My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1018: What a **** pig

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

At the corner of the altar, the disciples of the sword pavilion gathered, one by one.

Only that look, when it fell on the teenager, there was only awe.

The young man came with a sword, only half of the sword, without the tip of the sword, floating like a fairy.

Sword Fairy Sword Fairy should be like this.

The boy is pure, otherwise it will be dusty, and the cuff is engraved with a sword pattern, which is sparkling.

He was very quiet. Unlike the ghost image that day, his eyes did not leave the sword in his hand from beginning to end. He only slowly reached his head in front of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi secretly praised.

What kind of eyes are these, not arrogant, but extremely calm, like a lake in a snowy mountain, some cold, reflecting the sky.

"This life is really extraordinary, this person is probably stronger than the previous Son of God and Buddha."

Chu Yi sighed, he had to admit that Jiange had its special place, and a Kendo genius was born.

Taking sword as the way, although it is different from Chu Yi's sword way, but which one is stronger and weaker, it is really not easy to distinguish. As long as it has not reached the peak, no one can say clearly.

Both have their own ways.

"I heard that both of them are masters of kendo. I will stop here for a while."

Jian Banxian opened his mouth, and his voice was as gentle as wind, with a shy smile on his face.

"Kendo is different, don't need to compare." Chu Yi declined, there are many outsiders watching, if he keeps using kendo, it will inevitably cause doubt.

"I want to try it!" Jian Banxian's eyes flicked, and in a flash, his hair roots soared into the sky, each hair like a long sword, splitting the void.

His momentum changed suddenly, arrogantly.

"Sorry, you may have to wait in line, after all, this is our leader, to kill, but also we kill first."

At this moment, a clear voice sounded, Yu Xiqing came over with a smile, her eyes swiftly, blinked at Chu Yi.

"Kill the leader first, or the sword half fairy, or the king of sin land first?" A rude voice sounded.


An iron pillar, about three meters high, descended from the sky and smashed **** the steps.

The steps were not broken, but they were dusty.

From above the iron pillar, a tall figure stood, naked, exposing strong muscles, yellow hair, and three blood marks on his right eye.

As the body swayed, the large rosary beads on the neck clanged.

Yu Xiqing frowned.

"Sorry, the strength is stronger, but the steps are not broken." The youth smiled after touching the back of the head, showing a row of white teeth.

"Da Qi!" the youth introduced himself to Chu Yi, and there seemed to be blood in his eyes.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and then looked away, where footsteps were heard.

Two figures appeared slowly.

The headed person, with a slender figure and blood wings, saw Chu Yi, but his eyes moved.

"Teacher, I'll kill you." Shi You said calmly, as if to say something ordinary.

In the rear, the Raksha Dao paused and looked at Chu Yi, uneasy in his heart.

The three people gathered to represent the three veins of the gods and demons, plus Chu Yi, actually four veins.

"Brother Jian, I have a proposal. It is better to join forces with you and kill them first. How about we fight again?" Chu Yi looked at Jian Banxian and asked with a smile.

Jian Banxian returned to his shy state and shook his head with a smile: "Although I really want to compare you with the **** demon leader, but want to see your **** demon infighting, it should be more exciting."

"You're wrong, how can you not pursue so much, look at the king of sin land, has been standing beside me, we are both in the swordsmanship." Chu Yi grieved.

Jian Banxian turned to look at the three people: "You guys, or do we join forces to deal with the **** demon leader, capture him alive, and then let him compare sword with me, and finally kill, how do you see?"

Yu Xiqing snapped his fingers: "Good idea, the leader and the king of sin land, they want to escape, it's too easy, Brother Jian's proposal is good."

Chu Yi looked at it with tears: "Girl Yuxi, you can't treat me like this, don't you forget the good times we experienced together."

Yu Xiqing shrugged: "Teacher you, rest assured, your swordsmanship, I have seen it, you will not be my opponent, and after you die, swordsmanship I will also pass on to you."

