My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 524 Quality Elf

The spiritual power followed the silk thread and controlled the hunting swallowtail butterfly accurately and quickly.


The latter screamed when it was wrapped in a blue light, but halfway through the scream, it was discovered that the happy egg did not oppress its body, but only maintained a state of control and quickly pulled the thread.


The happy face of Happy Egg is like a fisherman who has caught a big fish. While making a cry similar to a trumpet, he pulls the hunting swallowtail butterfly in front of him.

Originally, mental strong thoughts need to be positioned.

It's just that there is worm silk as a medium for spiritual power to attach, which directly eliminates the process of positioning, which is quite numbing for Happy Egg.

"Hunting Papilios!"

Xiaoyao exclaimed, and felt that just as she thought, Happy Egg's reaction speed was exaggeratedly fast, whether it was a move or an offensive against the opponent.

She didn't even have time for the hunting swallowtail to cut the thread.

"Send it into the water and sing."

Kashiwagi didn't give Xiaoyao any more time to think. He followed the happy egg's healing warrior egg design in the gorgeous competition and prepared to sing a sacred baptismal lullaby for the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

As long as the hunting swallowtail butterfly's wings are wet, nearly half of its combat effectiveness can be defeated.

Plus singing.

The conclusion can basically be drawn.

After all, in gorgeous battles, points will be deducted as long as the opponent is hit by changing moves, so don't be too friendly to players like Happy Egg.


Happy Egg's eyes glowed blue, and he still controlled the body of the hunting swallowtail butterfly, trying to sink it into the water.


The moment the latter's wings just touched the water.

"Don't let it succeed! Use your mental strength to resist!"

Xiaoyao shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the hunting swallowtail butterfly suddenly burst out with a strong resistance force, and its eyes also shone with blue light, colliding with the mental power of the happy egg!

The scene of two Pokémon without superpower attributes competing with each other using superpower moves looks a bit funny.

But the strange thing is that Happy Egg can hardly control himself.

If he loses to a super-powered Pokémon of the same level, he won't say anything. Why do you, a bug-plus-flying butterfly hunter...


Happy Egg did not lose!

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes and discovered that hunting the swallowtail butterfly actually left all the resistance to the wings, completely ignoring the main body and letting the Happy Egg control it.

The former has invested its mental power precisely into the body parts, and can naturally resist or even counterattack the latter, which spreads to the whole body.

He glanced at the big screen out of the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, this was also discovered by Mikri, so that even though it was clearly in a stalemate, his points were deducted slightly.

...the will to resist?

Kashiwagi frowned. The special thing about Gorgeous Battle is that your points will never be deducted even if you have the upper hand.

The core of the rules is to show the charm of Pokémon in battle.

There is no doubt that the struggle and trade-offs of hunting swallowtail butterflies also belong to a special kind of beauty, at least the judges recognized it.

And a stalemate that lasts too long is never a plus.

At this stage, due to the fact that Hunting Papilio was hit first by the mental force, Xiaoyao's remaining points are much less than him. Only by remaining aggressive when one's own side has the upper hand can we continue to expand the results.

Want wings?

Then give it back to you! All returned to you!

"End the forced control! Gravity!"

Kashiwagi raised his hand and ordered.

When Happy Egg heard this, the blue light in his eyes suddenly dimmed, and then his body surface lit up with a layer of pink-purple light, suddenly blooming like a flower, "Happy!"

Xiaoyao's expression changed drastically, "Fly to a higher sky quickly! Hurry!"

As the words fell.

The water field was completely enveloped in the pink-purple light released by the Happy Egg, forming a huge semicircle and then disappearing.

There was silence for a moment.


The silent pressure is coming!

The hunting swallowtail butterfly, which had just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to spread its wings and fly high, had its pupils swollen, as if it was hit hard on the head, and it was forced to fall into the water.



Brilliant butterflies struggled in the water in panic.

Vivian screamed loudly, "No! The hunting swallowtail butterfly still fell into the water!"

No matter how hard it is, the wings still get wet. Of course, even if they don't get wet, they still can't take off under the gravity environment, which is no different from the decoration.

The feeble struggle caused Xiaoyao's score to be deducted by nearly a quarter.

She took a breath and quickly returned to normal.

As early as last night, she had obtained Kashiwagi's Pokémon information from Xiaosheng, which recorded almost all the moves the opponent had shown in the competition.

Naturally, she had not forgotten the gravity move, and she had even been wary of it.

I never thought that the height could not be climbed in time...

