My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 523 Joey is ecstatic

Swish la la la——

Clear water droplets flowed on the body surface of the big-mouthed baby. The slight blush on the latter's forehead and the tip of his nose quickly faded. The white smoke that seemed to have just come out of the sauna also dissipated, and his expression became extremely comfortable.


It purred happily.

"No matter how many times I watch it, I will overheat due to my own moves... It always feels like it's neither a Pokémon nor an anime."

Kashiwagi muttered and took out a towel to dry the wet big-mouthed baby.

The high temperature of the flame storm not only evaporated most of the water in the pond, but also killed the desert dragonflies that were scrambling to recover. It also affected the weak fire attribute Big Mouth Baby itself, causing its body temperature to rise in a short period of time to the point where it could shake its head while walking.

There is no need to worry about ladylike etiquette.

It’s just that you have to wear a lava suit to hold it up, and you have to cool down as quickly as possible to avoid heatstroke or something...

Kind of funny.

But the situation is like this. Pikachu still has a high fever one day after eating too much electricity. Big-mouthed baby is special, but it is still unable to isolate the impact of high temperature environment.

What's more, the Flame Storm just now was unusual. It was the result of the huge increase and the small explosion of the enhanced characteristics after the Sword Dance.

The performance is on par with the super evolved moves.

And the reason for the explosion...

You don't want to lose to your juniors, so the power of your moves is increased. Are you the protagonist of a hot-blooded competition?

The status is 120%, right?

Kashiwagi rubbed the big-mouthed baby's tough hair vigorously with a towel, and then took out a small comb to comb it neatly.

Steel-type Pokémon are really different from ordinary Pokémon in every aspect, including their hair, which looks soft and thin but is actually tough enough to catch a megalodon.


The Dazui baby, who had regained his energy, yawned lazily, as if he was starting to feel sleepy after overexertion.

"Rest peacefully. I'll call you after dinner."

Kashiwagi took out a special luxury ball, patted his head calmly and took it back.

Turn around and go to the preparation room.

It just so happened that the battle between Xiaoguang and his opponent on the TV screen also came to an end.

Bogaman's Tide Twister is still so powerful. It is a floating power move in the same template as Pikachu's Hundred Thousand Volt. The upper limit of the necessary time is horribly high, and it doesn't look like a continuous attack move at all.


"What's going on with him? Is he crying so hard?"

Baimu looked at Xiaogang strangely, who seemed to be petrified, and two more lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Sheng shrugged and said helplessly:

"Xiao Gang's confession was ruthlessly rejected again."

Xiaoyao sighed: "I told you to stop him earlier."

"Confess... to the guy on TV?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment and pointed at the heroic lady on the TV.

Lucia nodded seriously and praised:

"It's amazing. It's the first time I've seen such a swift confession and such a swift good guy card."

Xiaogang's series of actions have a particularly strong visual impact even for a young girl who has been in the entertainment industry.


Bomu twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Xiaogang with pity, who was invisibly darker.

The latter drew circles on the ground with tears in his eyes, "Stop talking...please stop talking..."

Looking at the many seasons of the Pokémon series, at least Gon has a role in four seasons. The accumulated number of confessions and rejections may have reached hundreds of times, right?

What a perseverance!

He is worthy of being called Gang Ye by many animation fans!

The pity in his eyes turned to admiration.

Not to mention the fact of repeated defeats, the fact that he dared to express his love to someone who didn't speak more than ten sentences for the first time proved that Xiaogang's willpower was extraordinary.

The key point is that he even successfully confessed his love!

Despite the interference of the basic law that the protagonist group cannot be disbanded at will, Xiaogang is still a single dog after going through many hardships, but the "glory" of the past cannot be deceived.

"come on!"

Kashiwagi silently gave Xiaogang a thumbs up, but the latter's tears suddenly turned from noodles to fountains, making people confused and overwhelmed.

"Ah, I have to go play."

Lucia wanted to say some words of comfort, but unfortunately it was her turn to appear soon.

Xiao Sheng smiled and replied: "It's okay, we are used to this kind of scene. Lucia, you can just compete with peace of mind, right sister?"


Xiaoyao didn't know what to say.

What's frustrating is that Xiaogang's mood was low all night, which indirectly affected the dishes he made.

"So this is the bitterness of broken love~"

Harry, who had recovered from the shadow of defeat and rejoined the dinner party alliance, sighed while tasting.

Xiao Sheng complained: "Chokeberry juice is just chokeberry juice, it's not the bitterness of a broken love."

Chokeberry juice.

Derived from a green strawberry called raspberry.

