My Empire

Chapter 981: And you

The fire burst into the sky, and the explosion engulfed all the demons around, as well as some collapsed ruins and houses.

Another building, which was a bit crumbling, collapsed in the shock of the explosion, making a loud rumbling noise.

After passing the castle, the two A-10 attack planes circled a beautiful circle in the sky, and then again pointed their terrifying nose at the target on the ground.

Before the demons who had become targets could react, the two A-10 attack aircraft swooped down again, like two vultures that had hovered for a long time.

Amidst the roar of the engines, the two a-10s lowered their height, and then the nose of the aircraft shot out a dazzling fire.

The white smoke from the densely packed bullets on the ground began to extend, and in the process of extension, it knocked everyone passing by.

The snowflake was splashed by bullets, then fell on the black blood, and quickly melted and disappeared. The corpse beside it hadn't cooled down yet, and the demon civilians who had not evacuated were crying further away.

Not all demonic civilians are willing to leave their hometown. Some people would rather die than leave their houses and fields. Although knowing that the hope of surviving is very small, there are still people willing to stay in the war zone.

However, when the unprecedented winter offensive began, pity was just a nostalgic word.

For demons, their mercy to humans is pitiful. So there is no need to count on how much human beings have mercy on demons.

The shouts of wounded demons were everywhere, and the stumps of demon soldiers with broken arms were everywhere. In just a few minutes, the entire castle became more dilapidated.

Only a few kilometers away from them, the soldiers of the Demon Servants of the Ailan Hill Empire were advancing slowly in the deep snow without ankles.

These demon soldiers, who had been on the road since they started in the morning, did not rest much. To hurry in this state is actually very exhausting.

They were the first units to attack the demon-controlled area, and they were also the units closest to the demon-controlled area before.

It's just that there is no means of transportation, and I can only rely on my legs to move forward, so my actions are a bit slow, and I'm here now.

The commanders didn't mean to let the troops rest. These demon soldiers who marched with such high intensity for the first time didn't know why they were pushing forward in such a hurry.

You know, if you push forward like this, even if you get to the front line, the enemy can wait for work and defeat them with a single counterattack.

For them, or for soldiers in the Cold Weapons Age, such advancement is actually no different from suicide.

When these demon soldiers complained, the demon officer riding the earth dragon beast rushed through the entire infantry phalanx.

He beat his horse frequently and ran to the officer who led the team. The demon soldiers around heard his shout: "Get out! Move the troops away from the road! Just an order!"

"Get out of the way! Go to the ridges on both sides! Quick!" The demon officer who received the order could only shout loudly and let his troops quickly get away from the road.

The bewildered soldiers in heavy armor had no choice but to jump off the roadbed. They pushed one by one, crowded in the ridge, like a group of chickens.

Then they were curious to see that an armored vehicle bumped in front of them. The armored vehicle has huge wheels and a huge turret on it.

Followed by the same armored vehicles, one next to each other, it seems that there is no end. The soldiers of the Demon Servants who had been walking for several hours, watching these passing human armored vehicles, waited for their coveted order to rest.

"The above command! You can boil hot water! You can eat instant noodles! Fast! We must arrive at the designated attack location at noon!" A demon officer led by the demon yelled fiercely to his soldiers. .

A human armored vehicle commander, half of his body protruding from the turret, looked down at these demon soldiers squatting in the ridge, his eyes full of contempt.

"Let these guys jam on the road, who gave this order?" In the captain's headset, several battalion officers were chatting with each other.

"The residence is the staff of the military department. I didn't consider the marching speed of these primitive people." A staff member of the battalion said with a smile: "If I go to the military department as a staff officer, I must be better than them!

"Do you call them people?" Before he finished speaking, another voice asked maliciously.

The staff of the battalion immediately corrected his statement: "I'm sorry! They are just cannon fodder! Cannon fodder!"

"Hahaha!" So, the whole channel was filled with everyone's cheerful laughter.

"Hahaha!" The captain, who leaned out half of his body and leaned on the canopy of the cockpit, also let out a hearty laugh.

His laughter was drowned out by the roar of the engine of the heavy armored infantry fighting vehicle, and then the second company commander in the headset asked a question: "Put them on our supply line, I don't think it is safe!"

