My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1440: Sanyuan Holy Mountain

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"The big dream world... is really magical, there are such places in the world."

Several people from the Qing Emperor came, and when they heard Chu Yi's description, they were shocked.

"Based on the dreamland of the big dream beast, the world constructed is whimsical."

Swordworm laughed: "Although this world is a bit misty, as long as the dream beast does not die or does not wake up, the whole world will continue to exist."

"The big dream beast has a long lifespan. This one doesn't know how many times it has lived. There is no sign of soberness so far, so don't worry."

"Sleep in the flesh, sleep in Yuanyuan, and resonate with the spirit of the big dream beast, you can enter the big dream world."

"Is it really okay to go out like this?" Several people were still worried.

"Don't worry, many evil geniuses are sharpened in the big dream world, and it is a terrible battlefield to compete with all races."

"In this false universe, there are no opponents suitable for the Chu boy to sharpen, the fairy king is too high, and you are too weak, if you don't sharpen, it will lead to cultivation as a stagnation." Sword insect said directly.

"Although this is true, it's too hurtful to say it," the dark flame demon muttered.

Chu Yi is very simple, and must enter the swordworm first, and experiment.

The two of them stepped into the gate, and with a hum, a soft light burst.

There is a lot of white here, there are stars in the sky, flowers and grass in the ground, and the wind is pleasant.

"We are going to sleep, only here, after falling asleep can we resonate with the spirit of the big dream beast, so sleepy..."

The sword worm was groggy, and Chu Yi's eyelids had become extremely heavy.

As a supreme monk, he hasn't slept for a long time, and he feels very at ease at this time.

Soon after, he found himself floating out again, without shape, following a pipe, and submerged into the light in front.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly sobered up, surrounded by a Gobi, the sky and earth were the same color, and Changyun stretched in the sky.

The sky is beautiful, three rounds of big sun are born, but the ground is desolate, and rubble is everywhere.

"What's going on?" Chu Yi stunned.

"It doesn't matter, it's because of the big dream beast. This big dream beast has a soft spot for the ruins, so the dream is full of ruins."

"Everyone is used to it, so they buy and sell in the ruins."

The sword worm took a deep breath and seemed to recall the scene when it entered: "Here, the weapon cannot enter. The clothes on your body are only ordinary clothes, so you have to fight and rely on yourself."

"Dream Realm has a total of five worlds, corresponding to Yuanying, Tongshen, Xianzun, Supreme, and Supreme Supreme."

"This means that only the Yuan infant period can enter, we are now in the Yuan infant industry."

Chu Yi explored his body, and only Daofu and Yuanying were left, and the small world disappeared.

"It seems that the fairy king cannot enter."

"There are many strong men here, but some monks are reluctant to enter the big dream world, or seldom enter, fearing that the big dream beast will affect their Dao Xin invisibly."

"Some asterisks are extremely rare, and most of them are in the real universe, but for you, the strong here is enough to sharpen."

Among the ruins, there are indeed a lot of creatures moving, and there are indeed many creatures. The creatures of all races are very strange here. Some Chu Yi have never heard of it.

The sword worm changed its appearance so as not to be recognized.

In front, the crowd gathers, and many creatures are here, as if waiting for something.

"Newcomer?" A little old man was only as tall as Chu Yi's ankles, very small, sitting on a pole, and seemed to be selling some fruits.

There is naturally no physical transaction here, but after looking at it, you can leave contact information and trade directly through reality, saving a lot of time.

"How do seniors call it?" Chu Yi bowed his hand.

"Sanyuan sacred mountain, a family of goblins, just call me my lord." The little old man stroked a few sparse beards.

The Swordworm quietly said: "The Sanyuan Holy Mountain is a place of evil, a group of gangsters and hooligans, but they must add a holy word."

"Generally we are called Sanyuan Mountain, which is composed of the Goblin, Jujing and Phantasm. Although it is annoying, this force is a bit terrifying. Sanyuan Mountain is one of the 36 immortals of the Universe Administration."

After seeing the information in the stone, the sword worm seemed to remember a lot of past events.

"Sanyuan Mountain, the giant elites are very tall, but they are notoriously stupid. The magic elves are masters of illusion, but they are lechers. As for the elves, they all like to steal."

Chu Yi knew it, and had a rough idea.

"Junior Chu Yi, how did the senior see that I am new?"

The God of Earth is here: "The first time a newcomer comes to this big dream world, he will get a big dream coin, just at your waist, you have not put it away."

At first glance, Chu Yi had a jade-colored rectangular coin.

"Okay, I'm just talking to you, and goodbye." Di Ye was sitting on a pole, and the melons were floating in the air, leaving at a speed towards the distance.

"Hey, Lengtouqing is just a trick. It's so easy to get a big dream coin. This is hard currency here, and the quantity is fixed."

"Just teach this humorous boy a lesson, the newcomer will always suffer a little."

The earth man tossed half of his coins, turned the bag, and was about to put it, but his face changed a lot: "My uncle, how come my pocket is empty!"

"I was stolen?"

"That kid!"

Chu Yi stood on the spot, stood down with his hand, saw the goblin back, and sincerely said: "Why did Lord Di come back?"

"Boy, did you steal my money?"

"What money?" Chu Yi stunned.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I said two words to you today, isn't there anyone else?"

"Uncle, my thief is invincible, even the supreme are stolen, and they will be stolen by others." The grandpa cried.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and only waited until the other party stopped embarrassingly, then he said: "If Lord Di can tell me what happened here, I will return the big dream coin I just picked up."

After all, the sword worm was too young, and many things about Big Dream could not be remembered.

Chu Yi stared at the goblin.

Di Ye's face was black and black: "What a sinister kid, I admit it."

"Yuanying Realm is so vast, there are endless ruins, and the encounter between you and us is also a fate."

"This group of creatures gathered there to fight for the Fa."

"This big dream world, although it is the dream of the big dream beast, can be very similar to the real world. It is equivalent to a small universe. In the dream, there are occasionally naturally formed methods, and those methods will fall from the sky."

Chu Yi's eyes lit up and said, "That is to say, there will be exercises after a while?"

"Are you going to grab it?" Lord Ye blows his beard and smiles disdainfully. "Let's see, what are those creatures?"

"They are all heirs of the Xianjia Shenfu. In this kind of scene, ordinary creatures are simply not eligible to join, and will be directly excluded unless the strength is recognized."

Chu Yi's eyes were excited. He didn't expect that it was so easy to meet the people of Xianjia Shenfu.

One of the short men glanced here, and then ran over with his suitcase.

"Good grandpa."

Di Ye picked up the pole, jumped up, and beat the young goblin's head.

"Uncle, your generation is no longer good." Di Ye shouted angrily, "Chu, you know, our gnomes are shorter and more handsome, more respected, but now the young people, all of them Longing to grow tall, what good is growing tall, and people are short-lived."

"What's more annoying is that today's young people don't even bother to learn the traditional craft theft of my goblin family."

"What's the point of mingling with the hypocrisy Xianjia Shenfu people?"

Chu Yi covered his face with black lines.

The young goblin was also scolded helplessly.

"This is my great-great-great-grandson, Shi Mu."

The two introduced.

Shi Mu smiled at Chu Yi's teeth and seemed to have been used to his grandfather's temper.

The young gnomes already had Chu Yi's waist height, and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, you are really lucky to be here today. I heard that the Mo family in the barren hills will have children coming."

"No, it's already here!"

His words just fell, and a huge tornado rolled up on the Gobi in the distance.

The majesty, the dust, and the countless grains of sand collide together, shining like a starry sky.

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