My biological black technology

Chapter 432 Dilemma (please subscribe, please vote)

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. This was the huge impact brought about by the second piece of information.

Like a butterfly fanning a tornado on the other side of the ocean.

Even laymen are frightened by the information contained in it.

And laymen can be shocked, let alone those experts who have seen the information.

This piece of information not only allowed the core personnel of the entire united combat front to have a deeper and more accurate understanding of some inconspicuous information in the past, but at the same time, it also pushed the plan that everyone had been planning for a long time to a plan they had planned for a long time. The direction you least want to develop.

If the first intelligence came back, it just made everyone think that the Oktup tribe might be very difficult to deal with and very tricky.

So now, the only feeling I feel is deep fear. A civilization that can freely control the flow of time hundreds of times, how terrifying it would be. Even now, after two rounds of direct confrontation, I still feel that the other party is like the sea. Bottomless.

Biological Warfare Laboratory.

It was eerily quiet in the laboratory.

Intelligence analysis has been done, but what kind of response should be given to this intelligence information? This is the problem today.

This is where everyone is confused.

"Now let me review the current situation again. Judging from the current trading situation, even if the target has been repeatedly made things difficult by us, although we have given verbal warnings, judging from the final result, the target still chooses to continue trading."

"Moreover, in addition, the target has also specially compiled the transaction content. The transaction content is full of inducements, threats and other information that promotes us to continue the transaction."

"According to the content of our original trading plan. When encountering such a situation, we must terminate the transaction as soon as possible and continue."

"Because, although we cannot directly measure the value of spirit children, we have judged from repeated temptations and their reactions that the value of spirit children is much higher than we imagined."

"Under this situation, once more souls are exposed and continue to be traded, we may face more than just the Octopus enemy."

"But now the problem is coming. From the intelligence information we have obtained now, although we know that the other party is using the information to induce us to continue the transaction, on the one hand to obtain more souls, on the other hand, it is also testing how much value we have. "

"However, the information we received is very critical, and our need for further information is even more urgent." Wen Ziqiang said with a frown.

"So, we need to re-weigh whether to terminate the transaction immediately or continue to take risks and advance the plan in the direction we least want to advance."

"Everyone please express your opinion."

Wen Ziqiang said slowly.

The subsequent plans themselves all have plans. The difficulty is not in formulating the plan itself, but in making the choice.

To continue trading or not to continue trading, that is the question.

Such a decision cannot be made by one person or a few people in a short time.

Decisions made at this critical moment will have a far-reaching impact on the future, and the greatest significance of their work is to sort out the pros and cons as completely as possible and present them to the decision-makers.

While discussions in various laboratories have reached an impasse, new progress has been made at the captive memory extraction site far away on Venus.

The progress on the big screen is constantly updated, and the originally mottled light spots are now densely connected, covering the entire brain.

"The memory reading device is ready!"

"The signal nerve link self-test is completed and the new link is connected!"

Cheng Xiang remained calm and immediately ordered, "Start signal reading!"

"Command received, start signal reading!"

"Signal reading is in progress, memory protein analysis is starting, and the code is being matched and analyzed!"

"Encoding pattern matching!"

"Match completed!"

"Exporting memory module!"

"Associating memory fragments and sorting them out!"

The simple text on the big screen looks like just a few phrases, but everyone knows that behind this simplicity, there is a lot of difficult technical work.

In addition, everyone can see a rough overall progress schedule.

But everyone soon discovered the clues.

The progress is not as fast as expected.

Exporting memory is not that easy to do.

The computing power of the Venus supercomputing core is naturally sufficient to support the current work, encoding, and translation. However, exporting memories not only requires ultra-high computing power, but also must consider the load that the memory owner can bear.

Everyone could clearly see that when the memory began to be exported, the originally peaceful expression of the captive in the container began to become ferocious.

The originally relaxed muscles and body also began to have obvious muscle stiffness reactions. To put it nicely, it was stiffness, and to put it worse, it was twitching.

Everyone looked worried, "Can it bear it?"

"It should be possible. Chief Cheng said that he won't become an idiot."

"Even if the current methods are unsuccessful, we can still obtain information through interrogation."

"It must succeed!"

Regarding all this, Cheng Xiang has long been confident. While obtaining the target's physiological information through the smart terminal, he adjusts the parameters according to the matching, and releases the corresponding biological agents to improve and stabilize the target's tolerance.

The effect is gratifying, visible to the naked eye, and the struggle of the captive in the container during the memory reading process is smoothed out.

As for the physical reaction of struggling that still existed, it would be fine as long as it didn't burn the brain too much. As for the pain, Cheng Xiang had no intention of leaving it to a potential enemy.

Time passed slowly.

After about ten minutes, the memory export process was nearing completion.

Everyone looked at the number that was approaching the end, and all gasped in surprise, about to come out.


There was a crisp sound, and the memory export translation was successful.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Cheng Xiang in perfect agreement.

Cheng Xiang nodded slightly, "Okay."

"Translation has ended, and at the same time, the memory export device performed a full scan of the target's memory protein."

"The scanned maps have also been stored. Even if there are errors in the memory model, we can improve the reading accuracy by repeatedly modifying the algorithm."

"Next, let's take a look at the translation effect."

"How about starting with the most recent memory of the target?"

No one objected to Cheng Xiang's proposal.

Everyone is also very interested in the target's most recent memory.

The big screen changed for a while, and suddenly, a somewhat blurry image was slowly displayed.

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