My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 533 Just hold on

[You defeated Hai Dai, the leader of the Bottle Gym, and obtained the Bottle Badge]

Successfully obtained the fourth badge.

The dancer did not rush to the next city, but hoped to taste Haidai's Jingtao seafood cuisine again. After all, the Burning Insect had not tasted this kind of delicacy before.

Haidai was so happy that he was so enthusiastic and cheerful, how could he refuse.

It happened that the dancer brought back Alola's golden kelp, and he simply used it to make a seafood dish for Jiji.

[You almost swallowed your tongue, and the happy looks of the Pokémon made you laugh from the bottom of your heart]

Dinner is over.

Dancers embark on a new journey.

The next stop was Jinhui Town, which was located in the Third West District and the two cities were very close to each other. Even if the dancers were fighting street battles with wild classmates while rushing, they still arrived at their destination in less than a day.

Having collected relevant information in advance, she once again changed her style.

[Your flower, dance and bird style has become a light and airy style]

The light and airy style transforms Hua Wu Niao from an energetic cheerleader into a beautiful dancer holding a folding fan. The purple feathers have a sense of tranquility.

[You have arrived at Jinhui Town, a town that exudes a nostalgic atmosphere. The intricate roads and restaurants everywhere make you feel happy]

The food culture in Padea seems to be particularly developed. Since Dancer came to the west, she can find delicacies that she is interested in in almost every town.


When the dancer resisted the temptation and went to the gym to sign up, the front desk staff told her that the gym owner Aoki was dining in a restaurant called Baoshido.

Because it's break time now.

[You are thinking that since this is the case, you might as well go and taste the delicious food in Jinhui Town]

Dancer took the Pokémon and rushed to the Pokémon Cafeteria.

She actually had the idea of ​​getting to know the leader of the Jinhui Gym, but after walking around in Bao's Cafeteria several times, she felt that no one looked like the leader.

They were either office workers or uncles and aunts—maybe they were all her classmates.

[You have no choice but to sit down near the bar and ask for information from a middle-aged man with a tired face]

But in the past, the innate high favorability that always worked well in the past seems to have expired.

The dancer didn't get much information about the gym that he wanted from the opponent. He only knew that there was a secret menu in the treasure cafeteria, and that adding lemon juice to grilled rice balls was for adults, and children wouldn't understand it.

[You looked at the tired look on the other person’s face and his sincere attitude towards the food, and didn’t disturb his private time anymore]

Kashiwagi looked at the middle-aged man, but couldn't help complaining, "Is this person the gym leader?"

There is only one person nearby who has a different portrait. He is 100% the Gym Leader.

Unfortunately, the dancer did not have the "God's perspective" like him. He only thought that the other party was an ordinary diner and did not dare to disturb the other party's enjoyment too much.

Not long after.

Wait until the dancer comes to the gym again.

The front desk accepted her registration and asked her to go to Baoshitang again, because the test of Jinhui Gym was to ask her to order a secret meal there.

The dancer looked confused.

"Can this be considered a test?" Kashiwagi couldn't help complaining. He cooperated with the live broadcast and helped run errands. It was okay to order the hidden menu in the restaurant.

Is it purely a test set based on the gym leader's preferences?

In the scene, the dancer ran non-stop back to the Bao Canteen, and learned from the ordering staff that he could not reveal the secret menu. He could only give feedback on the secret menu based on the meals, quantity, heat and accompaniments selected by the dancer. .

The ordering staff gently reminded her that she could get answers from other gym challengers in the town.


The dancer turned around and prepared to leave.

But halfway through, the dancer stopped.

[You turned around and asked the ordering staff if there was a limit to the number of times you could order the secret menu. When you heard the other person say no, you raised your lips]

There is no doubt that when faced with the test of fixed options, dancers believe that they can use permutations and combinations to break through.

It was obvious that this was not the first time for the ordering staff to face such a gym challenger, and he was very calm.

The dancers began to choose one after another.

Since the simulation accelerated this part of the content, it was difficult for Kashiwagi to know how many options there were on the menu at Takara Shokudo. He only knew that the ordering staff's calmness quickly disappeared.

The expressions in the bubble above the man's head were changing frequently, and he looked a little broken.

God knows how long.

Accompanied by the carnival dancing ducks, the dancers showed unprecedented perseverance and shamelessness. They successfully ordered a secret set meal without disturbing other guests and only disturbing the ordering staff.

The person ordering food in the simulation turned red, as if his brain was overheated, and left after confirming the secret meal.

[You learned from regular customers that there were many gym challengers who had similar ideas to yours, but without exception, they either guessed it in advance or were too thin-skinned to persist until the end]

In other words, dancers are the first to achieve the conditions by relying on "perseverance".

