As Trafalgar Law finished speaking, Yan Xing raised his lips to smile sarcastically:"Who do you think I am? I don't need these things at all!"

Yan Xing's words echoed in Trafalgar Law's mind, and at this time Trafalgar Law stared at Yan Xing in disbelief.

After all, no one would not want eternal life and an ageless body.

Isn't this what everyone in the world pursues?

But why is it that when I put the things that the world prays for in front of this man, he is not moved at all, and doesn't even look at it.

Trafalgar Law could also sense that Yan Xing was not lying, and there was no emotional fluctuation in Yan Xing's eyes.

It was as if immortality, to him, was no different from ordinary things, and it was not worth coveting.


However, a chuckle came from the room, and Shanks walked to the front of Yanxing carelessly.

Looking at Trafalgar Law in front of him, he smiled and said,"Aren't these things the most basic? If you want to join my dad, you'd better change your mindset. These things of yours can't impress my dad at all!"

As Shanks' words fell, Trafalgar Law was shocked. Isn't this the most basic?

Could it be that the man in front of him had undergone the immortality surgery? If so, it shouldn't be!

After all, as a user of the surgery fruit, if Yanxing had undergone the final immortality surgery of the surgery fruit, he would not be able to detect it. Could it be that Shanks was lying!

No, it shouldn't be. After all, the legend about Shanks has always been popular on the sea.

He should not be such a person, and neither of them showed any lingering look towards the immortality surgery.

Is it him who has changed, or is it that the sea has become unfamiliar? Such chips are in front of the two of them, Of course, it is of no use at all.

If that is the case, then does he still have to follow the original plan?

But if he follows that plan, he can also find out that now Tenyasha Doflamingo has joined Flame Star's army.

If he wants revenge, he has to fight against Flame Star, and he has absolutely no chance of winning.

After all, he also saw the battle at the top just now. No one dares to provoke such a terrifying force.

So he took another path to make the two of them become enemies. After all, Doflamingo was able to join Flame Star's army. It should be based on some bargaining chip. If he can find out this bargaining chip.

Then perhaps everything will be solved, but this is ultimately useless. The previous option is more straightforward.

After all, facing such a man, even Trafalgar Law does not believe that he can outwit him.

But even the immortality surgery cannot impress this man, so what other chips can impress him.

Thinking of this, Trafalgar Law fell into deep thought, but according to Shanks' words, he started from another aspect.

So what other capital do he have that can make that man value it.

At this moment, Yanxing reached out and touched Trafalgar Law's shoulder.

Yanxing directly extracted the power of the surgery fruit and felt the development of the fruit power by several owners.

Basically, they are all heading towards the immortality surgery. After all, except for the current Trafalgar Law, after the Operation Fruit was revealed to be able to perform the immortality surgery, they have been controlled by the World Government.

When the Operation Fruit is developed to its limit, the fruit user will use the immortality surgery.

So in terms of combat, there is not much previous experience to draw on, but it doesn’t matter to Yanxing.

After all, with the recovery of the power of the Operation Fruit, Yanxing’s grasp of the laws of time, space, life, and destiny is also better at this time.

After all, these laws are also extremely important among the laws mastered by Yanxing.

Yanxing looked at Trafalgar Law in front of him and snapped his fingers and said,"Snap! Operation Fruit? I can do it too!"

In an instant, as the operating space unfolded, Trafalgar Law was seen staring at the situation in front of him with an incredible expression.

Thinking of Yanxing's ability, he did not expect it to be so against the sky, and he could gather the ability of the fruit indefinitely. This ability is really enviable.

But at this moment, Yanxing's actions woke Trafalgar Law up, since Shanks had just reminded him.

In addition, his own abilities are of no use to Yanxing, but the two big men in front of him are willing to talk to him, who is just a supernova.

Then it seems that there is something that they value in him, so at this time Trafalgar Law said solemnly:"I am willing to give my life to you!"

At the moment when Trafalgar Law opened his mouth, Shanks's mouth curled up a little smile. This guy is quite smart, and he can guess the reason with just a little hint.

After all, although Shanks has not spent much time with his father, he does have a little grasp of his father's current character.

He will give opportunities to those he likes, and those he doesn't like, he won't even give them an eye.

Since his father did not kill Trafalgar Law to recover his power, he can be a little bit fond of Trafalgar Law.

At the same time, Yanxing's face also showed an unfathomable look and said:"You want to join my team, and I know the purpose. But I can only say that I will disappoint you. Doflamingo is still useful now!"

As Yanxing's words rang, Trafalgar Law clenched his teeth and clenched his fists with veins popping out.

After all, he joined Yanxing���'s subordinates, just to be able to kill Doflamingo. Ever since that incident happened decades ago, he has secretly vowed that his whole life will exist for the purpose of killing Doflamingo.

However, Trafalgar Law also realized that what Yanxing said was still useful now, so could it be useless in the future.

Thinking of this, he had some hope in his heart, and murderous intent began to surge in his eyes.

However, Yanxing stared at Trafalgar Law and said,"Since you have murderous intentions towards Doflamingo because of Corazon, then what if I revive him?"

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