Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Pig Bajie was invincible, patted the pig's trotters, and put on a provocative posture, while the others waited for each other.

"The godmaster has a dear pet, which is really luxurious. How about this dear pet to me?" Yu Xiqing opened his eyes wide and looked innocently at Zhu Bajie.

"You even beat me, it made me so sad."

Jian Banxian exhaled a sword breath, his eyebrows spread out: "God's pet, plus the king of sin land, four to three, seems fair."

"Everyone, I will help you capture the **** and demon leader, you let me see if the **** and demon tactics."

Shiyou stood up and smiled lightly: "Naturally, if Brother Jian and other peerless geniuses can enter my gods and deities, we can't ask for it."

He took out a Fulu, Fu Fu formed a line, circled and fell into the hands of Jian Banxian.

Chu Yi was envious, looking at the sky, it seemed to feel to them: "Two old bastards, I am clearly the **** and demon master, why there is no **** and demon trick."

"I wish you a long life."

The outside world, the human demon wise man and the human **** wise man are angry.

"Dead boy, he dared to curse his wife for a hundred years. I really don't want to live. The wife has lived for thousands of years."

"I really owe it to him. I must never let him die. The old man wants to trap his soul and adjust it every day."

"This **** and demon leader seems to be different from the rumor." On the other side, Luo Qing emptied a weed in his mouth and squatted on a stone with Night Sky.

Ye Tian felt at ease, and a sense of IQ superiority emerged spontaneously.

After Chu Yi scolded, he was relieved.

Jian Banxian smiled and said: "Sure enough, as the outside world said, the **** demon leader is a puppet, but only the experience of the three young masters. Fortunately, he did not stand with the **** demon leader."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes: "I said, you have many mouths, I thought Jian Banxian was a cold man."

Jian Banxian shook his head: "Although you are just a puppet leader, it is really powerful to be able to defeat the previous **** son Buddha."

"Moreover, you and the king of sin land are called the second and third of Kendo. I don't like it very much. I am Kendo. What is the second and third."

"To be honest, I am not happy with the sword pavilion. I desperately advocate the swordsmanship of Yan Luo Xianzun. In fact, my swordsmanship is the real swordsmanship. It will certainly be immortal in the future and walk out of the avenue."

The sword half-cent fairy long hair dances, a sword strikes, the sword does not have the tip of the sword, the body is silver-white, and there is no trace of impurities.

"In the future, it will be my sword half sword."

"This way is right!"

He stabbed with a sword and set off a strong wind, which was very harsh.

Chu Yi's eyes were fierce, Jin Wu circled the sun, and then the flames gathered frantically on his right hand, and punched out with a punch.

When the two touched, they both stopped. At the next moment, Chu Yi turned his fist into the palm and directly held the opponent's Excalibur.

His flesh was already quite powerful, and the horrible power made Jian Banxian frown slightly.

The latter's Excalibur screamed, as if alive, continually spitting fog, instantly becoming extremely soft, and detached from Chu Yi's hand.

At the same time, Jian Banxian bullied himself, he was like a sword, and the sword was sharper.

"The sword is me, and I am the sword. This way, with the sword as the main body, exercises myself like a forged sword. I have swords all over my body."

"Yes, yes, you are the cheapest, you are the cheapest!" Chu Yi said perfunctoryly, but he didn't care.

Sword Banxian came from the finger, and there were sword tactics flying in the fingertips.

Five fingers are the five sword tactics.

Jin Wu hissed, the sun was burning high, and a terrible heat wave swept the sky.

"Why not use Kendo?" Jian Banxian frowned.

"I'm afraid that as soon as I use Kendo, you lose, it's so much boring."

"The leader is so confident that it makes me want to kill you." Shiyou stepped forward and joined the battle.

The eyes of the gods are like Hong. From those eyes, a lot of fairy tales flow out, like the years, washing everything.

Jian Banxian's eyes lit up, with a sigh of exclamation, and soon the sword was raised.

Excalibur psychic.


Jianmang is like a dragon, and immortal is like a flood.

The two joined forces and were more powerful than the original Son of God and Buddha.

