Just when Yan Xing was about to go to the Whitebeard Pirates, he suddenly found that he didn't know the location of the Whitebeard Pirates.

So at this time, Yan Xing's consciousness swept across the island, and in a blink of an eye, he found a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this moment, Yan Xing's figure came to the front of this member like a ghost.

As Yan Xing appeared, the strong figure's eyes flashed with fear:"Yan Xing!"

In response, Yan Xing said indifferently:"Where is Whitebeard now!"

As Yan Xing spoke, the member's face drooped, and Yan Xing also noticed his thoughts and said indifferently:"Don't worry, I just want to chat with him!"

Then Yan Xing's consciousness directly invaded the figure's mind and directly found the information he needed.

Yan Xing, who left through the shuttle space, stepped out of the figure and disappeared.

At this time, Yan Xing, who was walking in the space, had a solemn look in his eyes.

Staring at the silver void in front of him, he saw that at this time, there were turbulences in the void, and these turbulences were space turbulences!

If it was during the period of complete victory, Yan Xing would certainly not be afraid at all, but now his strength has not recovered yet!

So at this time, it is better to leave.

Just as Yan Xing tore the void, the space turbulence rushed in front of him.

With the erosion of the chaotic power, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Yan Xing's mouth. The chaotic power almost eroded his internal organs.

Yan Xing controlled the power of space and tore a gap in the void stirred by the space turbulence. Yan Xing's figure rushed into it directly.

At this time, on the New World Channel. This place is almost close to the Red Earth Continent. A warship is slowly driving towards the Red Earth Continent!

In the bathroom of the warship's bathroom, a beautiful figure was soaking in the pool.

The long black hair has some classical charm, and on her thigh, there is a black spider pattern!

The woman who was originally enjoying the hot water soak, at this time, her face suddenly changed!

Because she noticed that a black shadow was coming at her at a very fast speed. Before she could react, she saw Taotu being pressed directly under the black shadow, with murderous intent in her eyes. No matter who this person is, he dared to take advantage of her, so she would tear him into pieces!


The calf kicked out, but there was a sound of breaking through the air. I saw Tiaotu kicking at the black shadow.

And this black shadow was Yanxing who encountered the turbulence of space. The moment he noticed the kick from the calf!

Yanxing stretched out his hand and gently grasped the white jade foot!

Yanxing raised his head and looked at the bathroom surrounded by fog in front of him. It seemed that he accidentally fell into someone else's bathroom.

However, the woman in front of him is hot!

At this time, Yanxing looked up at the woman in front of him. The exquisite face jumped into his eyes, and his skin was as white as fat and jade, Willow-leaf-like eyebrows, a straight nose, quite delicate, and red lips as pale as frost and snow, like the most beautiful petals in the world.

And there is a faint fragrance on the body. Taotu stared at the man in front of him. His smooth and white face was cold and handsome with clear edges and corners. Under his sword-like eyebrows, there was a pair of eyes that seemed to contain stars! He had a feeling of indifference to time and everything, but now his face was a little pale, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

Judging from the appearance of his body, he was probably seriously injured, but this appearance seemed to have been seen somewhere before!

Wait......Isn't he the Yanxing who counted the 1.5 billion Baileys of gold, the crazy guy who killed the Tianlong people!

Why did he appear on this warship? Thinking of the spatial ability that this guy possessed in the intelligence.

Could it be that he encountered a strong enemy and used the spatial ability to escape, so he appeared here?

Taotu also knew the strength of this man. If the two generals attacked together, they would only be abused by him. Now that he was injured, it was a great opportunity!

Moreover, he also peeped at her bathing, which was simply a heinous crime. No matter what, he could not let it go.

Yanxing stared at the anger in Taotu's eyes, probably wanting to settle accounts with him for why he appeared in the bathroom.

Although it was not intentional, it didn't matter. After all, no one in this sea could do anything to him!

Yanxing's eyes flashed with helplessness and said,"Do you believe me when I said it was an accident?"

Hearing this, Taotu's eyes were full of murderous intent:"Haha!"

As she looked angry, her chest rose and fell, causing the rabbit in front of her to jump, and her fair face seemed to be a little red because of anger!

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