"Woman's heart, seabed needle." Chu Yi shook his head.

"However, there are three of you, but I am the only one who killed me. Which one of you wants to be the leader?"

Shiyou chuckled: "The leader does not have to worry. The three of us still need to pass various tests within the teacher, but they will not face off. After one person becomes the leader, the other two can help."

"This is too unfair. I can only be killed for whatever reason." Chu Yi looked up to the sky.

"Four to two, you are not our opponent." Daqi grinned, "Sorry, I can only kill you, although we only met for the first time."

The outside world, everyone is awe-inspiring, even if it is a god, they are all tense. These four people really want to join hands, not to mention Yuanying, they will be connected to the realm of God, and they will all be killed.

"It seems that the leader can only come to this step." The human demon wise man and the human **** wise man shook their heads and sighed. In fact, they were quite satisfied with Chu Yi.

Chu Yi calmed down and smiled, "You are wrong, not four to two, but four to three."


"Niu Niu is just a little baby, but not their opponent." Niu Niu was horrified.

"Brother Chu, you know, I'm just a foodie, and I can't fight anything." The fat man stepped back quickly. This battle is probably more difficult than the Divine Son and the Buddha.

Wang Ying frowned and shook his head: "My mind has not yet involved the attack at this stage."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes: "Who said it's you, pig bajie, go!"

Pig Bajie patted his belly, whining, and then rolled into the air, taking out the nine-tooth nail rake.

"I...Da Zhuxian...invincible."

"The leader seems to like to joke." Daqi grinned, and at the next moment, he appeared behind Pig Bajie. He lifted the iron pillar, and the scarlet patterns lingered on it, like a ghost walking at night, and a pillar hit Zhu Bajie.

His breath was violent and extremely powerful.

"You can not!"

Pig Bajie flew back and kicked, and the pig's trotters and iron pillar collided fiercely.


There was a wave of terror that swept all over the place, and the waves were rolling. If it was not an altar, it would have shattered.

Holding up the iron pillar, Daqi kept retreating and raised his head violently, looking at Zhu Bajie.

"I'm so powerful, I didn't expect to meet my opponent."

Everyone was horrified that the blow just now was enough to kill the ordinary Yuanying Peak, but it was easily blocked by a pig.

Naturally, they would not think that Daqi is too weak to be qualified from the ancient seal to the present, at least all of the geniuses of the Son of God level.

It can only be said that the power of this pig is so shocking.

"stupid people!"

Pig Bajie provoked, shaking his stubby neck, complacent.

" fight?"

It took a step, and the nine-tooth nail rake hit the sword half fairy, the latter was about to make the sword, but his pupils shrank and retreated.


The thunder blew, and a crack appeared on the altar steps.

"I... invincible!"

Pig Bajie twitched his body like a chakra, rolling towards Yu Xiqing.

Yu Xiqing was horrified, because she followed Chu Yi for so long, but she never found out that this pig was so outrageously powerful.

She blocked a move and the whole person was ejected.


Pig Bajie pig's trotters glowed, penetrating the world's protective body skills, the latter was picked up and thrown into the sky.


Pig Bajie stood alone in the center, domineering.

Fat and Niuniu looked dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Chu Yi smiled happily, knowing that even he is not sure, he will be able to defeat Zhu Bajie, and one can imagine how terrifying this guy is.

Outside, many great powers are silent.

A pig is so powerful that it's so powerful, it's extremely fast, and it's extremely fast.

"What a **** pig!" Nine Nether's eyes exuded, "Perhaps the ancient **** beast, I don't know if you have ever seen it."

"No, but this pig is too heavy. Lao Qun feels that it needs to be baptized with Dharma." The abbot said, but he was obviously moved.

This kind of existence, once grown up, will also be a giant.

A pig turned upside down and disturbed the layout of the four heavenly arrogances, making all the outsiders dumbfounded.

"Not enough, this pig is just infinitely powerful, but it is not enough to want to entangle four people at the same time." Pang Guxianzun shook his head.

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