However, before Yanxing left, he recovered all the devil fruit abilities on the island.

After all, after his strength was enhanced, he no longer needed to contact the fruit ability users. He only needed to be within a certain range to recover his own abilities. After visiting this island, it was just a piece of cake for Yanxing, who had the ability to shuttle through space.

There were probably nearly hundreds of fruit ability users on the entire island, most of which were turned into puppets by the childlike fruit ability users.

The rules of these puppets are interesting, and you can try them in the future!

However, Yanxing did not interfere with those puppets. After all, this is a world where the strong prey on the weak.

As for the trouble caused by Doflamingo, Yanxing would not help him solve it. He would let him solve these things by himself.

Yanxing, who was traveling through space, did not know where to go at this time. Feeling a little bored, Yanxing prepared to go to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Thinking of the little guy Zoro he accepted, he still needed his own teaching, although Shanks taught him the basics.

But the road after the foundation only needs to be guided by oneself. After all, even Shanks himself has not really taken that step.

Shanks has not yet entered the sword path. How can he guide others? It is good enough not to mislead the students.

However, at this time, when Yanxing tore his space figure and appeared in the sky.

In front of him, a huge island appeared. Staring at the island in front of him, Yanxing raised his eyebrows:"It's the sky island!"

But looking at the sea water around the sky island, it shouldn't be! Ordinary sky islands should not cause such a scene.

Only the sky fortress that he made can form such a situation because he gave it the power to float.

But the fortress should have fallen long ago. Looking at the island in front of him, Yanxing was very curious.

As the divine sense swept over, he soon detected all the traces from above.

The Golden Lion Floating Fruit ability user, it turned out to be this guy!

In this regard, Yanxing looked bored and didn't intend to pay attention to it. After all, about the Golden Lion, this guy who was imprisoned in the push-up city and finally broke his two legs and escaped.

Now he has lost his ambition, but he can take back his fruit ability.

At this moment, in the base camp where Golden Lion and others were in the fortress, Yan Xing's figure suddenly appeared on the screen. However, Golden Lion looked at Yan Xing's figure standing above the clouds without any means.

Just like its Floating Fruit, but how is it possible, he is the only one with the Floating Fruit.

So what kind of fruit can give him the power of flying?

Golden Lion suddenly thought of something and picked up a wanted poster beside him.

Looking at the wanted poster that has risen to 2 billion Baileys, Golden Lion's eyes at this time have a hint of fanaticism.

I saw the figure of Golden Lion suddenly flew out and appeared in front of Yan Xing.

Yan Xing stared at the Golden Lion in front of him, still looking indifferent.

I saw that the Golden Lion looked at Yan Xing with a hint of arrogance and said,"Welcome to my city in the sky!"

And at the moment when the Golden Lion approached, Yan Xing had already taken back the power of the Floating Fruit.

At this time, Yan Xing looked at the Golden Lion with a sarcastic smile and said,"With this rubbish, you dare to call it the City in the Sky!"

When Yan Xing spoke, the Golden Lion's expression suddenly became gloomy, and there was no more hip-hop on his face:"Do you know who I am?"

Hearing this, Yan Xing said indifferently,"Isn't it just the Golden Lion with two broken legs? How come you have no ambition, so you hide on this island and live comfortably, sitting in the well and watching the sky!"

The moment Yan Xing's words fell, the Golden Lion was also furious, but he soon calmed down:"Junior, do you want to cooperate with me? Let's dominate the sea together and destroy the rule of the world government!"

Yan Xing smiled indifferently on the Golden Lion's face for the words:"Why should I cooperate with you? I can do this by myself. Besides, who is the junior? Your age is not even a fraction of mine!"

At the moment Yan Xing's words fell, the Golden Lion noticed the determination revealed in Yan Xing's words.

Obviously not wanting to cooperate with him, the Golden Lion turned hostile at this time, and saw the long sword under his feet waving:"Lion's Might. Earth Scroll!"

As the sword light fell with the power of the Piao Piao Fruit, at this time, the sea of clouds directly turned into a lion and roared towards Yan Xing!

Yan Xing looked at the Golden Lion in front of him and said with disdain:"You are not qualified to use a sword in front of me!"

In response to Yan Xing's sarcastic words, the murderous intent in the Golden Lion's eyes surged,"Don't think that you can be so arrogant just because you have become the world's number one swordsman. This title is nothing more than that!"

At the moment when the Golden Lion's words fell, a stream of light began to flash in Yan Xing's hand.

This stream of light gathered into a sword shadow, and a long sword appeared in Yan Xing's hand.


Yan Xing's sword fell lightly, and the sharp sword intent was highlighted at that moment, and even made the clouds in the sky dissipate.

The moment the sword light fell, the golden lion's eyes showed an incredible look, and the resolute sword intent made him unable to dodge.

Just when he didn't react, the sword light swept across his body and slashed towards the entire island behind him.


In an instant, the Golden Lion's lips trembled as he wanted to say something, but in the next moment his body suddenly split into two halves.

At the same time, there was also the island that was suspended in the sky because of the Golden Lion's floating ability. The island was directly split into two halves and began to fall rapidly towards the sea.

The people trapped on the island showed surprise in their eyes, and the wings behind them flapped and left here quickly. Although they didn't know what happened, such a change just gave them the convenience of escape.

And the members under the Golden Lion looked at the burning life paper directly. As the life paper burned out, their faces also turned yellow!

The Golden Lion is dead!

At this time, they also thought of the man who appeared on the screen. Unexpectedly, the Golden Lion would fall on that man after a lifetime of success.

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