My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 534 ‘Searching for Treasures’

[You say goodbye to Taimu, but the words of the other person who wants to resign are still echoing in your mind]

Taim's words were not very inspiring, but they seemed to guide the dancers in a new direction.

So much so that she was immersed in it even when she was on the road, and almost rolled down a long slope. Thanks to the quick reaction of the accompanying Vulcan Moth.

After a long climb, the dancer finally found the Shuangmo Mountain Gym.

The ever-lasting white snow makes this building far away from the town quite lonely, but once you enter, the soft warm light and suitable temperature instantly change the atmosphere.

[You feel an inexplicable sense of security]

The gym leader, Gurusha, is a boy who is very well-dressed and has a delicate appearance. Kashiwagi thought he was a girl when he first saw his pixelated figure portrait.

The dancers seemed to admit their mistake.

[You feel extremely sorry for mistaking the other person’s gender]

There always seems to be one or two characters in the Pokémon world who are drawn as girls but are said to be boys.

After signing up, the Shuangmo Mountain Gym gave the dancers the test of "skiing according to the designated route", and Kashiwagi learned through Internet searches that Gurusha was a professional snowboarder and had won many awards.

But later he had to retire due to serious injuries.

Is letting gym challengers ski a way of remembering Gurusha?


Anyway, it is not that difficult for dancers to just get started with skiing.

Her strong body flexibility and balance control ability allowed her to successfully master various basic skiing skills after falling only once, and successfully passed the test to the end.

Even though she was shaking and talking, Gurusha couldn't help but praise her.

The official battle begins.

Dancer has long heard that Gurusha is the strongest among all gym leaders, so he has prepared as many countermeasures as possible, including but not limited to research on Pokémon that Gurusha is good at.

[You are very lucky that the battle ground is dry enough and there is no snow today]

As long as there are no ice-type Pokémon in the team, the frost-smeared mountain on a snowy day will provide various debuffs to the challenger's Pokémon.

However, despite this, Dancer and her Pokémon still suffered a lot from Gurusha.

First of all, the [Snow Scenery] brought by the Edelweiss Moth, combined with the [Aurora Curtain], makes the originally fragile thing become extra strong.

The huge tundra bear has also become elusive due to the [Snow Hidden] attribute, full of confusion that gives dancers and carnival ducks headaches, not to mention that it is more durable than the edelweiss moth.

After finally defeating it, the more durable giant whale came.

The characteristics of [Thick Fat] plus the physical defense of [Snow] weather are increased, plus the double attack power of [Aurora Curtain] is halved...

What a monster!

Hua Daniao's fire attribute [Dance of Awakening] became like tickling. In the end, Dancer asked Vulcan Moth to take out [Butterfly Dance] and [Dance of Fire] at the bottom of the box, a Vulcan Dance.

Countless illusory "Firemen" dance wildly towards the huge whale with unique steps and postures, and the shadows of Pokémon such as Dancers and Carnival Duck can be seen in them.

The special effects can be said to have reached the ultimate in pixels.

There is no doubt that this is the "trick" that Vulcan Moth conceived after observing Pokémon such as Dancer and Carnival Duck for a long time and turning them into flames.

"This is awesome." Kashiwagi took a breath.

This move is undoubtedly similar to Xiaozhi's [Counterattack Shield]. It is a special and pioneering use of moves, relying on the Pokémon's ability to control moves and the tacit understanding developed with the trainer.

According to Dr. Kukui, it is the result of the unity of mind between Pokémon and trainer.

The gym battle comes to an end.

Gurusha's last Pokémon is Tanabata Blue Bird, which turned into an ice-type after being transformed into a crystal. It started a fierce battle with Carnival Duck, which became a single water-type after being transformed into a crystal.

Thankfully, the snowy weather and auroras stopped in turn.

This relieved the great pressure on the dancers and the Carnival Dance Duck, and also prompted them to explode with all their strength. The fast and ruthless close combat successfully took down the ice attribute Qixi Blue Bird.

All I can say is that Brother Duck never disappoints.

[You defeated Gurusha, the leader of Shuangmo Mountain Gym, and obtained the Shuangmo Mountain badge]

After receiving the seventh badge, the dancer relaxed completely.

The two gymnasiums in Shuangmo Mountain undoubtedly put pressure on her, otherwise she would not have gone back to school halfway to develop.

[You hugged the carnival duck with joy, and the strong sense of accomplishment made you extremely excited]

The dancer never thought she would be where she is today.

If there were no carnival dancing ducks, no flowers and dancing birds, and everything she experienced, she might still be addicted to the resentment of being unable to disobey her family's arrangements.

This hard-won experience and understanding gained step by step while traveling with Pokémon is a treasure that she cannot part with no matter what.

‘Treasure Hunt’.

She gradually understood the meaning of this extracurricular activity. It didn't need to be an object or even something, the important thing was - "gain".

