Originally, Yan Xing's indifferent heart flickered with some fluctuations. He has never been a person who likes to hide. If he is interested, then he is interested!

So, at this time, Yan Xing directly rushed Taotu into his arms, smiled evilly and said:"Although I didn't do anything, you look like you have already determined it. If I don't do something now, it seems that I am at a loss!"

At this time, I saw that the armament color domineering was covered on Tiaotu's arm:"Finger gun!"

The finger that pierced through was flashing with a sharp color, which could definitely penetrate steel!

But Yan Xing casually stretched out his hand to pinch Tiaotu's finger, clamped her, and directly pressed her against the wall.

Seeing this, Taotu bit her red lips with her pearly teeth, and the anger in her eyes had dissipated.

Now Taotu is thinking about how to get out of trouble. She doesn't want to give her first time to such a pirate.

After Yan Xing suppressed Taotu, he sniffed the fragrance echoing in his nose.

After he woke up, he really didn't find a woman. Although the woman in front of him was a good beauty.

But compared with the beauties he had seen, it was still inferior!

But it could arouse his desire. Could it be that he hadn't released it for too long?

Yan Xing felt a little strange, but he didn't take it to heart. Yan Xing's head slowly approached Taotu! Taotu looked at Yan Xing who was getting closer and closer, and his handsome face came into view.

Taotu wanted to struggle, but it was useless. Yan Xing's arm clamped his arm like steel.

Just when the two were close to each other, Yan Xing suddenly stopped and stared at Taotu!

Seeing the panic and reluctance in her eyes, Yan Xing smiled slightly:"Haha! I, Yan Xing, never force others, but it's better for you to wait until one day, you don't have to ask me for help!" In response, Yan Xing released Taotu's clamp

, and at this time, Taotu stepped on the ground with her jade feet ten times and her figure flashed:"Shave!" Taotu appeared in the place where clothes were stored, put on the clothes casually, and drew out the famous sword Jinbi Luo beside her!


With a slight sound, the sharp blade was unsheathed. On the blade, the armed color domineering aura flashed, and the sharp edge flashed. The sword energy broke away from the blade and slashed directly towards Yanxing!


Yan Xing turned around indifferently, and saw the sword light passing by him. The sword light slashed down, directly slashed on the wall, and vented towards the sea!

The sword light swept across the sea for hundreds of meters!

Such a sharp edge can be felt by anyone with slightly stronger strength on the entire navy warship.

The navy soldiers on the side were all confused. Who was practicing sword at this time? There was no enemy!

A short, wretched-looking man at the bow frowned and his face turned pale the moment he sensed the sword light. A look of fear appeared on his face!

This sword light was indeed from Taotu, but how could it be, was it an enemy, was Taotu in trouble?

No, we have to go to support now!

Thinking of this, Chatun quickly went to the position she had sensed just now.

As his figure turned into an afterimage, at this time only sword lights were seen flying towards Yanxing, but Yanxing still moved left and right in this small space lightly!

After dodging these slashes, Yanxing showed indifference in his eyes and said:"Even if I am injured now, you are not my opponent!"

How could Taotu not know what Yanxing said, after all, she could see it from the situation just now.

He could obviously resist, but he chose to dodge, and at the critical moment, it was obvious that he was playing tricks on her.

So at this moment, Taotu bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, staring at the man in front of her. She had never been so angry.

But the man in front of her was not someone she could do anything to. At this moment, Yanxing's figure appeared in front of Taotu in an instant, and her white fingertips lightly touched Taotu's eyebrows!

As Yanxing moved, Taotu's body stiffened in place, although Yanxing had no intention of killing him.

But Taotu knew that as long as Yanxing was willing, this seemingly harmless finger would definitely pierce her head.

Seeing Taotu's nervousness, Yanxing smiled lightly and said,"I'll give you a gift!"

At this moment, a warm current passed through Yanxing's fingers and went to Taotu's body. Wherever this warm current went,

Taotu's body strength increased significantly. And the most amazing thing was that now Taotu could sense the ability he had obtained!

And he was not afraid of the sea water, which was incredible.

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