My Empire

Chapter 982: Queen's Order

The first round of bombing of the Ailan Hill Empire made the entire Demon World boil in the winter. It was originally thought that the humans attacked the weak Demon Resistance Forces, but finally recognized the real gap between the two sides.

In the north, there were explosions everywhere in the key areas of the Ailan Hill Empire's offensive. Thousands of cannons roared, sending countless cannonballs over the heads of the Demon Resistance.

These demons that once flaunted their might in the human world now have little ability to resist.

Although they still have a large army of more than one million, the combat capability of these troops is actually very low.

They did not have qualified logistical supplies, because the cultivated land was destroyed by the Ailan Hill Empire, and the entire Demon Realm is now in a state of extreme food shortage.

The demons that intersect with the Airanhill Empire, and the occupied areas of the Ailanhill Empire, are provided with massive food supplies on the magic continent, so their life is not bad.

However, those who refuse to cooperate will have a rather frustrated life. At least, most demon-controlled areas are not full of food.

Without food, the combat effectiveness of the army can be imagined. In order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the demon army, many demon commanders have to start to indulge their soldiers to rob civilians of the same race.

Most of the devil dogs have been lost due to genetic attacks, and most of the remaining devil dogs have become food in the mouths of senior demon soldiers.

The population of the entire demon-controlled area is declining sharply. The demons with billions of people have dropped sharply to the level of only a billion people a year after the war broke out.

This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that after losing a lot of factories and cities, the demon's war potential has been completely hollowed out.

It is not just that there is no qualified supplementary source of troops, nor is it simply that the soldiers lack training.

The commanders of these demons can't even guarantee that the troops in their hands can keep running.

The original 3,000-man troop is now only 1,400 or even 1,200. Even so, similar forces are still the main force of the demon forces.

As for the improvised troops, some troops requiring 5,000 troops can only barely gather 2,000 troops.

Let alone fighting, such troops are barely maintaining law and order, and they may not have enough manpower.

What makes the devil even more desperate is that even if it has reached such a point, combat troops that are severely under-resourced are still lacking food and clothing, or even insufficient resources.

To give the simplest example: at the beginning of winter, the demon in the northern region supplemented 115 sets of armor for every 1,000 soldiers. This is the supplementary data on paper.

It can be seen that even on the whitewashed paper data, the demon's front-line combat troops have received very scarce war supplies.

What is the actual situation? In fact, for every 1,000 soldiers of the demon frontline combat unit, only 70 sets of supplementary armor can be obtained. For those who have been repaired and returned to the unit, there are another 10 sets...

At the same time, the demon forces on the front line consume magical destruction arrows in battle, and the total consumption per day is up to 3000.

As a result, the number of magical destruction arrows added to the first-line combat troops was only 2,400. It can be seen from this that the magic arrows in the hands of the demon forces have actually been decreasing.

In the end, the reduced number of arrows can only be filled with ordinary bows: the devil consumes 15,000 ordinary bows every day and supplements 16,700, which is considered to barely maintain the number of arrows for the first line of troops.

You know, demons are always fighting defensive battles, they are constantly retreating, so magical destruction arrows, including other ordinary bows and arrows, are all consumable items. After the battle is over, they cannot be recycled and reused. .

The end result is that although the demon has increased the number of arrows stored on the front line, most of the hoarding is ordinary arrows, but the number of magic arrows has been drastically reduced.

Because of the complete breakdown of the demon's logistics supplies, the frontline demon soldiers rarely can obtain non-combat materials such as cotton clothes. Therefore, the demon army fought in the cold winter, and more soldiers died of freezing than fighting.

There is almost no cold-proof cotton clothes, and lack of bow and arrow weapons, and even the armor is not complete. In this case, talking about the fighting power of the demons is no different from joking.

Therefore, when Ailan Hill's heavily armored grenadier units began to attack the demon's defenses, the demon units were basically in a state of collapse.

Although the mountain roads in the north are rugged, they have an end in the end. When the forward troops of the Ailan Hill Empire broke through the defense lines stationed by the demon army, a vast plain appeared before their eyes.

This is the granary of the Devil North! There are thousands of miles of fertile fields and rivers, and there is hardly any dangerous terrain.