The material for making energy cubes is also an indispensable seasoning in Pokémon cuisine. It seems that Xiaogang's hands were shaking and he sprinkled too much.

Opposite the dining table.

Kashiwagi was communicating softly with Xiao Shun.

After some self-criticism, the latter completely gave up on trying to compete with him and not only took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but also asked him for advice on how to make Pokémon stronger.

Is there any other way to cheat and train?

After coming to the Pokémon world, basically everything revolves around Pokémon. I used to be able to play and watch games and short videos all day long, but now I worry about affecting Pokémon’s rest even if I touch them even slightly.

Occasionally, when he has free time, his first reaction is to read online how other people breed Pokémon of the same kind. If someone gets into trouble with whom, he will definitely not be able to sleep well at night.

The two quarreling men were snoring loudly.

It's definitely tiring to say it's tiring. Taking care of a dozen Pokémon is like taking care of a dozen children with different personalities, but it's also really fulfilling.

Every time they level up, they can be happy for a long time. Every time they learn a new move, they can't help but record it on their mobile phones.

The photo album is basically filled with various photos of them, whether they are sleeping or eating, including snoring in sleep, angry expressions caused by deliberately making trouble, etc.


Kashiwagi looked at Xiao Shu who was shocked at first, and then looked thoughtful. He held his chin with one hand and forked the vegetable salad with his fork out of boredom.

He suddenly realized that his life seemed to exist just for Boscodor to pull them.


Absolutely not.

After all, he was addicted to it.


The next day.

Last day to announce the winner.

There are only three gorgeous battles, and the rules are still limited to five minutes. Taking into account the preparation time and intermission, the morning is enough to end successfully.

Mikri was quite excited, and his impassioned opening speech made people's blood boil.

The roar of wolves echoed directly from the auditorium.

And prepare the interior.

However, Lucia quietly told Kashiwagi that a small part of the reason for Mikoli's excitement was actually that after the Mikoli Cup ended, he would be able to take a few months' vacation.

Until the end of the Hoenn Alliance Caiyu Conference, there was nothing wrong with him.

Gym badges have been distributed in full to suitable trainers, water column medals will soon be handed over to others in person, and the championship position was lost to Daigo early.

It can be said that Mikri is debt-free and can do whatever he wants.

It's okay if the gym is closed for a week, as long as it meets the basic guarantee of receiving ten people per month.

Kashiwagi felt a little dazed.


Annual leave~


He turned his head and asked Lucia, "You will be very busy next, right?"

"Then it depends on whether you can win me or not."

Lucia proudly put her hands on her hips and said: "You won, I am missing one ribbon and I have to continue to participate in other gorgeous competitions to make up for it, during which publicity is inevitable.

"If you lose, I will get the Water Column Medal of the Miccoli Cup. I may be a little busy in the short term. I will take advantage of the heat to take business orders and strengthen promotion, etc., but after that, it will be a long period of preparation for a gorgeous and large-scale celebration."

"Then I'll try to get you to work overtime."

Kashiwagi would not accept this provocation.

Besides, there is someone else who needs to be defeated first.

He looked at Xiaoyao on the other side. The latter, who had just changed into her performance dress, clenched her fist and shook it at him.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you! The gorgeous battle may be different from last time!"

Last time?

You mean the day we first met?

"Then I'll wait and see." Kashiwagi smiled.

From the previous two rounds of gorgeous battles, it is not difficult to see that Xiaoyao is a skilled player and has good combat effectiveness. Otherwise, the Flame Chicken would not be able to tie with the Lizard King in the final super generation.

Judging from Kashiwagi's physical sense, his strength should be about the same as Xiaoguang... maybe a little weaker?

It’s hard to tell.

After all, I had only competed with the Flame Chicken, and the competition was not thorough enough.

Soon after.

The two came to the stage and stopped in their respective seats while waving hello.

The extremely warm atmosphere in the venue was like two explosive bombs, which instantly ignited the hidden desire for duel in the hearts of the two, and they even wanted to rush forward instead of Pokémon.

People affect the atmosphere, and the atmosphere affects people.

In the past, Kashiwagi has always been the one in front, but now he felt the taste of the latter.


Has the atmosphere at the venue changed? It has indeed changed. The audience is more enthusiastic than yesterday. The number of people is still several times that of the ordinary gorgeous competition, and the sense of oppression is greatly enhanced.

Did Xiaoyao bring him a sense of crisis? A little.

Because he recalled the scene in the Kaina Tournament where he narrowly defeated Xiaoguang with one sixteenth of the remaining points.

At that time, he had been traveling for less than two months, and he was immature in all aspects. The single-headed dragon that had not yet evolved was even suppressed and beaten by Bogaman, a little penguin.

