The moment Doflamingo was touched by Yanxing's cold gaze, his heart froze, knowing that he had violated a taboo!

He quickly lowered his proud head, and a look of humility appeared in his eyes, saying:"It was my subordinate who crossed the line, Your Majesty!"

Yanxing stared at Doflamingo with a cold expression, as if he was looking at an ant, and said:"This is just once, and it will never happen again!"

At the same time, on a sunflower field thousands of meters away from the tomb.

A small figure flashed quickly through the sunflower field, and he was seen staring at Yanxing and others through the gap.

Although he didn't know what tricks Yanxing and others were playing, no matter what it was, as long as it was related to Doflamingo, it needed to be figured out.

Perhaps this could free their people from suffering, and at the same time, he noticed this prying gaze.

Yanxing turned his head, and at this moment, he noticed the strange Doflamingo's observation Haki spreading out.

Noticing the small figure, Doflamingo showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

The moment the smile appeared, the figure knew that Doflamingo had discovered him.

So at this moment, the small figure was ready to run away, but Yanxing stretched out his hand and hooked

""Ahhh! What's going on!"

The figure flew involuntarily into the sky, and in the blink of an eye flew backwards in front of Yanxing.

Looking at the small figure in front of him, the blue clothes on his body, and the little tail at the end.

There was no change at all. His creation, the dwarf people he made for fun. Unexpectedly, these guys still survived, but judging from his situation, their strength is relatively weak.

You must know that the dwarf people he created are not inferior to the giants in strength.

If the giants and the dwarfs fight, it is a sure thing that the dwarfs will rely on speed to crush them.

At this time, Leo, staring at Yanxing's appearance, showed joy in his eyes:"God, you are finally back!"

Yanxing did not feel uncomfortable at all about being called the dwarfs, but Doflamingo beside him looked thoughtful.

After all, in the records of their Don Quixote family, there is such a saying. Originally, there were only humans and beasts in this world.

But ever since the gods felt the monotony of all things, they created many alien races, and the dwarfs were created at that time.

But now that he has joined Yanxing's army, it would not be good to bully the dwarfs created by Yanxing.

After all, there is a sense of incense, and if Yanxing makes a fuss about it, then he will be finished.

And at this moment, the dwarf named Leo said to Yanxing with a serious expression:"God, please have mercy on us dwarfs. Our race has now reached a moment of life and death!"

In this regard, Yanxing knew all these things in an instant. With his spiritual sense covering the fortress made of seastone, he also sensed the fortress made of seastone.

There were countless dwarfs working inside, cultivating artificial devil fruits. At the same time, Yanxing turned his head and stared at Doflamingo expressionlessly.

And Doflamingo was worthy of having been in the sea for so long, and he was very thick-skinned.

With a kind smile on his face, he looked at Leo in front of him and said,"Since these dwarfs were created by Your Majesty, everything is a misunderstanding. I didn't know Your Majesty's identity!"

In this regard, Yanxing took a step forward and changed the world in an instant. Their figures appeared in the fortress where artificial devil fruits were cultivated.


At this time, Yanxing snapped his fingers, and all the dwarfs on the entire island appeared inside the fortress.

At that moment, all the dwarfs looked at Yanxing with shock on their faces, and also looked at Doflamingo who was beside Yanxing.

This was the dwarf chief Gan Qiao and the dwarf princess Mansherry.

At this time, they all looked very surprised and said:"We know that God will not abandon us dwarfs. Since you fell asleep, we dwarfs have been praying. We know that the gods will wake up one day, and we finally waited for you to wake up!"

Yanxing looked at the dwarfs in front of him, and said indifferently:"The dwarfs are my creation, and my purpose is equality of all races. Doflamingo, do you know!"

The moment Yanxing opened his mouth, Doflamingo knew that he could no longer enslave the dwarfs in this way.

Although there was a lack of such cheap labor, as long as they were paid and invited to work, there would be no problem.

Besides, the cultivation of artificial devil fruits was also for the purpose of paying tribute to Yanxing, so there was no need to worry that the dwarfs would not agree.

So Doflamingo hurriedly said:"Of course, it was just a misunderstanding. Now that His Majesty has returned, of course we will act according to His Majesty's will. However, the cultivation of artificial devil fruits still requires the dwarfs!"

In response, Gan Qiao, the chief of the dwarf tribe, said solemnly:"Cultivating the plants needed by the gods is the unshirkable responsibility of our dwarf tribe!"

Hearing this, Yan Xing nodded with satisfaction. After all, the dwarfs are clever and dexterous, and have always been very smart in cultivating plants.

So when the Kingdom of Flame existed, their job was to cultivate medicinal herbs. Now there is not much difference in cultivating artificial devil fruits.

In this regard, Yan Xing had a smile in his eyes:"All the rules will be the same as when the Kingdom of Flame existed. As for the details to be discussed, you can discuss it!"

In response to this, Yanxing took a step forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye. After all, the remaining disputes would be left to them to resolve by themselves.

Yanxing was not suitable to intervene in these things, and Yanxing did not want to intervene.

After all, Yanxing did not want them to live under his protection forever. They always needed to have their own abilities and growth. After all, although Yanxing liked to protect the weak, he did not like to protect those who did not make progress.

At the same time, Doflamingo, Trafalgar Law, the dwarfs and others who were left in place looked at each other.

Although the dwarfs did not like Doflamingo, they quickly put aside their grudges and began to discuss the matters of their cooperation.

After all, this was a concern for their future lives, and it must be coordinated in many aspects, and there must be no carelessness!

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