The dancer who has gained enlightenment seems to have been sublimated as a whole.

[You left Shuangmoshan Gym and walked towards the third area in the north]

The dancer didn't forget that there was someone he needed to see -


Go down the snow slope on the north side of Shuangmo Mountain.

The dancers can finally meet their wild classmates again. The environment on Shuangmo Mountain is dangerous. Unless it is to challenge the gym or live in Freezer Town, few people will go up there to hang out.

Habit prompted her to start collecting intelligence about the Star Team.

[You have made a little discovery]

Perhaps because the students who can travel to the vicinity of Frost Moist Mountain are relatively powerful, they are not as hesitant as the students near the school when talking about the Tianxing team.

He won't take the initiative to provoke them, but he's not afraid of them like snakes and scorpions.

This also brings convenience to the dancers’ intelligence gathering.

[You heard that many Tianxing teams have indeed been stranded near the sea in the North Third District recently, so you quickly rushed in the direction they pointed out]

The picture flows.

The dancer came to a depression with crisscrossed water and grass.

Carnival Wave Duck likes this kind of environment very much. It is rare for him to put aside the majesty of his brother duck and play a game only played by children, treading water.

The dancer, who was originally in a hurry, couldn't help it. He started playing with it and even called other Pokémon.

The jubilant atmosphere attracted the Sky Star members who were patrolling everywhere.

[You hold up your shoes and look at the two Tianxing members not far away. When you see them turning around and running away on motorcycle lizards, you quickly reach out to stop them]

But now, she still couldn't outrun the Motorized Lizards and could only watch them go away.


Not long after, the two Tianxing players came back.

Not only that, there was also a little boy with pink hair, very well-dressed and holding a long staff like a magician. He was not much older than the dancer.

[You hear the other person greeting you]

The person who came was none other than Ordiga, the boss of the third team of Gedao and the designer of the Tianxing team car.

The dancer heard that his family was engaged in designing and supplying Orange Academy uniforms. His family was extremely rich and he was very cute. She couldn't understand why such a person would be bullied.

[You tell him where you came from and ask if Meroko is over there]

The dancer breathed a sigh of relief when he got the answer in the affirmative.

Then she learned from Ordiga that because of what she said to Pina before, "Can't we be friends without joining the Sky Star Team?", her name spread throughout the Sky Star Team.

Everyone is interested in her, including Meroko.

It's just that the latter has a rough and cold personality on the surface, but is actually a poor talker. This also caused her to be bullied by other classmates even though she looked quite cute, and her temperament changed drastically.

[When you hear this, you suddenly realize why Merlot helps you. It turns out that everyone is bullied for the same reason]

Similar experiences led him to travel thousands of miles to lend a helping hand.

Different from the hostile treatment outside the Gedao Team 2 base, this time the dancer was surrounded by many people and managed to see Meroko, who looked unnatural but did not walk away.

[You look at the crowded crowd around you and think that a few months ago, you probably wouldn’t have been able to say anything]

The dancer took a deep breath and said everything she wanted to say.

Nowadays, she no longer needs to watch Carnival Dancing Duck to gain courage.

But as he spoke, Meroko blushed for some reason, and then the surrounding Tianxing players also started to boo.

[You realize belatedly that the current scene is a bit like a confession scene]

The dancer met Merocco's eyes.

A huge exclamation point appeared on both of their heads, and then Meroko turned around and ran away. His fleeing attitude once again caused the Tianxing team members to laugh.

Later, under the hospitality of Ordiga, the dancer learned a lot about the Tianxing Team.

Including the Tianxing team car.

" Pulonglongmu serves as the engine, two Pulonglong serves as the rear drive, and two red lotus armored cavalry serve as the driving force...five of them can beat one of others. No wonder this chariot is so powerful."

Kashiwagi really thinks Ordiga is awesome.

Five Pokémon drive an ultimate tank or something. Is this considered black technology? Although the blackness is not very complete.

That night.

The dancer held a bonfire party at the beach with Team Star, and her dance with Pokémon such as Carnival Duck was well received by everyone.

She even roped in Merocco, who was reluctant at first, but then persisted.

[When you listen to their laughter and laughter, you really can’t believe that the teachers and classmates said that the Tianxing team who keeps causing trouble are the people in front of you]

[You also learned from Ordiga that everyone has not been so happy for a long time]

The situation of the Tianxing team, which is not recognized by the school and classmates, is actually quite difficult. If everyone did not have the same experience, it would be difficult to persevere.

[When you hear this, ask Ordiga if he knows someone in the team is doing bad things]

Ordiga naturally knew this, otherwise their bosses wouldn't have asked Pina to make rules to restrain people. It's a pity that sometimes they are beyond their reach.

After all, it's just a group of students.

