Looking at the small bag in the grave in front of him, Trafalgar Law's expression was excited, and his arm trembled slightly with Yanxing!


A black shadow broke through the air above the mound of soil and floated in the air. It was a snow-white jar the size of a human head. Inside it was Corazon's ashes.


As Yan Xing finished speaking, the porcelain jar containing the ashes in front of him suddenly shattered.


In the blink of an eye, the ashes in the sky began to outline a human figure.

In this human figure, a mysterious aura emerged faintly. Yanxing looked at Doflamingo beside him and said,"Take a drop of your heart blood!"

At the moment Yanxing's words fell, Doflamingo's expression did become ugly. After all, this was heart blood.

A drop of blood needed to be taken from the heart. In order to resurrect a brother he killed, he had to pay such a price, which made Doflamingo a little minded.

But looking at Yanxing's appearance, if he didn't pay, there would probably be no way.


So at this time, a thread in Doflamingo's hand went straight into the heart.

A drop of scarlet blood fell along the thread on the wound, and the Flame Star pointed out casually. The green light rushed into his chest and directly healed the wound on his chest.

At the same time, the drop of blood gradually turned into blood threads, flying and circling in the sky.

The blood threads and ashes began to blend together, gradually forming a human figure.

Flesh and blood began to grow, bones and muscles were constructed, and finally hair grew, and Corazon's body was created.

Such a miraculous scene shocked Doflamingo and Trafalgar Law.

Both of them looked unimaginable, after all, Corazon in front of them seemed to have jumped out of their memories.

However, although Corazon looked exactly the same without any change, they did not sense any spirituality in Corazon.

It was as if she was just a living body. Trafalgar Law directly held Corazon in his arms.

Looking at Corazon who seemed to be asleep, Trafalgar Law was excited, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot.


But Corazon still didn't seem to wake up, Trafalgar Law quickly turned to Yanxing and asked:"Why hasn't Corazon woken up yet!"

But soon Trafalgar Law realized that the tone of his question was a little wrong, and hurriedly lowered his head to calm down.

Yanxing understood him, so he said calmly:"Although I created its body, the soul has returned to its place. After all, I have not taken back the authority in this area!"

At the moment when Yanxing's words fell, he mentioned the authority of the soul, and he used the word"recycling".

At this moment, Doflamingo seemed to have thought of something, and he stared at Yanxing with an unbelievable look.

After all, before leaving the holy land of Marijoa, he had heard his people say it vaguely.

The devil fruit is part of the ability of that great being. If it weren't for the slumber of that adult, it is estimated that they would not be able to achieve such a status. However, now it is unexpected that this sleeping figure has awakened, which is really unimaginable.

And I am fortunate to be able to work for him under him. Thinking of this, Doflamingo's ambition in his heart kept roaring and surging at this moment.

Looking at Doflamingo's expression, Yanxing knew what he was thinking of, but Yanxing didn't care.

After all, Doflamingo is a smart man. Doflamingo also came back to his senses, and at this time he was a little scared.

Thinking of Yanxing's ability, it is estimated that the power displayed by Yanxing now is not even one ten-thousandth of his.

After all, the legend of Yanxing is circulated among the Tianlong, of course, these are all banned on the surface.

He just heard their secret conversations, and because of his interest, he went to look for information in the family secrets to find out.

But at that time, he just took a look and forgot about it. After all, it was not as new to him as toys.

However, after he lost his identity as a Celestial Dragon and spent so much time on the sea, Doflamingo also knew what kind of turmoil the awakening of Flame Star would cause to the situation.

But Doflamingo licked his lips. Since they did not accept his return, then let him pull them off the throne.

After all, this has been his goal since the humiliation.

Now the shortcut to achieve the goal is right in front of him. If Doflamingo himself cannot grasp it, he will probably regret it for the rest of his life!

After all, Doflamingo also knew that it was impossible to pull the Celestial Dragons off the altar with his strength, but now it has become different because of the appearance of Flame Star.

Moreover, now that he has followed Flame Star, he will once again establish that huge country on Flame Star in the future to suppress it. Everything, he will also be a high-ranking official of the country.

So at this moment, Doflamingo's mood began to change.

However, Doflamingo's change. Yanxing also saw it. But he didn't say anything, after all, he had seen too many people who surrendered to him because of his power.

One more Don Quixote Doflamingo is not much, and one less is not much.

There is no need to care too much, and Yanxing has a general understanding of Doflamingo's character the moment they met!

He has a strong ambition and is unwilling to be inferior to others, but in the face of absolute strength, even if he is unwilling, it is still useless.

At the same time, Trafalgar Law looked thoughtful, staring at Corazon in front of him, although it was just a shell.

But it is estimated that he will be able to come back to life soon, just like getting along with him as before.

Here, Doflamingo also said solemnly:"For the fruit power of the soul, then Charlotte Linlin, who is one of the Four Emperors, is a good choice!"

In response to this, Yan Xing glanced at him, and of course he knew about Doflamingo's plan. Not to mention that Charlotte Linlin almost occupied the dark forces and there was a conflict with Doflamingo's business.

Doflamingo now also wanted to use Yan Xing's hand to get rid of Charlotte Linlin, but such calculations were nothing in Yan Xing's view.

But he still needed to give Doflamingo a warning that he was not someone he could calculate!

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