My biological black technology

Chapter 585 Domiret (please subscribe)

It was quiet on the way to escape, and the rapidly receding stars outside the portholes were still so bright, but no one had the heart to appreciate such a grand scene. Even though everyone was a Chinese elite, and they were all full of confidence in China's future, but in the face of such a failure , all have to be full of confusion about the current future.

After all, that is the core strength of all fourth-level civilizations in the entire Cantilever. I was confident that I could directly compete with the Galactic Center Civilization that came to Cantilever this time, but who would have thought.

Who would have thought that at the moment they thought they were about to succeed in cooperating with the plan of the top brass of the Galactic Center.

Not long after I was excited, I was knocked directly from the cloud into the abyss.

The enemy troops that suddenly arrived hit everyone and they still didn't react.

For this sudden enemy, the battlefield analysts and staff at the top and bottom of the fleet just felt that it was very unreasonable.

Although they were not able to personally witness the specific information of those battleships on the front line, both the timing and the way they appeared felt very inconsistent.

The return journey was fairly uneventful.

Everyone finally had time and the objective conditions allowed them to review the previous battle situation.

Time flies and the review is over.

Everyone in the command center pondered, and the deep silence was filled with depression.

"How are you doing? Any new discoveries?" Fang Shaowu took the lead.

"I still feel that the last fleet appeared too suddenly." Chai Chengzhi said.

"Suddenness is definitely sudden. It was able to deceive the whole high-level of the Cantilever Human Cantilever and formulate a decoy plan, but it was used by the enemy instead. The entire core force was annihilated in this battle."

"It's so tragic." Zhou Bo felt sad.

"So the problem is that after 400,000 years of intelligence deployment, penetration work, and comparison of multiple sources, mistakes can still be made."

"Especially Commander Karidihan's final reaction, have you noticed the panic and determination of the target? They believed that the other party did not have this level of power." Chai Chengzhi hit the key point, which is also the focus of everyone's attention. .

For this reason, everyone once again played back the last communication of Commander Han of Caredi.

The panic on his face, the irrepressible disbelief and despair.

The situation was urgent at the time and there was no time to think too much. But at this time, the more I looked at it, the more I felt that the problem was very big.

"So, Chengzhi, what you are saying is that this guy who suddenly intervened on the battlefield is not the force that invaded the cantilever as the Human Alliance's top intelligence has always believed?" Fang Shaowu's expression was solemn.

"It's very likely that it is. Although we have not directly observed the specific information of that fleet, we can deduce from the information we have obtained so far that it is very likely that it is."

"Moreover, our staff analysts captured this on the way to escape."

"Everyone, pay attention."

One wave after another, Chai Chengzhi intends to continue to die without making any surprises.

On the public big screen, another carefully captured content was played.

At this sight, everyone was extremely surprised.

Although the captured picture is just a glimpse, it makes people have more thoughts in their minds.

Two red signals, one large and one small, arrived one after another. However, immediately after, the red signal with a smaller signal strength suddenly disappeared. This disappearance was not a disappearance of a jumping nature, but was eliminated.


"The enemies are fighting among themselves?"

This was everyone's first reaction.

However, everyone came back to their senses immediately, because Chai Chengzhi had just made a special point of view, and everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn, "In other words, these two groups of enemies are really not the same?"

"If that's the case, the situation is more complicated."

"If this is really the case, the failure of the human high-level alliance in this decisive battle will make sense."

"It can be seen from Caridi's reaction that they are completely ignorant of the intervention of this force. They have been planning for 400,000 years, but in the end it was all in vain." Fang Shaowu was extremely sad, and the look on his face was also More and more dignified.

"And a plan that can successfully deceive the entire 400,000-year layout, especially a civilization that has the opportunity to cantilever and conduct experiments at the end of civilization, has a very high threshold."

What Fang Shaowu said made everyone even more nervous. Anyone with a brain would understand what Fang Shaowu meant.

If Chai Chengzhi analyzes the past, then Fang Shaowu focuses on the future they are about to face.

The past is gone, the present and the future are the most important.

"It only shows that the civilization that finally intervened on the battlefield is a more advanced civilization than the civilization that the high-level alliance of mankind has determined to conduct the ultimate civilization experiment."

"The top among the top galactic civilizations!" Zhou Bo said, his heart trembling.

He is not afraid, he is worried about the future of China and mankind.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel deeply worried.

It would be fine if the opponent was just superior in skills and secretly ambushed a team to let the high-level human alliance fall into the trap. Because of this result, the enemy is still the civilization they once imagined, a civilization they understand very well. However, due to some omissions, Not fully understood.

All in all, it is still a familiar enemy after all.

And if it is a brand new enemy, and a civilization that is far more advanced than the civilization they have detected.

Well, that's troublesome.

An enemy who is familiar with you but is extremely unfamiliar to you, especially a civilization that is far stronger than you, the pressure is terrifying.

The command room was extremely dull. After several discussions, everyone had almost confirmed this result, because apart from this explanation, no other more suitable reason could be found.

And at this moment.

Suddenly, after another jump, they found a new signal point not far away, and, miraculously, the friendly or enemy signal recognition was still green.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up.

Especially when the richer signal detection results came out, everyone discovered that the battleship they encountered unexpectedly turned out to be their old friend, the battleship Caridi.

This Kairedi battleship looks very embarrassed. In terms of scale, it seems to be only part of the ring-shaped combination battleship. It is estimated that other parts have been completely destroyed. It is currently sailing at warp speed.

However, everyone was even more happy to encounter this battleship. It was also a blessing to meet fellow travelers on the way to escape, especially since they urgently needed to further enrich their battlefield intelligence.

