Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 127 Don't give up until the grave is thrown! 【25】

After learning that this was just an experience and not a real pregnancy, Little Pepper was relieved.

So, he simply stood aside as a little transparent, staring at Fury and Ms. Marvel.

Waited patiently for a minute.

"From the moment you appear in space"

Maybe Luo Bing can go back to five minutes ago, but... obviously he doesn't want to do it, it's too troublesome to re-interpret everything.

It is impossible for him to come through the hell space.

Six Infinite Gems, there are already three on Earth.

"If there is a problem inside the S.H.I.E.L.D, then leave the Tesseract and the scepter to me for safekeeping. I can't worry about keeping this kind of thing in the S.H.I.E.L.D." Luo Bing said with a frown, putting away his joking expression.

After so many incidents, Luo Bing is undoubtedly the last trump card of the earth.

Fury made a few secret calls at the moment, and then his face turned completely dark.

"Wait." Luo Bing materialized three bottles of purification potions and poured them into the mouths of the three people.

Abbreviation: 'Will Exercise'

The most powerful Asgardian on Earth.

Asgard, it's not as safe as I thought.

"He disappeared..."

"Besides you and me, there is only one person who can enter the Warehouse... Pierce, maybe he should know something" Fury frowned.

As for little Spider-Man...

Steve didn't dare to speak, he didn't want to experience the consequences of the pregnancy of the 90-year-old lonely and widowed man. To be honest, he directed Luo Bing's coffin burial ceremony, and the scene at that time is still vivid in his mind.

"Goddess of death... Hela... Although I haven't seen her before, ah pain... But my parents agree with this kind of marriage, and they told me specifically" Thor's face was a little pale, and he was constantly sweating dropping.

The child trapped himself into a zongzi and cocooned...

"I didn't think that guy was a good guy for a long time, where is he now? I'll go and bring him back" Luo Bing asked with a frown.

The Avengers confessed in their hearts: "We believed..."

Fury's face darkened instantly.

"no problem"

The only dream related to Earth is a dream about the 'Guardians of Galaxy'.

"So brother-in-law, please help us unravel this shit... The feeling of being pregnant... This is definitely the worst nightmare I've ever experienced." Thor couldn't say what he said.

"Trust me, I've rummaged through S.H.I.E.L.D's Secret Warehouse" Luo Bing frowned.

"Actually, the purpose of this Ability is to let people experience the greatness of maternal love. It is very hard for a mother to conceive for ten months. We must remember the grace of our parents for childbearing," Luo Bing explained.

Although I don't know what the old man Odin thought, Tesseract was originally his thing, and he was looking for it in the cosmic battle, but maybe he had his own considerations.

This pregnancy, he will remember it for the rest of his life.

Luo Bing:""

Thirty minutes passed quickly in Luo Bing's small talk with the other Avengers.

"I'm locked in the Heavenly Prison, brother-in-law, don't you know that, in order to avenge you, I beat him three times a day now, that kid begging for mercy now that he sees me." Thor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his lips were already dry whitened.

"Where's the scepter?" Luo Bing asked.

"I've worked so hard..." Thor rolled on the ground in pain.


If you want to become a strong person, how can you not withstand the assessment of the strong person identification technique?

The last mission report said the reason was complicated!

The captain character in it is comparable to a mortal with the body of a god, which makes him not interested. The only bright spot is that he has half the blood of the earth.

Pregnancy staring is simply not too scary.

Banner could feel it, even if he wanted to transform now, Hulk wouldn't dare to come out.

This pervasive spy is the most feared.

Tony felt that his kidneys had been deficient for 10,000 years.

After repairing Bifrost, Thor kept his word and returned the Tesseract to Earth.

"Let's get down to business. Recently, HYDRA seems to be showing signs of recovery. There are various clues that there may be some problems in S.H.I.E.L.D. I even suspect that there are even members of HYDRA in the parliament." Fury frowned and his face was very ugly .

Nothing worked.

Otherwise, she really can't look directly at the complicated relationship in the future.

"You haven't told me what your sister's name is, why did I become your brother-in-law?" Luo Bing asked with a dark face, angrily.

Recently, possibly because of drifting in the universe, Luo Bing's precognition dreams are all about things that have nothing to do with the earth.

"That thing...isn't in the Warehouse???" Fury scratched his head in confusion.

Just let these guys take it for a while.

"Maybe things are going to get worse..."

Fury wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, he really couldn't imagine the scene of a hundred thousand Giants of Jotunheim getting pregnant together!

"And me," Thor said with a resolute look on his face, swearing to never give up until he was buried!

Maybe Earth in Midgard is a better choice.

"Your family's relationship is really complicated. Where is Loki, is he still alive?" Luo Bing asked aloud.

It's really complicated!

Feelings, you became the hero of Asgard because of this!

"I will contact..."

During the Battle of New York, Thor came to Earth before Bifrost was repaired.

It seems that the poor fainted.

Well... it seems that nothing works.

Rather than being so troublesome...

The power of pregnancy...even Hulk can't stop it!

However, now that superhero is gathered, Luo Bing and surprise are returning at the same time, he does not think that HYDRA will cause any harm to the world, but the internal problems of S.H.I.E.L.D are difficult to deal with.

For Luo Bing, Fury is unconditionally trusted.

"It really is the woman in hell, I knew what Odin was playing at 14." Luo Bing was speechless.

Odin said that there are only two paths of hell and spaceships, and he really believed in him at that time.

Luo Bing disappeared, and after a while, he frowned and returned to the place with the suitcase.

It is hard to imagine what kind of storm the earth will be involved in in the future.

"Boss, don't say anything else, I've remembered this situation. In the afternoon, you will hand over the work of digging your grave to me, and I will do it beautifully." Tony stood up with the little pepper on his face, with a look of resentment on his face .

[Powerhouse Appraisal Technique: Hit by Pregnancy Gaze, Effect: Ten seconds of pregnancy experience + half an hour of childbirth experience, this skill cannot be immune, cannot be resisted, cannot be eliminated, cannot be evaded, and can only be resisted, I wish you good luck !】

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