Today is different from the past.

Kashiwagi took a deep breath and stroked the Poke Ball.


The sound was crisp and the five-minute countdown began.

Both sides immediately threw elf balls forward.

Bang bang!


Golden stars swirled around, and their huge and gorgeous wings flapped gently, causing a layer of light powder to slowly fall on the surface of Venus, shining brightly.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly appears above the water stage, dancing with scattered Venus and flying freely.

So well cultivated!

Kashiwagi secretly admired that a long time ago when Minas was a super rare Pokémon, hunting Papilio was the first generation wealth code of the gorgeous competition.

It's easy to score without too much polish.

Unfortunately, as times change, the evolution of the ugly fish becomes known to more people, and hunting swallowtail butterflies is no longer a code for wealth.


As Xiaoyao's main Pokémon in the Gorgeous Contest, she is quite attentive in raising hunting swallowtail butterflies, and the beauty of its wings is not inferior to Carlos's colorful pink butterfly, which has twenty kinds of patterns.

"What a cute hunting swallowtail butterfly!" Vivian also shouted.

But Kashiwagi was a little surprised, how could Xiaoyao still dare to send out insect-type Pokémon after seeing yesterday's Flame Storm?

Are you betting that he won't fall in love with a big-mouthed kid?


You bet.


Colorful music scores formed the round body of Happy Egg, and the knitted nurse hat on her head made Miss Joy's standard smile suddenly change.

Her eyes lit up like searchlights.

Vivian smiled and said: "Mr. Kashiwagi is sending on the field - the healing warrior, Happy Egg! I believe everyone who knows me knows its fighting style~ Let's wait and see!"

Healing Warrior.

There is no doubt that this is the special nickname given to Happy Egg by fans of the gorgeous competition on the Internet after it used maternal love tactics to win the Shuijing Conference.

Miss Joy is very satisfied with this.

Happy Egg felt a little panicked and a little excited when he felt tens of thousands of eyes staring at him in the audience.

It thought to itself that it must perform well and tell its trainer that the victory in the Shui Jing Conference was no accident!

Ace may be far away from it.

But as long as you take this step again, you will be closer!

"Stay aside."

Kashiwagi's voice suddenly penetrated into its ears.

Happy Egg didn't even think about being independent on one foot, and suddenly spun like a top. His seemingly bloated and slow body was extremely dexterous, and he successfully avoided a white thread that was shooting towards him!

The source of the silk thread is apparently the harmless hunting swallowtail butterfly in the sky.

This guy's originally curved mouthparts stretched straight out at some point, and the worm threads spit out from it were quite sticky, and it would actively turn around to tie up the opponent.

It's a pity that he was missed by the happy egg.

"So fast!"

Xiaoyao was a little surprised, and faintly saw the shadow of Big Mouth Baby in the spinning dance steps of Happy Egg.

From the previous battles, it is not difficult to see that Kashiwagi's Pokémon always have super reaction speed. They may not move very fast under normal conditions, but their reactions are absolutely extremely fast.

She didn't dare to think for too long and immediately shouted: "Keep spinning and chase after me!"

The movements of Happy Egg must be contained.

Otherwise, we will definitely follow in the footsteps of Xiao Shun and Desert Dragonfly!

Xiaoyao knew very well that the overall strength of Kashiwagi's Pokémon was much higher than theirs, so he could only wait to lose if he didn't try to impose any restrictions.

"Grab the thread!"

Kashiwagi frowned and ordered, stretching out his hand to make a pulling gesture.

The range where you can stand in the water stage is limited, and you can only hide in the water.

In this case, it is better to be more proactive.

Happy Egg, who caught sight of the trainer's movements from the corner of his eye, immediately stopped, raised his two small hands and suddenly reached towards the white line coming from an angle, and grasped it tightly!


It let out a low cry and tried to pull its opponent towards it.

"Hunting swallowtails, use the swallow to wrap up the happy egg!" Xiaoyao shouted loudly, even if he couldn't tie it up at once, he could just spin it a few more times.


The hunting swallowtail butterfly responded loudly, its wide butterfly wings fluttering rapidly, circling back and forth around the happy egg.

The scene seems a little funny, but as long as the happy egg can be successfully tied up, all the efforts will not be in vain.

The points being deducted from him and Kashiwagi are irrefutable proof!

Xiaoyao looked expectantly at the happy egg trying to rotate in the direction of the hunting swallowtail butterfly to avoid being trapped. As long as it fell into her rhythm, everything would be easy.

"Don't be nervous, release your strong thoughts along the thread!"

Kashiwagi's instructions suddenly shattered her little extravagant hopes.

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