Fortunately, the happy egg opposite seemed to be affected by the remaining white silk. The extremely sticky silk thread swayed in the wind and entangled its legs, looking a little confused.

Have the opportunity!

"Maximum power! Spread silk in all directions!"

Xiaoyao shouted, and the hunting swallowtail butterfly in the water quickly raised its head and shot countless pure white and extremely sticky silk threads in all directions.

All of a sudden.

A huge insect net forms on the water.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly took this opportunity to get out of the water and lie down on the pure white insect net to get some breathing room.

Although he was very embarrassed, he managed to get out of danger.

Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked at the happy egg opposite him again, he suddenly realized that he had held his hands on his chest and was singing loudly.


Colorful musical notes flew out, and along with the pale white sound waves, they spread to the hunting swallowtails on the insect net.


It watched in panic as those notes disappeared into its body. The next second, its smart eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of dust and they closed involuntarily.

Hunting swallowtail butterflies fell into sleep.

"Success! Happy Egg's singing successfully made the hunting swallowtail butterfly fall asleep!" Vivian's excited cry echoed over the venue.

No wonder she was so excited. The impact of sleep state on a game is obvious.

Xiaoyao also felt that hunting swallowtail butterflies was like stepping out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den.

She fully understood Xiao Shun's frustration during the battle. Without limiting the reaction capabilities of Kashiwagi's Pokémon, the opponent's attacks continued like flowing water, leaving her no room to breathe.

what to do?

What to do?

The inner entanglement and resentment made her shout passionately:

"Wake up quickly!! Hunting swallowtail butterflies!"

The crisp voice was high-pitched and loud, and seemed to have some kind of penetrating power.

Kashiwagi looked calm on the outside and sighed secretly on the inside.

After all, scattered moves are not as good as planned and continuous combinations. If Happy Egg's initial "Baptism Song" performance could be completed, Xiaoyao's score might have dropped to less than half.

And not like now...

Few points will be deducted, but you will wake up in seconds!

The hunting swallowtail butterfly's eyes suddenly opened.


"Angel's kiss!" he shouted.


Happy Egg made a gesture of blowing a kiss, and the huge pink heart flew forward.

It only takes five seconds for the opponent to go from falling asleep to waking up. In the game, it only counts as one turn at most, which is simply outrageous.

He is worthy of being the Emperor of Yaoou who has turned defeat into victory many times with the help of [help]!

Vivian was also amazed by this, and her voice spread through the microphone:

"Incredible! The hunting swallowtail butterfly that just fell into sleep suddenly woke up! What kind of will is this!? I... eh?"

Before he finished speaking, the angel's kiss hit the hunting swallowtail butterfly's forehead.

The latter didn't even have time to hide.


As if being hit by Cupid's arrow, the hunting swallowtail butterfly lying on the insect net had hearts in its eyes, but soon the hearts turned into dots, shaking its head as if drunk.

Points are deducted accordingly.


The hunting swallowtail butterfly that had just emerged from sleep entered a state of chaos again. Even though she was as strong as Xiaoyao, she couldn't help but be confused by the ebb and flow of the situation.

When will the injustice be repaid?

This is the power of quality Pokémon.

He was filled with emotion, still recalling the hunting swallowtail butterfly that had just woken up in his heart. He originally planned to let Happy Egg use the healing bell to release it from sleep.

Who would have thought that there is such an operation as waking up instantly? If it wakes up on its own, will it deduct points for him soon?

Kashiwagi glanced at the big screen. His points seemed to have dropped by more than a quarter. Judging from the situation just now, he had clearly been in control of the battle...

Obviously Xiaoyao's cry and the awakening of the hunting swallowtail butterfly are considered to be a manifestation of the bond... In fact, it is not impossible?


He looked at Xiaoyao's score which was less than half.

The sad part is that under the gravity field, even if the butterfly hunter relies on an insect net to stay away from the water, it still cannot move quickly to avoid moves.

A pure living target, unable to fight back in front of the Happy Egg with its many changing moves.

"Be awake and hunt swallowtail butterflies! Use silver whirlwind!"

How could Xiaoyao be willing to admit defeat? As long as all her points were not deducted and the time did not reach the last second, she would still have a chance to turn defeat into victory!

Hunting swallowtail butterflies is also very satisfying. Although I am in a trance, I occasionally wake up.

It did everything it could to seize the opportunity.


Amid the whistling sound, as the hunting swallowtail butterfly quickly flapped its slightly wet wings, silver wind blades mixed with glittering scale powder flew toward the happy egg!