Chu Yi was solemn and shouted, "Moon is coming!"

The fat man's expression was inspiring. He cast the Moonshadow Eucharist. In an instant, the laurel tree grew, the cold water swirled around and swept Chu Yi.


The combination of the Sunshade Eucharist and the Moonshadow Eucharist, at this moment, the power of terror finally broke out.

Chu Yi threw a punch, as if two rounds of big stars were rolling down, the hot and cold light flooded the large altar, almost destroying everything here.

Jian Banxian's and Shiyou's attacks were dispersed, even swallowed and burned.

When they looked at each other, they were all in one.

"This exercise..."

Outside, the abbot frowned, and Lingjue Xianzun turned back into the chariot, fetching ancient books for reading.

"It is the sun shadow body and moon shadow body." Pang Guxianzun said, he came from Taikoo, naturally know more things.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be so, and Lao thought of it."

The abbot whispered, "It is said that the sun star and the lunar star split after each other.

"The Moon Shadow Eucharist has a small family that has been passed down from generation to generation, but the people of the Sun Shadow Eucharist have not been able to pass on. I did not expect that the two ancient gods are now united."

Everyone suddenly, and then looked at the gods and deities one by one.

"Is the **** demon master a puppet? Didn't expect to treat the puppet master so well and even teach him such an important skill." Xuan fairy whispered softly.

The three of Pang Guxianzun froze, looking at the two wise men.

The man-devil wise man quickly explained: "It's not what we gave, it was obtained by himself."

The rest were clear, but they looked at Chu Yi more cautiously.

"This is a great opportunity." An old man in the Holy Land nodded.

Kaka Kaka!

Above the altar, the void is broken, and the terror energy has not dispersed for a long time.

"This is interesting." Jian Banxian suddenly laughed, and the sword in his hand erupted into a bright light, and the immortal text circulated and continued to smoke.

Chu Yi was keenly aware that now the sword is not used by people, but by the sword.

Shi You unfolded scarlet wings, and her godlike pattern was like a melting candle, which hung on the ground until she formed a spear.


The two killed the past.

"Since that is the case, we will come for a while." On the other side, Daqi looked at Zhu Bajie.

He slammed the iron column hard, and at the next moment, there was a lot of metal fragments falling on it, and the iron column was reborn, golden, with black fairy imprinted on it.

"You...too weak..."

Pig Bajie swayed the trotters, but it was not indifferent. Its state was a little weird. At this level, it was unclear, there was no Dao, no Yuanying, and even Chu Yi couldn't see it. He didn't even know what was going on.

However, its combat effectiveness is extraordinary, and the nine-tooth nail rake rises in the wind and smashes it down.


The air smelled burnt.

This piece of space seems to be ravaged by random and constantly deformed.

Yu Xiqing glanced at her, turned her eyes, and looked at the King of Sin.

"To be honest, sin land and my demon religion still have some origins, and I feel worthless for sin land, but not many people are willing to listen to the truth. Unless sin land is so powerful, it will not turn over from generation to generation."

"As a king of sin land, your talent is also extremely high, it is better to leave the sin land and fight alongside me."

"You, the **** is not big enough to have a baby. The chest is too small, what if the child is hungry in the future." The king of sin land said.

Yu Xiqing's face was reddish and she immediately pulled out a fire whip.


Yu Xiqing revealed her true body, her skin darkened, and a black flame was beating on it.

The lower body turned into smoke, erratic.

This is a special demons.

The long whip swept through the black mist, enveloped this world, and rolled towards the king of sin.

The three parties went to war, and the whole altar was trembling, but fortunately it was hard enough not to crack.

"Brother Wang, you're sure, there is no plague of blood today." The fat man asked cautiously.

Wang Ying spread his hands: "How do I know, I just said nonsense, this is the stability of the military heart, these gangs fight, all luck, with my ability, I can not see any future."

"The little **** smashed. Since that's the case, I also joined the fight and kicked these little wave hoofs." Niuniu screamed, her whole body was soaring, and then the four hoofs kicked, and whistled, it was far away, Standing on the edge of a path at the altar, ready to escape at any time.

The fat man scolded.

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