The human soldiers at the grassroots level, of course, are still full of mistrust of the demons. No matter how good the devil's servant army fights, no matter how hard it is, there are still obstacles in the hearts of the grassroots officers and soldiers of human beings.

This will take time to heal, and it will take the demons to continue to maintain their submissive attitude. In short, this is not an easy task.

"There is no way...we can't fire at these guys, right?" the company commander said helplessly.

The company commander of the third company hurriedly spoke to appease: "Forget it! Since they have given way, we are in trouble."

"Let the guards keep an eye on these guys!" Finally, the battalion commander's voice appeared on the channel, and everyone agreed.

Since then, several people replied in unison: "Understood!"


"Kang Dang!" The door of the room with the expeditionary army's general command sign was pushed open forcefully and hit the wall with a loud noise.

Reluctantly rubbing the bridge of his nose, Wagron pressed his palm to Midas, indicating that he shouldn't be too excited.

The two guards at the door stood in front of each other, and the red-haired Alicia, because of being too angry, had her **** lying down together, which made people think about it.

Wagron shifted his gaze, and Midas also lowered his head and coughed. Alicia glanced at the two guards and said, "I'm not here to trouble!"

Of course she didn't come to cause trouble. She was informed before that she was told to return to the demon-controlled area as soon as possible, and guessed that there would be a big move on the human side.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she just got up early this morning, she saw a human bomber covering the sky, taking off and passing the barracks where she was.

The scene at that time can definitely be described as magnificent, but for her as the devil king, this scene represents another layer of meaning!

The war has begun again! The previous peace was just a short break for both parties! Now that the posture is reopened, the fierceness of the battle will inevitably rise to a higher level!

"I asked you to figure out a solution..." Wagron glanced at Midas.

"I can't help it! She's very smart and can't lie." Mideas shrugged helplessly.

"You two said in front of me to lie to me, isn't it a bit rude?" Alicia snorted coldly, and sat down on a sofa. He raised his legs and looked up at Wagron and McGrady. Yas.

She knew that as long as she was willing, by working here, it was estimated that she could really kill the two senior generals of the Ailan Hill Empire in front of them.

But she also knew that it was estimated that she would have to work hard to leave here. What's more serious was that she didn't know where she had to hide in order to avoid the **** revenge of the Ailan Hill Empire.

In other words, she still has room to struggle, but the demons have no such capital. As long as she kills the two hateful guys in front of her, the demons will surely bury these two people!

These **** humans! They are really too cunning to play this trick! Alicia thought angrily.

Then she spoke and said to Wagron: "You rushed into the war like this... What do you think of the agreement between us?"

"I'm sorry, Devil! The agreement between us is not an armistice agreement! The war between the Ailan Hill Empire and the demons has never ended!" Medias frowned and replied.

"Then you can't attack the part of the demons I can control! Aren't we all willing to cooperate?" Alicia said with a frown.

As His Royal Highness the Demon King, there is no shame in saying "We are all surrendering, you can make a living." It is not easy to treat the Demon King like her.

"We actually left some'safe areas', including most of the areas that you asked for assistance before." Wagron said generously.

"But you can't wait for my people... to persuade those demons to surrender?" Alicia raised her voice and asked, not wishing to see the demons be destroyed by war.

"War is accompanied by blood! This is what your demons once believed in, right? If you don't let you drain your will sincerely...will you fall at the feet of my emperor?" Wagron smiled. In Alicia's eyes, this smile was extremely cruel.

"I think it's best for you to go back now... as much as possible to protect your own subjects! When this war is over... Maybe you will become their savior..." Seeing Alicia biting her silver teeth without speaking, Watt Gron continued.

"You wait for me!" Alicia stood up, staring at Wagron threateningly.

"Do you think you can defeat me with the demons?" Wagron dismissed her intimidation.

"When I become your queen, I will find you and apologize to me!" Alicia said shockingly in frustration.

Then the guards and Wagron were dumbfounded, and walked out of the room. Then she stepped back and pointed to Midas: "And you!"

Medias: "..."——

The update is late, sorry sorry!

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