In an instant, this warship that spanned thousands of kilometers was shrinking in the blink of an eye.

When it was reduced to a few dozen meters, the ship stopped. Pluto was exquisite and small, and every carving revealed its nobility!

Every part of the hull was luxurious, and the manufacturing technology was complicated and exquisite, it was simply ingenious, like the magic of nature.

Originally, Pluto was made from the Adam Treasure Tree, but Yanxing disliked its color for not being bright enough.

So he directly used the means of creation to make it what it is now. It has become extremely delicate, luxurious, and exquisite. It does n't look like a warship that can sail on the sea, but an exquisite decoration.


At the same time, Yanxing looked at the people around him who were watching and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, all the sandstorms began to return to their original places, and in less than a moment, they returned to their original appearance.

If Yanxing, Cobra and the exquisite and luxurious Pluto had not been standing there, everyone present would think that it was just an illusion.

However, at the moment Yanxing disappeared, Yanxing, Cobra and Pluto merged into the void.

A mysterious force began to permeate, and everyone within tens of thousands of kilometers suddenly became fuzzy in consciousness, and the memory of this period of time was directly deleted.

When they woke up, they were doing their own things without noticing at all!

At the same time, Yanxing, who had returned to the palace, looked at Cobra in front of him, and said with a cold expression:"Now I will assign you a task, collect devil fruits!"

Just as Yanxing opened his mouth, Cobra frowned and looked embarrassed.

After all, after the chaos caused by the sand crocodile, the entire Alabasta Kingdom was in ruins.

All the funds were used to repair the country, and there was no money to purchase devil fruits.

After all, each devil fruit is extremely expensive. Even the most rubbish animal-type devil fruit requires 100 million berries. However, the stronger ones are even more expensive, which he can't afford.

Therefore, Cobra's face was quite ugly at this time. But if he can't even complete the characters arranged by Yanxing, how can he become his servant.

So at the moment when he was about to grit his teeth and agree, Yanxing noticed the change in his face and knew his dilemma.


In response, Yan Xing raised a trace of indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth, and in a flash, gold bricks began to fall from the void.

As these gold bricks piled up into a small mountain in front of Cobra, they almost piled up the entire hall to the top.

At this moment, Cobra looked at these gold mountains in front of him with excitement. If these gold mountains were converted, they could be converted into nearly hundreds of billions of Baileys. It is hard to imagine that this was just a casual wave of Yan Xing's hand.

Indeed, such things are the power of the gods, turning stones into gold and creating void things......

These are all easy things for Yanxing.

At this time, Yanxing disappeared with Pluto in a blink of an eye. Indifferent words rang in the hall:"This is the activity fund for you!"

Cobra looked at the place where Yanxing disappeared, his expression was quite helpless, but in a blink of an eye, he was excited.

After all, it is an honor for their family to follow such a master, and the pile of gold in front of them must be handled carefully.

If it is not handled well, it will also cause unrest. Although this is the fund used to purchase devil fruits. It is estimated that a little can be taken out to transform the country.

At the same time, Yanxing, who left Alabasta directly, stood on the sea and placed Pluto on the sea.

Pluto, who was made of blue gems, was floating on the sea without any sinking.

On the deck, a throne gradually rose, and Yanxing sat on the throne.

He casually imported the map of the current Grand Line into Pluto's system, and at this moment, Pluto's ship spirit also appeared in front of Yanxing.

Yan Xing said with a melancholy look:"Let's go to the Sabaody Archipelago!"

At this time, the ship spirit also made a mechanical voice:"Yes, master, let's go to the Sabaody Archipelago!"

In an instant, the entire Pluto was seen at this moment, at an extreme speed on the sea, as if it turned into a blue phantom. It began to run rampant at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.


Although the speed was extremely fast, the hull remained stable without any vibration or noise.

Everything was blocked outside the Pluto hull.

This was also an ability given by Yanxing.

However, after three or four hours, the tall figure of the Alchiman mangrove in front of him appeared in Yanxing's field of vision.

At the moment of arriving at the Sabaody Archipelago, Pluto suddenly stopped.

There was still no movement at such an extreme deceleration, and stairs appeared as the hull was like liquid.

After Yanxing went ashore, Pluto automatically shrank into a small and exquisite appearance, standing on Yanxing's shoulder, like an exquisite decoration!

Just as

Yanxing was walking leisurely towards Xiaqi's bar.

Not far away, Trafalgar Law, who also saw Yanxing's figure, gritted his teeth and finally walked in front of Yanxing.

Trafalgar Law knelt on one knee on the ground and said solemnly:"Hello, Lord Yanxing, I want to join your army!"

Looking at the humble Law in front of him, Yan Xing looked thoughtful. This guy seemed to be Trafalgar Law, who was known as the Surgeon of Death. He should have eaten the Operation Fruit.

The Operation Fruit is a fruit created by the entanglement of time and space abilities. The abilities are extremely complex and changeable.

It also gives the power of destiny. It can be said to be the top devil fruit after multiple laws are intertwined.

This guy is pretty lucky! As for whether to recruit him to join his team, looking at his firm look.

Yan Xing raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said indifferently:"What qualifications do you have to join my team!"

At this time, Luo gritted his teeth and said:"I ate the Operation Fruit. After developing to the limit, it can give people immortality surgery. As long as the adults agree to one condition of mine, I will perform this operation for the adults!"

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