[You heard his words of admiration and suddenly felt embarrassed, but what made you persist? You can’t help but look at the carnival dancing duck]

Traveling with Pokémon can really change people a lot.

The dancer has changed from his original introverted and autistic character to become confident and cheerful, and his courage has also become bigger. Not only does he dare to run around, he even dares to come over and explain after being attacked by the Tianxing Team.

How can ordinary people dare to go into an environment that is obviously detrimental to them?

At this moment.

The diners in the Bao Canteen hall left one after another, and the tables and mats were taken away by the waiters. Then, under the shocked gaze of the dancers, the Bao Canteen hall became a battleground.

"Hiss! This is awesome!"

Kashiwagi took a breath and couldn't quite understand how the Jinhui Gym Leader convinced the owner of Bao's Cafeteria to renovate his restaurant.

Is it possible that the boss behind the scenes is the same family?

God knows.

As expected, a middle-aged man with a completely different pixel art walked over from the bar, and an exclamation mark appeared above the dancer's head. Obviously, he did not expect that the person he was looking for to collect information was the gym leader.

[You look at the opponent’s feeble movements and doubt whether the opponent is qualified to do the job of a gym leader]

But it turns out.

Whether a trainer is strong or not has nothing to do with whether he is weak or not.

Aoki, the leader of the Jinhui Gym and a staff member of the Padia Pokémon Alliance, also serves as the Four Heavenly Kings. He is good at Pokémon with general attributes...

Very strong.

[You find that Aoki’s moves and tactics are quite average. The opponent also claims to be average among gym leaders, but this averageness vaguely reveals his strength]

Maybe it's because the difficulty increases starting from the fifth gym badge, or maybe it's because the strength reaches a bottleneck.

Although the dancer won, it was quite difficult to win. Aoki's social skill [Hard Hold] was too strong and he killed the Sweet Cold Queen and the Burning Insect one after another.

Even Hua Daniao basically doesn't have much physical strength left. Although it is immune to [hard support], it is not immune to the sharp stone attacks of the earth dragon.

In the end, the dancer relied on the Carnival Dance Duck, which turned into a water attribute after being transformed into a crystal, to win over the Muke Eagle, which was transformed into a crystal.

[You defeated Jinhui Gym Leader Aoki and obtained the Jinhui Badge]

【You are being treated by Aoki】

It seems to be Aoki's habit to treat winning gym challengers to dinner, and judging from the way he paid, he probably didn't open this treasure restaurant.

"Hmm...why do you feel so much like Goro?" Kashiwagi fell into some kind of thought.

A social animal, a middle-aged man, a thin face, and a love for food. Isn't this an appropriate "Lonely Gourmet"?

Of course it could also be an illusion.


Leave Jinhui Town.

Just like last time, the dancers received news about the school’s new courses.

She couldn't help but fall into some kind of tangle.

[You learned from Aoki that the next gym battles will be increasingly difficult, and Gurusha, the gym leader of Mount Frost, who is about to go, is known as the strongest gym leader]

To put it simply, it had nothing to do with the course. It was just that the dancer wanted to go back to the combat teacher Huang Bo to develop a wave, but she was worried that she would miss out on Meloko, and she was entangled for a while.

Compared to her hesitation.

Pokémon such as Wild Wave and Dancing Duck are more decisive. When Dancer gave them part of the decision-making power, they unanimously agreed to go back and develop.

The battle with Aoki made them realize their own shortcomings, and it would be impossible for stronger gyms to defeat them if this continues.

Under the encouragement of the Pokémon, Dancer accepted their proposal and made advance plans to grow as quickly as possible.

"Thank you for your talent in nurturing."

Kashiwagi looked at the dancers who returned to school and turned on the class sweep mode, thinking that the gym leaders of the Padia Gym were like the gym leaders of the Galar Gym. When facing challengers, the Pokémon used were generally stronger than other areas.


Because there is no alliance conference!

He checked the alliance in the Padia region and found that there was no such thing as an alliance conference there. There was only the Champions League, which was the battle of the four kings, and this seemed to be related to the unique championship-level trainer seats in the Padia region.

That is, only those at the top of the championship level - the "chief champion" - are equivalent to the staff of the Pokémon League and are regarded as regional champions elsewhere.

Similar to the Galar region, which only engages in the Champions Cup, it does not engage in the league conference and the Champions League.

According to the narrator, the dancer with five badges is already considered a strong person in Orange Academy, and her status in the academy is getting higher and higher.

Specifically, when she walked through the corridor, everyone, male, female, old and young, would stop to make way for her, and at the same time, little red hearts would appear above their heads.

