My biological black technology

Chapter 667 Total Destruction (Please subscribe)

Tyranid Fleet Command Center.

The command center was solemn.

Just now, one of their fleets suddenly lost its signal. It was as if there was a huge beast in the critical zone, and it directly ate up such a fleet spread out for nearly ten light years in one bite.

"Still no news?" Commander Tyron asked.

"No." The chief of staff was a little weak.

"Could it be that the signal was isolated by some means?" Commander Tyron continued to ask.

"It's not like that, and it's impossible, because other fleets still maintain normal signals. If they are isolated, the same phenomenon will happen." Chief of Staff Tyron replied.

"What's more, the fleet we dispatch will always monitor the surrounding signal conditions. If it is blocked, once they find that they cannot contact the command center, they will immediately take emergency measures. It will not be so long without any signal at all."

Commander Tyron nodded after hearing this, "That's true."

"However, if this was really killed by China's secret weapon, then this secret weapon would be a bit scary." Commander Tyron said.

Tyron's Chief of Staff, along with everyone in the command center, all had solemn expressions.

"Hope not."

However, the words had just been said.

In the combat command system on the big screen.

The signal note of another full fleet entering the critical zone suddenly turned gray.

The alarm sounded immediately.

Chief of Staff Tyron's green face turned purple, "How... is this possible!"

"Disappeared again!"

"And it's exactly the same situation."

"It disappeared very quickly and there was no response at all."

"If it is a weapon, then the attack range, attack speed and power of such a weapon are very fast!"

Chief of Staff Tyron said repeatedly.

"If that's the case." Commander Tyron reacted immediately, "Quickly, order the other fleets to disperse the formation, widen the distance, and move forward in a scattered manner."

"Understood." Chief of Staff Tyron responded immediately.

When conducting fire reconnaissance during war, losses are inevitable, but losses must be meaningful. Meaningless losses are just lost.

That would be a shame to them.

Fortunately, they also have extremely rich combat experience and immediately carried out tactical responses.

And the first time the command has just been forwarded.

Another fleet was completely wiped out before the order could be conveyed.

The faces of Commander Tyron and everyone in the command center were as stiff as death.

It takes time to transmit commands, especially over such a long distance. Especially in areas where space jumps are strongly interfered with, the transmission of space broadcasts is inevitably inhibited.

"There is a certain time delay in the signal we receive, and it will take time for the latest command to be transmitted."

"I hope it's not too late." Chief of Staff Tai Lun could only comfort everyone.

However, the words just fell.

Another fleet lost contact.

There was no need to hide the shock on everyone's faces.

"damn it!"

"Damn China!"

"This is definitely a legacy weapon from an advanced civilization!"

"How can an ordinary human civilization develop from a home planet civilization to the fourth level peak in a short period of time?"

"Moreover, even a peak-level civilization at the fourth level cannot do it and destroy one of our fleets silently."

Everyone in the command center cursed.

The command center is even more heavy.

The enemy's attack is powerful and terrifying, but if the enemy's attack is powerful and the interval speed is short, it would be terrible.

It is now clear that it is the latter.

Ten fleets have just been dispatched.

Now, in the blink of an eye, there are four fewer fleets remaining in the combat command system, and the remaining six fleets are also in danger. It is not known whether they can receive the order alive.

In the blink of an eye, the signal of another fleet dimmed.

This critical area seems to be a forbidden abyss. Once you enter, you will be swallowed up silently.

Commander Tai Lun was so angry that he didn't say a word.

At this time, no one dared to speak for fear of offending this person.

I could only watch helplessly as the signals on the big screen continued to disappear one after another.

With each one disappearing, Commander Tyron's expression darkened.

Finally, after the signals from all the ships in the eighth fleet completely disappeared, the remaining two fleets finally successfully received the signal and immediately deployed their formation.

"The signal has been received..." Chief of Staff Tyron was relieved.

If the ten full fleets failed to detect anything and just sank into this star field, then they had really failed.

You know, before, their ten full fleets almost completely destroyed China's situation, and they were just a little bit away from victory.

How long has passed, and ten full fleets can't even make a bubble? That's terrible.

Fortunately, things are still looking around.

Commander Tyron's face finally softened a little.

However, this gentle expression has not yet completely relaxed...

The fleet distribution area has become much larger in frame, but all the warships still disappeared completely in an instant!

"This is impossible!"

"how so!"

"What weapon can do this!"

There was dead silence in the command center.

Everyone knows that the last remaining fleet may not be saved at all.

Sure enough, not long after the signal of the ninth fleet disappeared, the last fleet finally followed suit. The signal flashed and there was no more sound.

"This is all over..."

"how so……"

"It shouldn't be."

"Except for sensing space-time anomalies, nothing else was detected, and then it just disappeared."

All the members looked solemn, the situation was far more serious than they expected, they looked indifferent before, and they didn't know where they had gone.

Now his face is full of solemnity.

Commander Tyron stared at the big screen for a while, finally suppressed the anger in his heart, and then sat back down.

"Chief of Staff, have you remembered anything? Is it very familiar?" Commander Tyron said suddenly.


Facing the commander-in-chief's question, Chief of Staff Tyron was slightly startled, and then his eyes widened, "You mean."

Commander Tyron nodded, "I also hope that my guess is wrong, but the reality is probably like this."

"The stronger the gravitational source, the greater the curl of space and time, and the more difficult it is to jump in space."

"Like our galaxy-level black hole in the center of the Milky Way, space jumps are completely impossible there."

"Similarly, we also rely on this powerful gravitational source to release extremely large-scale space-rending weapons."

"It's just that, according to my understanding, the black hole-level space tearing weapons we built in the center of the galaxy are not yet this powerful."

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