Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 151: Uninvited Guest (Three K characters)

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"Hey, you guy just drank my wine!" a drunk guest stood up and complained.

The bard was still watching Monica's face, and he didn't even bother to turn his head over: "That's really sorry, why not do this, how about I tell you a little legendary story?"

"Just treat this as making up for your loss."

The guest patted his stomach: "Um... this is pretty much the same."

After a while, several servants put the steaming pie on Corleone's table, which was really full of piles.

The golden pie exuded a strong aroma, and Corleone couldn't wait to taste it.

The fragrance and crisp taste of honey are fully integrated with the taste buds, and finally all melt in the mouth, and then drink a sip of cool ale, this feels really worth it!

"Everyone knows about Emperor Setra, that is the ruler of the land of death, the mortal enemy of all living people."

"But it is said that there is also a powerful undead empire in North Asia. They even settle with ordinary people. Well, of course this is not the point of the story."

Several mercenaries yelled: "What bullshit, I have never heard of it. You should get out of here."

As a resident of Borderless Land, the reputation of the tomb king is naturally known to everyone, it is just that these mercenaries are deliberately making trouble.

Corleone couldn't stand it anymore. Although the half-elf poet looked rather stinky, he had done nothing wrong.

"Hey, just shut up if you don't want to listen!"

Then Corleone threw a silver coin to the poet: "Here, reward you."

"Your Excellency, you are really generous." The half-elf bowed slightly and nodded in thanks.

Those mercenaries also saw Corleone's astonishing fighting power just now, and they could only mumble a few words and then sat back on their seats.

"Then I will continue to tell you the story of this legendary monarch. Setra has countless titles in history, the immortal emperor, the commander of the Golden Legion, the father of the falcon, the champion of the death arena, the emperor of the quicksand desert. , The holder of the scepter, the giant eagle in the sky, the ancient sultan of Atalan, etc."

"He is an extremely cruel monarch, and his desire for all resources is endless. The recent Carlos III has a tendency to move closer to him."

"The most terrifying thing is that he is not like the ancient monarchs in other tombs. His unyielding will makes him never need to enter the sarcophagus to sleep, instead he is always awake, all for conquest and war!"

Corleone was also curious about this description. After all, he didn't know much about the tomb king, and only a few blood gang members had mentioned it before.

As for when he threw this question to the smiling face, he always got a long sigh.

Then there was no reply, and I don't know what connection the smiley guy has with the undead in the land of death.

"The land of death has been shrouded in sandstorms for many years. Under the influence of a certain powerful magical wind, countless skeletons walk in the intermittent time of the sandstorm."

"When night falls, you can still vaguely hear the sound of fighting in the battlefield, as well as the wailing and crying of the dead."

"And the legendary warrior who drives the magical carriage, wears the Neh crown symbolizing the supreme power of the lost dynasty, and holds the blessing sickle, is the bloodthirsty King Setra!"

"The war between him and the Arabi Sultanate has lasted for nearly a hundred years. From the moment he was awakened to today, the war has never ended."

"However, what I want to talk about today is not about war, but about the precious experience of Emperor Setra when he was still a human being."

"That is an unforgettable love story..."

"What! Who wants to listen to the little girls' stories, I want to listen... Uhhhhhhhhhh!"

An apple was thrown into the guest's mouth by the half-elf with precision, which was a perfect plug for his stinky mouth.

"There is a woman from the ancient country of Stander, intelligent, beautiful, versatile, and her smart dance posture is like a fallen goddess."

"At that time, the young King Setra saw this humble dancer at a glance, and married her as his full wife despite the opposition of many ministers. It can be described as a collection of thousands of favors."

"—Ah! That kind of strong emotion fills the void in my heart like I did to Ms. Monica."

Monica smiled awkwardly and politely, her cheeks flushed slightly, not shy, but angry.

At this moment, even the handkerchief she was holding in her hand was almost turning into rags, Monica thought: Would you like to find someone to "dispose" him tonight?

"Unfortunately, not all stories have a happy ending. His lover died after giving birth to his third child. To commemorate this beloved wife, King Setra decided to build a world for his wife. The most beautiful mausoleum!"

"Hiccups." Corleone ate the fourth piece of pie and burped full. The black mamba on the side had just eaten half of it.