The power is unparalleled, as if triggering the insect's premonition characteristic.

But what was waiting for the silver wind blade was a ball of bright blue with an irregular flowing light curtain at the edge.

Puff puff--

The wind was dull.

"This is……"

Xiaoyao looked in shock at the huge round pendant dented by the wind blade like rubber. It looked like it might be torn open at any time. It was difficult to identify what skill it was.

"Strong mental thoughts."

Kashiwagi answered her question with a smile.


Happy Egg's eyes widened, and the light curtain that was dented by the impact suddenly turned into a large bow that was charged to the extreme, rebounding all the silver wind blades inside!

Use offense to defend·Happy egg version!

Puff puff puff——

The wind blade instantly cut off the spider web in the pool, causing the hunting swallowtail butterfly to fall into the water.


Xiaoyao had a look of shock on his face. He used moves to bounce moves back or something... This seems to be Mr. Adam's technique?

The sight of the Goldfish King using a horn diamond to bounce back one hundred thousand volts was still fresh in her memory. She had tried to master it over the years, but the progress had not been very smooth.

Is Kashiwagi's trick the same as Mr. Adam's?

There was no time to think about it. What was more critical at the moment was the hunting swallowtail butterfly that fell into the water again.

"Use spinning again——"

"Catch it."

Xiaoyao and Kashiwagi's orders were in tandem, but compared to the chaotic state of hunting swallowtail butterflies that caused choking, Happy Egg's movements were faster. After all, the light curtain created by the mental force had not dissipated.

The light curtain turned into a big net and jumped into the water, catching the hunting swallowtail butterfly and pulling it out of the water to the happy egg.



Happy Egg showed a kind smile to the dizzy hunting swallowtail butterfly, stretched out his hand to gently caress its wet body, and sang a lullaby.

Miss Joy in the judges' box was deeply moved by her loving face.

"Wake up! Hunt swallowtail butterflies!"

Xiaoyao yelled in panic, and wanted to do the same trick again, but this time the latter fell asleep more thoroughly.

Kashiwagi said: "End it, healing bell."


The happy egg closed its eyes and released pink light waves as if praying. These light waves made a crisp sound like silver bells and surrounded the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

The latter's frown suddenly relaxed.

On the big screen, Xiaoyao's score is less than a quarter.

But the countdown has reached zero.

Beep——! !

The sound of the whistle is quite harsh.

"competition is over!"

Vivian shouted and waved her arms, "The contestant who advanced to the finals is——Mr. Kashiwagi!"

Bang bang bang——

Warm applause broke out.

Xiaoyao looked at the portraits of Kashiwagi and Happy Egg on the big screen, took a deep breath, and sighed heavily.

What should she say?


It is indeed difficult to deal with. Although Happy Egg has used mental strength, the purpose has never been to attack. She was forced into a desperate situation with a large number of changing moves.

Especially for the gravity move, I thought it would be enough to climb up in time and reach a place where the gravity field cannot affect it.

I never thought I wouldn't have time.

"Kashiwagi-san, you are so amazing."

Xiaoyao shook hands with Kashiwagi in a friendly manner at the venue and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you for the compliment. I am amazed by your will to hunt swallowtail butterflies."

He also boasted back.

To be honest, during the competition, he had been worried that Xiaoyao would explode again like in the animation, causing some unreasonable scenes.

But luckily God is on my side.

Give Xiaoyao a little blast and it's almost over.


Maybe it has something to do with the disappearance of the exclusive explosive BGM?

Kashiwagi, who is familiar with animation, knows that each of the main characters in Pokémon has their own exclusive explosive background music, among which Ash is the most popular protagonist in the series.

Whenever there is a highlight moment, the background music will appear and be turned up to the maximum instantly.

It will be difficult to win by then.


There are also situations where you lose in your own BGM, but in the end it’s not a lot, and the basic method is pretty solid.

The two returned to the preparation room.

Xiaoguang and Lucia had already gone to the players' tunnel and were in place. The first person to greet them was undoubtedly Xiaosheng. After the latter comforted Xiaoyao for a few words, he couldn't help but ask about Kashiwagi's mental strength.


It's nothing more than another variation of the move.

The mental strength shield stolen from Daigo, combined with the concept of cutting force, turning, and counterattacking by using offense instead of defense, naturally gave birth to such a strange form of expression.

But there is still a long way to go before Adam can replace defense with offense. Happy Egg's strong mental shield cannot withstand attacks from opponents of the same level, so he can only bully "children".

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