My biological black technology

Chapter 586 Terrifying Guess (Please subscribe)

The communication with Commander-in-Chief Han of Kairedi ended quickly. As a representative of China, he learned that the supplies of Kairedi's civilization were in a dilemma, so Fang Shaowu generously replenished all the supplies of the other party.

The opponent's single battleship, even if our own flagship is barely A-level, is still much more abundant than them in terms of supplies.

Amid Commander Han's constant thanks, Fang Shaowu waved goodbye, and then the flagship launched another space jump and left.

Time no longer allowed them to delay any longer.

Everyone's expressions were extremely serious.

"Domeret, Master of the Galaxy."

Just eight words, but it seems to carry a heavy weight, directly oppressing everyone's hearts.

If the enemy is just the top civilization in the galaxy, then they still have a chance to fight. However, the enemy is this civilization that has dominated the galaxy for countless years, and they only have endless heaviness in their hearts.

"Domeret, Master of the Galaxy."

Do they really have hope?

"Hahaha..." Fang Shaowu was indescribably calm at this time, and at the same time he didn't know what to do. What should I say about the war that blocked everything before? What else could he say besides saying it was bad luck?

Everything is under the layout of the galaxy master.

Zhou Bo had also calmed down at this time and kept shaking his head, "How do you say this?"

"Facing the Galactic Overlord, the Cantilever Human Alliance is still too naive."

"No one could have imagined that the civilization that dominates the Milky Way would reach its end at this time," Chai Chengzhi said in a low voice.

"It can only be said that the levels are too far apart, and those who dare to pry into the dominating civilization have long since ceased to exist. The domination of the galaxy is a huge message to both the cantilever humans and the top civilizations in the galactic center. Black hole." Regarding this civilization that dominates the Milky Way, China has only heard about it from legends. It seems that its existence was before the emergence of the human race.

You can imagine what a long time it was.

"So, everything makes sense. The high-level human alliance is carrying out a decoy plan under the nose of the galaxy master. It is estimated that the master civilization is eager to gather the effective forces of the human alliance and annihilate them."

"So I took advantage of the situation and gave this opportunity to the so-called Knight civilization."

"And they are secretly preparing to accumulate strength."

"Perhaps the Knight civilization fell directly into the trap, and there may be some means to dominate the civilization." Chai Chengzhi analyzed that a seemingly simple bait plan must be the result of countless power games.

Their human alliance used their own reserves as bait, while the other side used top-level civilization as bait.

"That's right, there aren't that many coincidences in the world."

"If I want to confirm a possibility, then I am also inclined to believe that this battle was completely arranged by the Lord of the Galaxy Domilet."

"And we need to grasp the high-level trends of our human civilization so accurately." When Fang Shaowu said this, his words suddenly stopped.

Several people also looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the complexity of the matter was even more serious.

There is no need to say the answer, everyone understands it tacitly.

"The high-level human alliance is really like a sieve."

"But this is not unusual. The plan of 400,000 years does seem to be very long. But the master of the galaxy is the top civilization that has dominated the galaxy for countless tens of thousands of years."

"Faced with the civilizational limit that all civilizations must go through, do you think he won't make plans in advance?"

"Perhaps he may have more than one insider or spy in the high-level human alliance."

"Even the information that the high-level human alliance thinks it has discovered from the civilization on the edge of the galaxy may not be under the arrangement of the master of the galaxy."

"It is easy for it to do all this. Moreover, as the top civilization in the galaxy, laying out this level of information network is also inevitable for them to maintain their own needs. And now, in order to efficiently launch their The experimental plan can concentrate all the power of the human alliance and annihilate it. This is in their greatest interest."

"After all, the cantilever is so big. If we don't fight them head-on and continue to harass them, this will be the biggest threat to their cantilever experiments."

All the questions have been answered before and after.

Everyone was helpless and felt extremely ridiculous.

It's like a giant squatting in the grass watching two dwarfs fighting. After both parties arrived, the giant captured them all.

The high-level alliance of the human race is the dwarves, and Domiret is the giant.

The Galactic Overlord descends on the cantilever.

"Assuming this, the time left for us is getting less and less. Once they completely wipe out the fleeing human main fleet, the next step is to eliminate all the high-level forces of the Human Alliance."

"For us, the specific location of the fourth-level civilization is a mystery."

"But for them, this location information is likely to be directly transparent!" Chai Chengzhi nervously speculated.

The opponents are different, and what they face is a completely different ending.

This news is far heavier than before, and the threat is not the same, so the battleship must move faster.

The time left for them is getting less and less.

Swish, brush, brush...

Hurry no matter the cost.

Even if all the crew members vomited during the jump, or even if their bodies experienced a strong stress reaction, the battleship would still not stop for a moment. It was really unable to persist, so it directly put on the life-support tank, and then continued to jump resolutely.

Rushing furiously, the size of the battleship continued to shrink.

Time passed quickly, and the battleships were barely able to reach A-level, but now, they have been reduced to less than A-level, and then quickly dropped to only the size of the earth.

From a distance, it looks like a burning planet, flashing rapidly in the boundless darkness.

In the blink of an eye, several more galactic standard days have passed.

There are few people in the battleship who can live safely in the battleship.

In order to pass the information back as soon as possible.

They've tried their best.

Battleships already rely entirely on autopilot mode.

On June 1, 2068, the solar system and hundreds of surrounding galaxies were officially renamed the Chinese Star Territory. The areas radiated by the Chinese Star Territory were all China's sphere of influence.

Just six months have passed, and the development momentum of the Chinese Star Territory is still unstoppable.

Nowadays, within the Chinese Star Territory, there are space gates connecting planets in series, and shuttle buses between planetary systems are also very convenient.

