My biological black technology

Chapter 666 The ultimate weapon in the interstellar era (please subscribe)

Liu Zhengfeng's words made everyone yearn for it.

From the beginning of its rise to the present, China has been experiencing war. More than thirty years of war have left people physically and mentally exhausted.

China does not want war, but the world has no choice.

In order to survive and for the survival of civilization, we must bravely take up arms and resist vigorously.

But now, we finally see the dawn of victory.

How could you not be happy?

After the ultimate plan was revealed, Cheng Xiang immediately took out a top-secret combat plan and handed it to Fang Shaowu and others.

Everyone immediately made final arrangements based on this plan.

The final moment has arrived.

Time passed slowly.

Tyranid Battleship Command Center.

At this time, the encirclement and suppression fleets with the Tyran fleet as the core have continued to shrink to a considerable range.

The innermost encirclement has reached the critical zone of space-time anomaly.

The abnormal zone cannot continue to jump in time and space. Such an abnormal phenomenon immediately attracted the great attention of the Tyron Command Center.

The command center is continuing to collect information on space-time anomalies.

"Based on the information collected so far, the entire space-time anomaly area should be distributed in a spherical range."

"According to our guess, if we continue inward, there must be a very strong gravitational source generator on the Chinese side."

"According to incremental measurements and calculations, this gravitational source seems to be continuously increasing."

Commander Tyron was silent after hearing this, his blue face showing no expression.

"Gravity source generator?"

"What exactly could it be?"

"Any reliable opinions?"

"Commander, according to our speculation, China must have obtained some advanced civilization relics." Chief of Staff Tyron replied.

"Legacy of advanced civilization?" Commander Tyran thought carefully.

"That's right, this civilization called Huaxia, according to our latest in-depth information, has entered the fourth-level civilization from the home star civilization to the present, in a total of not more than forty years!" The disclosure of this information by Chief of Staff Tyron immediately made people angry. The entire command center was in commotion.


"No more than forty years!"

"From a civilization in the home star era, we directly entered a fourth-level civilization!"

"How can this be!"

"This is impossible!"

"We, Domeret, can't re-parasitize a new civilization so quickly!"

Everyone in the command center was horrified.

"It's very incredible, so we guessed that this civilization must have obtained the legacy of a very high-level ancient civilization."

"And the level of this legacy civilization may be very high." Tyron's general staff said without surprising, and once again exposed a shocking conclusion.

"How high." Commander Tyron took a deep breath. They had failed again and again against the Chinese civilization. He believed the analysis made by the general staff.

With such an astonishingly rapid development of civilization, if anyone told him that there was no involvement of external forces, he would not believe it to death.

Therefore, he is very concerned about the level of this ancient civilization. This gives him one more reason to eliminate the Chinese civilization.

"At least level five, or even higher..." Tyron's general staff said uncertainly.

"At least level five, or even higher..." Commander Tyron took a deep breath.

"Such ancient relics should belong to our Tyran civilization!"

"Take it!"

"We can't waste it on them!"

"Maybe there are secrets in it that transcend the limits of civilization!"

"With a normal development trajectory, which civilization can develop to a fifth-level civilization without transcending the limits of civilization?" Commander Tyron ordered.

"Yes, it must be taken away."

"This kind of thing must belong to us!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"First dispatch a few fleets to the abnormal space-time area to conduct fire reconnaissance."


After giving the order, the order was quickly transmitted through the high-speed space broadcast. After a while, ten joint fleets headed towards the abnormal space-time area from different directions.

Along the way, he continued to destroy the unmanned warships trying to track him.

At the same time, just after the Domilet fleet entered the critical zone, the Chinese side had already received the information.


"They did come in."

"Looking at this posture, it is exactly as we expected. Sure enough, part of the fleet will be dispatched first to conduct fire reconnaissance." Zhao Ronghao smiled while looking at the latest changes in the situation on the combat star map.

"Yeah, good opportunity."

"Now, just wait to see the largest starry sky fireworks ever."

"Yeah, it's the biggest starry sky fireworks ever."

Everyone drank tea, chatted, and looked at the situation.

Now, the Chinese fleet has entered the safe place that has been prepared before. The Chinese Star Territory has already been swallowed up by the black hole. The huge black hole continuously releases the power of chaotic space and time.

"Look carefully, it's about to begin."

Everyone was waiting attentively.

At the same time, Orion plans the ultimate control center.

"Chinese black hole, prepare for a big tear in space!"

"The preparations for the Chinese Black Hole Rip are complete!"

"Coordinates (324, 231, 354), energy level..."

"The launch parameters are set!"

"Ten seconds countdown!"








The powerful twisting force is as great as time and space. In front of such a powerful black hole, it is like a rag doll that can be played with as much as it wants.

Time and space are like rags, torn apart with a single swipe. Endless blackness, as black as ink, rapidly spreads towards the target. Along the way, all the stars and planets that resist are almost wiped out. Not even a scum was left.

Just like that, it was completely swallowed up without any sound.

Then, these swallowed materials are completely converted into energy and turned into a stronger boost, allowing the great tear in space to advance faster.

"What a terrifying space tear!"

"No wonder such weapons cannot be widely used."

"This thing in the interstellar era is just like the nuclear bomb in the home star era. It is too powerful and cannot be used as a conventional weapon."

"If we really use this to fight directly, if we want to hurt the enemy, we must hurt ourselves first. If we keep hitting, it is very likely that the entire cantilever will become nothingness." Liu Zhengfeng sighed.

"Old Liu, it's not a possibility, but a certainty."

"If you use this kind of weapon too much, the entire cantilever will definitely become nothingness. It's terrible." Zhao Ronghao took a deep breath.

When the starry sky turns into nothingness, life will become extinct.

The weapons were traveling faster and faster.

Just ten seconds later.

Everyone saw the most shocking scene.

A Domiret fleet sailing at ultra-high warp speed had no time to react, and was swept away by an endless and wide darkness.

Darkness swept over and everything was nothing.

There is not much difference between these battleships and the stars and planets blocking the way.

It disappeared very simply and silently.

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