[You fell into deep thought, thinking about what you can do]

The picture flows.

The dancers left the location of Team Three of the Pavilion and said goodbye to Olgadi, Melocco and others.

Parting time.

Meloko, who had been passively accepting the dancer's smile, suddenly handed over a Blue Flame Blade Demon to her to take care of, indicating that the latter fell in love with the dancer at first sight at the bonfire party.

[You look at the Blue Flame Blade Demon, who looks calm on the surface but is actually nervous like Meroko, and smiles to ask him to give you more guidance in the future]

Dancers see it as a symbol of friendship with Merocco.

The latter immediately turned around and ran away in shame.

Kashiwagi looked off the screen and clicked his tongue.

However, including the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and Miss Kuer who had been subdued before, the six teams of dancers were finally gathered together. This one simply embodies the [meritocracy] to the extreme.

The seventh gym was defeated with only four Pokémon.

[You continue on your journey, the next stop is the location of the last gymnasium, Bagu Town]


Baogu Town.

It is located on a huge rock mountain southwest of Padea.

The dancer spent a lot of effort and drilled through countless caves before reaching the destination.

[You have come to the town of Begu, which is a small town in Padia famous for its ceramics]

On the way, the dancer made some new friends through wild classmates and cultivated new partners Miss Ku'er and Cangyan Blade Demon - both in terms of combat ability and dance.

[You look at the two Pokémon growing up and nod with satisfaction]

The most suitable one for Miss Skirt is undoubtedly ballet. The move it is good at is also the grass attribute [Petal Dance]. The petals released during the rotation are extremely powerful.

The dance of the Blue Flame Blade Demon surprised Kashiwagi——

Sword dance.

[Sword Dance] in the true sense.

It's not like ordinary Pokémon spinning in circles to gain attack buffs, but actually dancing the arms that turned into double swords. Under the guidance of Pokémon such as Dancer and Carnival Duck, it gradually became stiff at the beginning. Become quite beautiful.

It just looks a bit resentful...

Is it because of the Pokémon’s personality?

Kashiwagi didn't know why and watched the dancers enter the Bakgu Gym building.

The owner of the Bagu Gym is named Lip, a fashion magazine model who has her own makeup brand.

[You look at the beautiful lady in front of you and suddenly remember that you have seen her on a billboard in the center of Niangguang City]

But what the dancer didn't expect was that her most respected combat teacher, Huang Bo, would lead the dance in the Bagu Gymnasium and dance to the song "Gymnastics of Joy, Anger, Surprise and Joy".

Is this intentional to let her pass?

The dancer had no idea that the last test in the gym would be so simple, simpler than any test he had experienced before.

Go through it easily.

[You paid attention to the gym challenge]

Obviously, she did not relax because of this. Instead, she felt that this was a trap, a trap led by Huang Bo, the combat teacher, to prevent her from being complacent.

[When you were taking Huangbo’s course, you often experienced similar situations]

As Lip is one of the strongest gym leaders, dancers should also be wary of her strength.

The dancer has also made quite a lot of preparations for this battle. From the style of the Flower Dancer to the moves of the Pokémon, they have all reached the current limits of her and the Carnival Dancer.

The final gym battle begins.

Vulcan Moth faced off against Qi Qilin, who usually added superpower attributes. Under the restraint of attributes, [Butterfly Dance] and [Insect Cry] made a perfect breakthrough.

The dancer who won the round did not dare to fight, so he put on the light and airy style of Hua Daniao to face Lip's Gardevoir, and successfully won it with the ghostly attribute of Awakening Dance.

Exchange again for the third time.

Cangyan Blade Ghost faced off against the super-powerful Yanxiu, and it still followed the trend of attribute restraint, but perhaps it was because it joined the team late and did not have the strength to keep up, so it was more difficult to fight.

But still won.

The fourth exchange, with Miss Quer playing against Elle Duo, started very smoothly, and the combination of ballet and [Petal Dance] was quite harmonious.

But I didn't expect that Eluredo's thin body would be so resistant. She dragged her until the end of the petal dance. When Miss Skirt was in confusion, she used the [Cross Scissor] to win, forcing the dancer to send out Sweet Cold Beauty and then use Tropical Kick to defeat her. Take it away.

at last.

The dancer brought out her trump card, the Carnival Dancing Duck against Lip's Lady Huajie.

The only Pokémon in her team that fully integrates War Dance, it is also the Pokémon she trusts most, with its invincible posture of Ether Crystal Water and its outstanding exclusive move [Flowing Water Whirling Dance].

It brought her the last badge representing the challenge of the Eight Avenues Pavilion and the final chapter of the trip to the Padia region——

Bake solid badge!

[You defeated Bagu Gym Leader Lip and obtained the Bagu Badge]

The journey of ‘treasure hunting’ has been written down to the last line by the dancers!

ps:py a new book

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