Otherwise, although their conclusions are very close to reality, they ultimately lack too much concrete evidence.

After some time, communication was finally successfully established.

As soon as the communication was connected, when a familiar face appeared on the big screen, everyone couldn't help but feel confused.

How could it be him?

The person who appeared on the big screen was none other than Commander Han of Kairedi, whom they were very familiar with. At this time, Commander Han was tired and hesitant. The flames in his eyes were dim and sparse, and he looked very lackluster. The back also looked a little rickety at this time.

It's all over.

All is lost.

When the communication was connected and he saw a circle of old acquaintances on the other side, he didn't react at first.

After all, the size of the Chinese battleships has dropped too much, because there is no time to find a place to replenish supplies. Now they rely on the battleships to self-digest to provide energy and supplies for continuous space jumps.

Therefore, the current battleship level has been reduced to barely A level.

"Why is it you, Commander Fang, is it really you?" At this moment, Commander Han really showed his true feelings, and the flames in the corners of his eyes shook rapidly, fully showing his uneasy mood.

"It's us, it's really us. We didn't expect that we would meet Commander Han here." Fang Shaowu took a deep breath and said.

After the greetings, there was a long silence.

Without him, because they were defeated so miserably. Fang Shaowu did not take the initiative to intervene. He knew that Commander Han needed time to digest the sudden encounter.

After a long time, Commander Han began to speak again, "We failed completely."

"The main force of our Caredi army was completely wiped out, and the fleets of other high-level human alliance officials probably will not end well either."

"The battlefield collapsed in an instant, and the main force fled in all directions. We also retreated immediately. However, before we retreated, we saw something that was difficult for us to understand."

Fang Shaowu suddenly thought in his mind, it's incredible, what kind of thing can make this commander say it's incredible.

Chai Chengzhi also suddenly understood something.

"You all take a look." Commander Han still looked very tired, but he directly passed on what China needed to know most.

The battlefield, this is the subsequent battlefield after they jumped away.

The invisible attack had spanned the entire main fleet, and countless battleships either escaped or were directly destroyed.

Seeing that the main fleet had completely collapsed, the attack still did not stop.

It can be clearly seen from the battlefield radar,

The invisible attack did not stop, and spread at an even faster speed. The battleships of the previous galactic civilization were also destroyed by this completely unreasonable attack.

The next moment, the video ends.

Apparently, by that time, they had jumped into retreat.

Fang Shaowu and others looked at each other and saw an unprecedented solemnity. Their guess was not wrong. Not only was it wrong, but it really couldn't be true anymore.

"You can see it, Commander Fang." Commander Caridihan said.

Fang Shaowu nodded, "The one who finally intervened on the battlefield was another force, and it was a civilization that was far stronger than our estimated target on the battlefield."

Commander Han didn't have much emotion after hearing this. Obviously, on the way to escape, he had already figured out the outcome.

After Fang Shaowu finished speaking, Commander Han nodded, "I think at this time, Commander Fang has a lot of questions, and I can't answer many of them. However, there are some contents that I can discuss with Huaxia To inform you that we have failed, I can also share more with you some of the confidential content of the decisive battle."

"According to the intelligence we have obtained, the target of our battle this time is the Knight civilization. The Knight civilization is among the top ten civilizations in the entire galaxy."

"Their history is too long to be measured, and therefore they inevitably fall into the final moments of civilization."

"Based on our intelligence verification and the final content of the Galactic Core Council, it is determined that the Knight civilization has obtained the final authority for this cantilever civilization's final experiment."

"In fact, the decoy plan implemented by the human high-level officials without telling us should be said to be successful."

"But who would have thought..."

At this point, Commander Han of Caredi looked like he was smiling miserably.

Who could have thought of anything?

There seems to be no need to answer this. Who would have thought that when they were extremely close to the final victory, they would be plunged into the abyss of despair again.

That kind of power that sweeps through everything is completely unmatched.

If all the forces of the Human Alliance were swept away so easily, then you can imagine how desperate the Human Alliance, which has lost its core strength, will be when it continues to face this force.

Darkest hour.

At least for a long period of time, there is no glimmer of hope and no prospects at all.

Fang Shaowu understood Commander Han's excitement for no reason, because they were also part of the Human Alliance, and what they were about to face would be the same bleak future.

Everything is empathetic.

However, when Caridihan directed him to speak again, he was immediately shocked.

"But who would have thought that it would be them who intervened in the battlefield in the end!" Commander Caridihan's tone sounded very miserable.

However, the tone of voice was one thing. What Fang Shaowu and the others were more concerned about was that Commander Han seemed to have recognized the identity of the enemy who finally intervened on the battlefield.

And it can be seen that Caridi is full of despair for this enemy.

The enemy seems to be very impressive.

Chai Chengzhi and others came to such a conclusion almost subconsciously.

"Who is it?" Fang Shaowu asked calmly, taking a deep breath.

"On the way to escape, we had the closest contact with them."

"They are now the supreme masters of the galaxy, Domilet, Domilet!" While saying this name, Commander Han finally couldn't suppress his emotions.

"The Domilet Civilization has an even longer history and is recognized by the entire galaxy as the supreme pinnacle of civilization."

"We have evaluated the strength of the galactic civilization. Our intelligence agency has been able to contact very few of the Domiret civilization. However, we can determine from just that part of the contact that Domiret is truly about to break through to level five. The pinnacle of civilization!"

"It is the top civilization closest to the fifth-level civilization among the many civilizations in the entire galaxy."

"No one from second to tenth place in the top ten in the entire galaxy, combined, can be his opponent."

"This is how scary Domilet is!"

"However, Domiret has now intervened in the cantilever battlefield, and the result is needless to say."

"We, this time, may really be doomed!"

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