And the demon troops who were at the end of the road finally realized that the favorable terrain they relied on had been taken by their opponents.

On the edge of a dry forest, a demon officer pressed the long sword at his waist and looked sadly at the smoke-bearing hill in the distance, which was their last defensive position in the mountain.

At this moment, dozens of a-10 attack aircraft and three ac-130 gunboats were continuously firing around the mountain, and he could clearly see the fire and smoke there.

He didn't believe that anyone could come back alive from such a terrible attack, and he didn't believe that his companions could hold on for a long time under such terrible firepower.

It is almost certain that if it is not supported until noon, it will be occupied by humans, and the demon who stubbornly resisted in the northern mountains will lose all their geographical advantages at almost the same time.

As an experienced commander of the demons, he can also be sure that in a few hours, those terrifying human forces will arrive where he is now, and drive the force he leads out of the woodland.

Then, those lingering planes like flies will swoop down from the sky and reap their lives.

In just one afternoon at most, his more than 3,000 demon soldiers will be wiped out. There are corpses everywhere on the ground, and there are no fewer than a few soldiers alive...

"Damn..." He cursed, but there was no way. He was ordered to station here, train recruits and prepare to defend the land.

But now with the strength of his hand, he can't accomplish this arduous task at all! You know, the force he commanded is not 3,000 battle-tested soldiers!

He only has 500 elite demon soldiers in his hand, all of whom have been with him for many years. The remaining 500 soldiers can be regarded as qualified supplementary soldiers. Although they don't have much combat experience, they can be said to be strong warriors.

But the other more than 2,000 people are basically armed recruits like farmers. Their combat effectiveness is pitiful, and they are all cannon fodder when they fight, and they are just to die!

He felt sorry for these soldiers. If he was allowed to train for another three months, these soldiers could learn a lot. At least in battle, they can rely on each other and face difficulties together.

But now, the recruits have not been trained, and he has no time to continue training these people. In this case, the demon soldiers who have not been fully trained can only be wasted as cannon fodder.

"My lord! The trenches have been dug! We have also set up some covered bunkers in some areas..." A low-ranking officer came over and lowered his head to report the layout of the defense line.

Following the instructions of the officer, the demon force established a line of defense along the edge of the forest. This line of defense is very hidden, but lacks enough firepower.

They don't have decent anti-aircraft guns, so they don't have air defense capabilities. Sadly, because of the existence of infrared detectors, their concealed fortifications are not "concealed" at all.

The opponent will easily destroy these trenches and find out the hidden demon forces and kill them one by one...

And they didn't have enough firearms to defend against the assaults of the Ailan Hill Empire forces: in the trenches on the edge of the woodland, this demon force only had 200 fake Mauser 98k rifles!

This kind of firepower density, in the eyes of the army of the Ailan Hill Empire, is almost like a joke.

"grown ups……"

"I see! Ready to fight! Let all the soldiers cheer up!" The demon officer reluctantly opened his mouth and gave the order, as if he was welcoming death.

At this time, in the distance, a cavalry riding an earth dragon beast approached quickly and stopped near the edge of the dry coniferous forest.

This demon soldier wears a gorgeous armor, but it is not the traditional pattern of the devil. Although I don't know when this pattern style entered the demon army sequence, everyone who is familiar with this pattern knows that this is the symbol of the demon king Alicia's line of troops.

Yes, these armors are all from Ailan Hill, which is tailor-made by Alicia for her own guards.

An armor factory in the Ailan Hill Empire undertook this project and ordered a batch of exclusive armors for the Mozu, the number is astonishing 20,000 sets.

The key is that it only took 3 days to produce these armors. The large-scale mechanical production line gave these armors superior strength and almost perfect quality.

The knight stopped at the edge of the jungle, turned over and jumped off the earth dragon beast, and then, pressing his long sword, walked to the demon officer who was staring at him.

"Are you here to support us?" Seeing the knight approaching, the demon commander asked slowly.

Although he knew that the opponent was unlikely to come here alone to support him in fighting the enemy, he still asked. Because he didn't want to hear other answers, the answer that bothered him very much.

"I came by the queen's order to convey the queen's order to you." The knight said, "put down the weapon and get out of here! If you want, I can help you..."

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