My biological black technology

Chapter 431 Time and space breeding (please subscribe, please vote)

After listening to Zhao Ronghao’s story.

Consultant Liu nodded, "Yes, Assistant Zhao explained it in detail. The earth is the breeding ground, humans are the crops, and spirit seeds are the output."

"And what I want to ask is, do you know the very important concepts in the breeding farm?" Before anyone could ask questions, consultant Liu continued, "The most important thing about the breeding farm is that the output must keep up with the demand."

“Is output keeping up with demand?”

Everyone was puzzled and lowered their heads to think.

Wen Ziqiang suddenly clapped his hands and figured out the key to this, "Consultant Liu, are you saying that they use the gap between the time flow rates of different planets to conduct breeding?"

"That's right, if their time flow rate is similar to that of our earth."

"Then, based on the average lifespan in the previous biological era, it would take an average of seventy years to complete the process from birth to death for one generation."

"This process is too long. Even if their life cycle is longer than that of humans, there is a limit after all. A breeding cycle of seventy years is too long."

"In particular, based on what we know from the Martian boxes, their harvesting output typically does not cycle over the life cycle of the crop grown, but rather over the life cycle of a civilization."

"A harvest is a change of life and death for civilization."

"Everyone can imagine how long it takes for a civilization to grow from incubation to strength."

"So, even if they live a long life, they cannot wait for such a long time. For such a long time, there is no breeding at all."

"Like coal resources in the past, for millions of years, the branches, leaves, roots and stems of plants were buried deep underground and were isolated from the air for a long time. They were formed after a series of physical and chemical reactions in a high-temperature and high-pressure environment."

"But with such a resource, will we bury plant roots and generate coal?"

"I don't think most people would do that."

"Millions of years are too long, so long that one wonders whether human civilization still existed at that time."

"Similarly, this reason can also be applied to the Oktup people."

"They harvest according to the cycle of civilization from birth to death, which is too long."

"But once the time rate difference between the space they live in and the farm reaches hundreds of times, it all makes sense."

"A time flow rate of hundreds of times, a hundred thousand years, for them, is only a few hundred years at most. If it is less, it may only be a hundred years or even a few decades."

"Even if they have several farms like this and the harvesting times are staggered, then they will have a steady stream of output!" Wen Ziqiang finished his guesses and reasoning in one breath.

With Wen Ziqiang's explanation of the scene, it became much clearer. After listening to it, the listeners were all shocked.

Consultant Liu nodded aside, "Director Wen is very accurate, and I mean the same."

Consultant Liu's approval made everyone take a deep breath to calm down the uneasiness in their hearts.

"But it's still unbelievable."

"A hundreds of times difference in time velocity, is this really possible with technology?" This kind of information, even if it is logically certain to be true, is too unbelievable.

This completely breaks the previous mass society’s understanding of the world and time and space.

In the previous world, in the eyes of the public, time should be eternal.

How is it possible that the flow of time and space is fast in some places and slow in other places?

It doesn't matter if it's fast or slow, but it's still hundreds of times different.

This is too terrible.

The theory of breeding farms compiled from this gap in space-time flow rates is even more frightening.

It's so ridiculous.

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, I knew that it would be difficult for everyone to accept the news for a while, but as members of the Biological Warfare Laboratory.

Sometimes even if you are faced with a very absurd cognition, even if it is obviously difficult to accept, as long as it is correct, you must face it.

Consultant Liu shook his head, "Although this is indeed a bit unbelievable. The flow rate of time is hundreds of times. If possible, I don't want to believe it. But if they were really extremely brilliant, if they could really span a long distance, from the silver Come from the heart, then it is not surprising at all that they can do what they are doing now."

"Because, even based on the existing space-time theory, we can change the surrounding space-time flow speed to a limited extent."

"We can all do it, so let alone them who were once extremely brilliant. This number of hundreds of times only shows that their ability in this aspect is even more powerful."


The reasoning is very reasonable, and it is not even easy to refute. The existing scientific and technological achievements can change the velocity of space and time. Like the warp engine, it can change the surrounding space and time. However, this change is not as exaggerated as hundreds of times. Moreover, more changes are related to the degree of space curvature.

This piece of intelligence information once again allowed team members to see the vastness of the universe.

The universe is full of endless possibilities.

There was silence in the hall. After all, the more you know and understand about this world, the more you feel your own insignificance and humbleness. When you think you know everything, it proves nothing except that you are complacent.

I used to think that one day in heaven and one year on earth were a myth.

Unexpectedly, now I can actually see it in reality.

Thinking from this, it is not difficult for everyone to imagine whether those myths passed down from distant times actually happened?

Although some of the contents have changed as time passes.

But those important cores have remained unchanged.

Gods come from heaven? One day in heaven, one year on earth? Or is it fairyland or underworld?

One concept after another, the dust buried by history is slowly revealed.

In the silence, Zhao Ronghao once again brought up a topic, which immediately focused everyone's attention again, "Have you ever thought of a particularly bizarre record in the Martian civilization?"

"There were once giants who stood between the sky and the earth, blaming the sky, and finally died on the spot; there were once pillars of heaven collapsed, the heaven and earth were broken, there were people with wings on their backs, people with three heads and six arms, who were stained with blood and died; there were once the atmosphere was broken, the Milky Way poured down, and there were snakes People sacrificed to mend the sky.”

"Our previous opinion was that there was a lot of water in the description here."

"However, now that I think about it, it feels more and more real. I even feel that the words inside may not be able to describe the vastness of the past."

"According to the research report of the Human Genome Research Center, human genes have changed from the era when we have recorded civilization, then to ancient times, modern times, and until the era of modern biology. Judging from the extracted gene fragments, human genetic changes, except There are uncertain changes in a small number of fragments, but overall, they are constantly declining, and gene activity is also constantly decreasing."

"From the data we have obtained from Martian civilization, the gap between Earth humans and Martian humans in terms of gene activity and potential expression is even more obvious."

"So, can we guess that in the distant past, when the Mars breeding farms were first established, the human genes at that time were extremely powerful, and they might even be directly second-order or even higher-level life forms?"

"The Oktup tribe was once extremely glorious, and their breeding farms were also extremely glorious. But now, they have declined, and the breeding farms have also declined due to lack of care?"

Everyone: "..."

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