But now they have no time to think about these things, because with the death of the Golden Lion, the island is falling rapidly, and they will eventually die in the fall of the island.


Staring at the island falling continuously, and finally sinking into the sea, the sea surface was stirred up by a wave of rolling foam.

At this time, Mo Bai's figure suddenly stepped into the void and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

""Whoosh whoosh!"

However, in the first half of the Grand Line, on a deserted island, a figure appeared on the edge of this deserted island accompanied by a rippling breeze.


In an instant, dozens of black shadows appeared, with Sabo, who had golden hair and burned eyes, at the head.

After they came out, they stared closely at the Monchi in front of them.·D·

Dorag said,"This is it, the ruins of the Kingdom of Barus. Maybe there are some hidden things here!"·D·Dorag looked at the collapsed ruins in front of him. From the records, he learned that this might be the strength range of their D clan!

In it, there might also be the secrets of their D clan hidden. After all,·D·Dragon has been in the sea for so long!

How could he not know that the Celestial Dragons and even the World Government are wary of their D Clan? The enemy of God is the Celestial Dragons.

If his ancestors are hiding something, then perhaps their future plans will have different results!

Staring at the cave in front of him, Meng Qi·D·Dorag picked up the map in his hand and led the people around him to the devastated building!

Walking towards the tunnel remembered in the map, turning the dusty bronze lamp on the wall, at the same time, Mengqi Dorag suddenly thought of the words that sounded in the map. He bit his finger directly, and blood dripped on the lamp.

The scarlet lines on the original bronze lamp emerged, and the mysterious brilliance rippled along with these lines.


Above, a swaying scarlet flame burned up, accompanied by a loud sound, and the wall began to collapse instantly.

As the wall opened, a deep and dark tunnel emerged, and the eternal lights on both sides of the tunnel gradually lit up.

An ancient and old atmosphere appeared in front of everyone. Sabo and others looked at the figure of Monkey D. Dragon and looked at each other.

And Monkey D. Dragon stepped into the tunnel:"Let's go!"

After walking in the tunnel for nearly ten minutes, everyone finally arrived at the wide hall.

The whole hall was brightly lit and inlaid with blue bricks. In the center of the hall was a crystal coffin, and on the coffin was a small stone tablet.

Mengqi Ddrager looked at the words on the stone tablet, which were the same as the words on the historical text.

Nowadays, no one can read this kind of words, even their D clan is the same.

However, Mengqi Ddrager looked at the lines on the stone tablet that were similar to those on the bronze lamp, and he looked thoughtful at this time.

Mengqi Ddrager Looking at the crystal coffin, he concluded that it could not be opened, and there was only a faint figure inside.

Mengqi D. Dorag once again smeared the blood dripping from his hand on the stone tablet.

In an instant, the golden lines on the stone tablet flickered, and the light on the entire hall suddenly dimmed.

A silver light emerged, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed dramatically.

The originally wide hall turned into a cloudless sky at this time, and countless residents gathered under the altar.

The altar revealed a panic-stricken majesty, and everyone was kneeling on the ground, or begging loudly in their mouths. I saw a light spot gathered in the void, but at the moment of seeing this light and shadow, Mengqi D. Dorag's pupils shrank, and his expression was incredible.

How could it be him!

However, Sabo, who was on the side, looked at the light and shadow with a puzzled look and said:"Mr. Dorag, this light and shadow has no appearance at all, it's just a blur!"

Hearing this, Monchi D.Drag was surprised. Could it be that he was the only one who could see the human figure of this light and shadow?

At this moment, the king-like figure knelt on the ground, still begging for something.

The light and shadow floated in the sky, looking at the desert-like area in front of it, and a calm and elegant voice sounded:"Yes!"

Although they didn't know what was said, the intention was conveyed to their hearts.

The light and shadow raised his finger lightly, and in an instant, the desert was suddenly occupied by green vegetation.

Lake water emerged, such a god-like sign was simply unimaginable.

In less than a moment, the light and shadow began to disappear, but his eyes were looking at Monchi D.Drag!

At the same time, Monchi D.Drag's words echoed in his mind:"People of later generations!"

How is it possible? Looking at the light and shadow, why is it talking to him?

What's the matter with the same appearance?

At this moment, Yanxing, who was about to step out of the Sabaody Archipelago, suddenly presented a picture in his mind.

It was thousands of years ago, he passed by a desert, and someone begged the gods to bless the world, so a miracle was sent down.

However, at that time he suddenly realized that someone was spying on him, but he could not find out who he was, as if the present did not exist, but the past and the future!

Unexpectedly, the figure was Monkey D. Dragon thousands of years later. Yanxing raised an interesting smile at this.

In front of Monkey D. Dragon, the light and shadow dissipated, and when he came back to his senses, he had an expression of collapsed faith.

He simply couldn't believe it, that The light and shadow was the Flame Star he knew.

It was hard to imagine why a person from thousands of years ago would appear on the sea today. He never believed that all this was a coincidence.

Thinking of the few words he had obtained through various means some time ago, God? He was also the founder of the Kingdom of Flame. If this was true, then perhaps God really woke up.

After all, according to records, the collapse of the huge monster of the Kingdom of Flame was also related to the sleep of God. But they believed that God would wake up again and create a more glorious era than the Kingdom of Flame.

Monchi Ddrague, who organized the revolutionary army, truly hoped that that era would come, all races would coexist without disputes, and everything would be so harmonious.

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