Moreover, the efficiency of space jumps today is higher and faster than in the past. Not to mention the recently built permanent fast jump channel.

These waterways divide the entire Chinese star field through three ring lines. At the same time, there are also lines radiating from the center of the solar system to the edges in a cross and interspersed with the three ring lines.

If the common road between planetary systems is a provincial road, then the newly opened permanent fast jump channel is the interstellar highway in the space age.

The further development of transportation means that China's development has once again reached a new high.

But at this time, all the high-level departments in China were extremely nervous about one thing.

Just a few hours ago, the flagship that went out with the Caredi fleet half a year ago came back, and then came back in a way that no one wanted to see.

Twelve warships left in high spirits, but only one was seen when they returned, and it was a warship riddled with holes.

You can imagine what happened, and you can also imagine what might have happened to the other warships that did not return.

Heavy casualties...

If the signal identification codes hadn't matched, they would hardly have believed that this was the majestic 5A-level flagship that set off half a year ago. It was a behemoth that was twice the size of Jupiter.

Now, it has turned into this miserable appearance.

Therefore, everyone was shocked when the battleship just returned. Especially, the task of this fleet was not a simple task, but to follow the Caredi battleship to the main battlefield of this cantilever battlefield.

Even the 5A-class battleships are like this. So, it can be imagined that there must be a big problem on this cantilever battlefield, and it is a very serious problem.

When the battleship was picked up, it was found that everyone on the battleship was immersed in the life-sustaining cabin. Especially when the battleship log was reviewed, it was found that the battleship was returning home at all costs.

Everyone understood that the situation had become more serious.

On ordinary days, Cheng Xiang rarely participates in non-scientific research meetings like this. However, this meeting is too important, and Cheng Xiang's long-lost figure also appears here.

In just a few minutes, everyone had gathered in the hyperspace star network channel.

The first thing displayed on the big screen was the flagship that had fled all the way back by autonomous driving.

Everyone looked serious.

Not only was the miserable appearance of the flagship, but what was even more frightening was the battleship log that the flagship desperately jumped back to.

It didn't take long for everyone to see the message that Fang Shaowu and other commanders left behind before they fell into coma.

With Fang Shaowu's slow description and the video signals interspersed from time to time.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room became increasingly heavy.

From being aware of the decoy plan, to cooperating with the plan, and then successfully hooking the subsequent target, they fought fiercely for five galactic standard days, persisting until the main force arrived, and victory was in sight.

The feast of celebration should have been about to begin, but at this last moment, uninvited guests arrived, and the battle collapsed like an avalanche. The speed at which they were wiped out was frightening.

Zhiwei saw it, and then he fled for his life.

After ten full galactic standard days of escaping, not only did the battleship itself reach its limit, but the entire crew also reached their physical and mental limits.

However, this is nothing.

Everyone also had a trace of doubt.

Who is the last uninvited guest and why such a major change happened?

The high-level alliance of the human race is definitely not stupid, but they made such a huge mistake on such a major matter, and the consequence of this mistake was the ruin of the entire main fleet.

When it was learned that the last person to intervene in the battlefield was the Domilet civilization, the legendary master of the galaxy.

Everyone in the venue fell silent, and you could hear everyone's heavy breathing.

It may be very difficult to face a fourth-level civilization, but it will still be able to fight after all. And facing a top-level civilization with a history longer than the birth of the human race as a whole, a fourth-level civilization that is at the fifth level of the fourth-level civilization, even infinitely close to the fifth level.

Everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

At this time, everyone finally understood why Fang Shaowu and others were desperate to bring the information back as soon as possible.

The enemy is really too difficult and too powerful.

The host of the meeting quickly explained the current situation. At the end, the camera returned to a special ward, which was densely packed with human life-support devices.

"Here are the rescue and life-sustaining devices for all the commanders and combat personnel of the flagship."

"Because they jump too frequently, which greatly exceeds the limit of what the body can bear,"

"Even the latest generation of life repair devices still require a lot of time to recover. Moreover, physical trauma is easy to recover from. The most serious thing is the damage to the brain caused by overclocking. This may leave serious sequelae. .”

"This is the general situation for all wounded warriors."

"After our repeated identification, we found that a total of 2,122 comrades sacrificed their lives heroically during the final jump."

"The entire battleship, a total of 3,244 people died before and after."

"The remaining warships in the fleet have not returned, and they may all be killed unfortunately..."

The flagship had more than 20,000 people, and 3,244 people were sacrificed. However, of the 240,000-strong elite expedition fleet, in such a battlefield, I am afraid that only these people can come back now.

I have to say, this is a very tragic result.

"They are all our heroes in China."

"We made judgments about this battle long before we set off."

"If you win, it will be arduous, but if you fail, it will be death."

"However, all the soldiers who went on the expedition chose to go on the expedition without any hesitation!"


"Because they know that if no one chooses to go out, then it's okay if the battle succeeds. If unfortunately the battle fails, then China will definitely not be able to know the true result of the battle at the first time."

"So, they went to war. They went to war without hesitation!"

"Two hundred and forty thousand soldiers went into battle, and two hundred and twenty thousand soldiers died in the star sea. This should be the most painful price we have suffered since we entered the interstellar era."

"But now, we have to face the fact."

"Now, there is no time for us to go to the stars to collect the relics of our fallen soldiers. We must act immediately for the cruel situation we will face next."

"Our thoughts are consistent with Commander-in-Chief Fang's speculation on the enemy's next action plan. The enemy's first step strategy has been achieved. Then, the next step, the second step, must focus on clearing out those of us who have reached the fourth level civilization and the human alliance. strength!"

The vacation is over in two days. I wish you all a happy return trip.


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