Meiman: The Man Behind The Scenes From The End Of The Summoning

Meiman: The Man Behind The Scenes From The End Of The Summoning


239 Chapters Ongoing Status


Lu Mingxuan travels through Marvel and Awakening the Summoning System of All Realms, which can summon characters and props from all realms by harvesting emotional values.

Tony: "What? I created 'Skynet'!"

Parker: "Emperor Armor, combined!"

Kingpin: "Holy Lord, you don't mean what you say!"

Mephisto: "Aizen, I am the Lord of Hell!"

Captain America holding the divine light stick high: "I protect this world!"

Hawkeye with the stone ghost face: "Human beings have limits!"

Black widow: "Follow my call and come, Saber!"

Bucky: "What? I became a containment object of the Foundation?"

Thanos: "Darkseid?! Is the earth already in such chaos?"

Superman vs Hulk, Thor vs Enel, Nexus vs the Celestials, Saiyans vs Eternals, Unicron vs the Tribunal of Life...


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