bing didn't explain either, Roar took a deep breath and turned on the lucky halo.

"Friday, for the record, everyone caught by me is a HYDRA undercover agent," Luo Bing said.

".~Ok, Mr. Luo Bing" Friday's sweet voice echoed in the hall.

"Walter method???" Everyone's expressions became even more incomprehensible.

What does this conversation mean?

Did I hear it right???

Luo Bing ignored the opinions of others, and rolled up the ring like a hill behind him, so he threw it towards the photo of the agent fixed on the ground.

"Crash la la la..."

The ferrule fell like rain, and after bouncing on the ground a few times, it landed on the agent's photo, perfectly wrapping the photo without touching any corners.

"3721 picks have been recorded, Crossbones, Strucker, Pierce, SenatorStern...Friday fast broadcast.

As her voice fell, one holographic projection after another appeared in front of everyone.

Luo Bing closed the lucky halo in time and let out a sigh of relief.

"Probably the list is here. If you don't have money, I suggest secret arrest. If you can't use large weapons, you can't use them."

People on the side:

"No, brother-in-law, what are you doing? Although I don't really understand this spy or not, I can't stand it anymore."

"You're too messy, aren't you?" Thor was speechless.

The expressions of the others were the same.

Mind you, where did this come from?

Everyone is chatting seriously, what do you mean by this operation?

"Is this a special kind of discrimination magic?" Polaris asked curiously.

Luo Bing shook his head: "How can there be such a magic, I just throw it away, but don't worry, my luck is very good, I can't go wrong"


Why do I feel even more unreliable after listening to your explanation! Procrastination!

Who believes this statement!!!

Stop making trouble! Big man!

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