Kashiwagi: "?"

What third-rate domestic school drama routine? Campus goddess?

But Dancer obviously didn't care about that. What she wanted to do most at the moment was to become stronger quickly, and then rush to Shuangmo Mountain to challenge the two gyms there.

[You passed the midterm exam in home economics class]

[You passed the midterm exam in art class]

After successfully passing the mid-term exams for a series of new courses and gaining recognition for his strength from the combat science teacher Huang Bo.

The dancer can finally go to Frostmoist Mountain as he wished.

in between.

[Your Burning Bug evolves into a Vulcan Moth]

The transformation from silkworm to moth is a fatal blow to the burning insect because its "legs" are gone.

How can I dance without my feet?

The Vulcan Moth has been lost for a long time. Still following the progress of the dancers and carnival ducks, it gradually accepted the reality and created its own dance style based on [Butterfly Dance] and [Fire Dance]. Dance of Vulcan as the benchmark.

Fun and combat rolled into one.


It is not the only one with similar gains, either actively or passively. With the intervention of the dancers and the encouragement of the Carnival Ducks themselves, they have successfully created a "war dance" that is unique to them.

It provides considerable help in positioning and mastering rhythm.

When Kashiwagi saw it, he only thought it was a little better than the ghost dance that everyone in Tiereno knew.

"War would be great if I could reward you with this."

He thought to himself that although most of his Pokémon didn't have much dancing talent, it was enough for Big Mouth to know how to do it, so there was no need to be greedy.

Unfortunately, you may not be so lucky.

in the screen.

The dancer turned on the rush mode, and the screen changed extremely quickly. However, before the frost wiped the mountain, the simulation speed suddenly returned to normal.

The reason is that the dancer suddenly discovered a radiant skirt lady in the West Third District.

[Through the knowledge you have learned, you know that the other party is a special crystalline Pokémon that is affected by the environment and has a crystalline Pokémon with different attributes from its own]

This was the first time that the dancer was attracted to a wild Pokémon. Her refreshing fragrance and lithe figure made her deeply fascinated.

[You decide to conquer this skirt lady]

The dancer, who became vigorous and resolute, immediately sent out Vulcan Moth. Although after the battle began, Miss Qun'er's Tai Jinghua showed fairy attributes, Vulcan Moth still relied on its powerful power to defeat it.

[You have conquered Miss Skirt, and the number of shy dance partners has increased]

"Well...even though they are both grass-type, Miss Quer'er has special attacks, and she is still a fairy in crystal form, so they are not the same."

Kashiwagi nodded affirmatively.

In a blink of an eye.

The dancer arrived at Shuangmo Mountain successfully, but as someone who can get lost even with a map and compass, she also lost her way in the white-capped Shuangmo Mountain.

I originally planned to go to the Shuangmo Mountain Gym to challenge first, but I didn’t expect that I only found Freezer Town after wandering around for a long time.

[You have arrived in Freezer Town, and the lights here make you feel extra warm]

On the cold snow-capped mountains, the dancer couldn't bear to leave because of the freezer. She had been frozen for a long time.


[You decide to challenge the Freezer Gym first]

Out of concern for their own warmth, the dancers came to the Freezer Gym and signed up.

What I didn't expect was...

Freezer Gym Leader Taim asked her to do math problems!

[You heard Taimu laughing and claiming that he wanted to quit his position as the library owner and become a math teacher at Orange Academy]

Good guy!

Kashiwagi bared his teeth. Does the gym not want to be a teacher?

He couldn't understand it, but the dancer seemed to agree with her idea. Maybe it was because of the care of many teachers in Orange Academy?

As a top student, mere mathematics was no problem for the dancer, and he passed it easily.

The gym battle officially begins.

For the first time, war dance skills were integrated into combat. The performance of Pokémon such as Carnival Duck and Dancing Duck far exceeded the expectations of the dancers. Especially Taimu, as a rock-type gym leader, was beaten by Carnival Duck and Sweet Cold. Restrained by the beauty queen and the skirt lady.

Mane Rock Werewolf, Giant Stone Ding, and Giant Carbon Mountain were all easily killed by Dancer.

[You find that the feeling of limit before has disappeared]

When fighting Jinhui Gym Leader Aoki, the dancer once felt the limits of himself and the Carnival Dance Ducks, but now he has finally returned to the relaxed and comfortable posture he had at the beginning.

Taimu's last Pokémon, Salt Djinn, was also defeated by the [Kick Down] from Carnival Duck's soul leap.

[You defeated Freezer Town Gym Leader Taimu and obtained the Freezer Badge]

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