At this time, Corleone couldn't help but think: It turns out that King Setra also has a human side. It is enviable to have such love. In other words, why am I still single?

Corleone glanced at the developed muscles on his arms, wondering if the rhythm of his life was too monotonous?

As for the black mamba next to him, he didn't have much feeling. After all, he lost his male "symbol" when he was 12 years old, and he can only have "platonic" love with other women in the future.

The half-elf went on to say: "The king found the most famous architect at the time to build this tomb, and asked the architect: ‘Are you married?’

‘Yes, Your Majesty. ’

'Do you love her? ’

‘Of course, Your Majesty, she is everything to me, I love her more than anything else. ’

‘Very good, then I will put her to death, so that you will know my pain and build the most magnificent tomb for me. ’

‘? ’"

“In this way, the architect’s wife was hanged, and the architect built Ajman’s tomb. Legend has it that this tomb was made of pure white marble and decorated with glass, precious stones and gold. It is the most perfect art treasure. The high elves are amazed!"

"Unfortunately, in the ensuing war and the king's fanatical pursuit of undead spells, this architectural miracle was completely destroyed until..."

"Bang!" A loud noise interrupted the half-elf's statement. The door of the tavern was pushed open heavily, and two wizards walked in with dozens of subordinates.

"Where is she!?" The old mage who took the lead asked anxiously, and he was wearing a gorgeous black robe with gold threads, and a black agate embedded in the eagle-headed staff in his hand.

Dozens of female guards who followed him were armed with scimitars or spears, each of them sturdy, with murderous expressions in their eyes.

Monica was taken aback. The old mage in front of her was so impulsive. Originally, she planned to let someone take the princess out secretly, but she didn't expect them to break in directly like this.

"She's upstairs." Now that it had happened, there was no room for recovery.

Monica intends to take the old mage and others to the second floor.

At this moment Corleone stood up, holding the warhammer in his left hand, and using the other hand as a shield at any time.

"Who are you, what do you want to do?" Corleone arched his back in a fighting posture, thinking in his heart: It seems that a few lives will be harvested tonight.

Black Mamba put away his smile, put down the wine glass, and drew two scimitars.

As for the others, there was no response, and some people wanted to take the opportunity to slip away, it was because they couldn't provoke the noble Master Master.

This is the easiest way to survive, and the fate of annoying mages is often miserable. After all, the forces behind most mages are quite powerful, and they are not accessible to these civilians.

"Go away, humble pariah!" After the old mage said these words, he waved his staff, emitting a gray light from the top of the staff, and directed towards Corleone.

This wizard casts a rare first-order spell [Hypnosis] stored in the staff, which can make enemies within a radius of 20 meters fall into a drowsy state, and of course it has no effect on the undead and construct creatures.

The duration can reach 10 to 40 seconds, the palace mage is naturally rich and the effect is the best 40 seconds, and the drowsy enemy will only be awakened after being Although Hehei Mamba was agile, he was still recruited. The main reason was that the space in the tavern was too narrow, and there were many customers in the way, so he couldn't dodge the attack.

Not only them, but also several nearby guests were recruited, and all of them fell on their stomachs and fell into a short lethargy.

However, Corleone's talent [Iron Will] can greatly improve his resistance to control and bewitching spells, so he is completely immune to this spell.

"Dead!" The heavy warhammer uttered a terrifying whistle, and even the strong head would turn into a muddy puddle under his brute force.

However, another mage also started, and she released a [Debilitating Ray], which can reduce the enemy's strength and speed.

Although Corleone used the table as a shield, this table was not a magical equipment and could not block the penetrating attacks of rays.

So he was recruited, his strength was reduced by 30%, and his speed was 30% slower, but even so, his strength was above those of the royal guards.


The old mage said angrily: "Useless trash!" Then he stepped back and began to chant a spell.

These guards temporarily entangled Corleone's fierce attack, but they could not hold on for long.

Monica stomped her feet with anger: "Stop it! He is not an enemy!"

Her words didn't stop the old mage from casting spells. He learned part of the information from the spies sent by Monica and believed that even the little princess's life-savers must have been conspiring.

The most important thing is that the appearance of the black mamba made him feel a little familiar, and the length is very similar to a wanted criminal in the kingdom.

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