My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1441: Sword of the House Lord

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Yuan Ying period is so powerful?" Chu Yi was secretly surprised. In the sand and dust, every collision of dust brought a breath of Tao, which was shocking.

The barren hill Mo family, with the pinnacle of the fairy lord sitting in town, is even a self-proclaimed barren hill man who is naturally capable of manipulating sand and soil, but is a race of the human race.

Sand dust receded, and inside was a behemoth. It was a desert sand beast. It was huge and had six feet. Two of them went toward the sky, and it was domineering.

Everyone was amazed: "At this level of desert sand beasts, at least they are all in the realm of Immortal Venerables, and they are actually regarded as mounts. I am afraid that the Mo Family people who appeared this time are not simple and respectable."

The fierce roar, with two mouths, a brownish-yellow body without scales but covered with runes, like a moving dune.

On the head of the murderer, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women stood.

The man's purple hair is slightly longer, his eyes bright, and he is wearing a purple robe with black lines on the cuffs.

He is very peaceful, with a smile, has a natural breath of the king, not arrogant, powerful, sacred.

And the woman beside him, the beauty of Duan Duan is beautiful, her long purple hair is more elegant, and it falls to her waist, and there is a breath of dust.

Smart eyes are like the swaying stars in the sky, and they must fall into the world at any time.

"Mo ruthless!" Shi Mu scared, but his eyes were staring at the man.

"I didn't expect that Mo Wu ruthlessly came forward. Brother Chu, this person is in the supreme state. Although he has not yet reached the summit of the supreme, it can also be regarded as the supreme leader. It is the core disciple of the Mo family and was trained as the future peak fairy king. "

"He is the title of supremacy and is hailed as King Baigan."

"This woman is Mo ruthless sister, Mo Xin."

"The two are quite different in age, so Mo Xin is in Yuanying's realm. Mo Mo ruthlessly came over this time, it should be to **** the appropriate exercises."

"Although the Mo family is a big family, Mo's ruthless strength is also terrible, but the rules are very strict. If Mo Xin wants to obtain more resources, he must show his talents and strength. Access to resources for the younger sister."

"The bigger the family, the more intense the competition. I don't know how many people want to be in position." Shi Mu sighed.

"The Mo family is one of the four major families. Even the title of Supreme is not dare to be neglected and must be practiced every day."

"Huh, **** Mo's family." Lord Ye put his arms around him, sitting on the crutches angrily, "Mo family had a good relationship with Dayun Mansion, but Dayun Mansion, but disappeared with the virtual world creatures, then the war, Can the Mo family conceal others, or can we conceal the power of our immortal family?"

"The flames soared into the sky, a large piece of void was stained with red, terrible fluctuations swept the world, but the area was blocked by people."

"The Mo family claimed to the outside that it was just a secret change, but we are not stupid."

"But I just want to use the virtual world spirits to eradicate the Universiade." Di Yehan said.

"Grandpa, speak carefully, you know this is taboo." Shi Mu smiled bitterly.

"Mo Family!"

The sword worm transmitted the sound to Chu Yi, "It's the Mo family. I felt that before, the stars in the sky were familiar, but now I want to come, it should be the practice of the undefeated astrological formula."

"Sure enough someone betrayed."

"Mr. Chu, the undefeated astrology tactic is something of our Universiade and yours. The Mo family estimates that it has not been thoroughly studied, but a terrible method is enough to give birth to countless branch methods, making the Mo family powerful. increase."

"It's awful!"

"This is my Universiade."

"Sword worm,'s ours, it's always ours." Chu Yi touched the sword worm's head and calmed it down.

He was not surprised that such a thing would happen. The people's hearts were sinister, the situation was impermanent, and there was only one throne.

"What taboos can he do without his family?"

Di Ye angrily said, "Do you know that since then, many monks in the family suddenly began to practice kendo, why?"

"Because, they got the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuo."

"They ignited the spirit of the sword and made Kendo be in the whole Mo family. To train the strong kendo, we must open up the vein of the sword master of the Mo family."

"The other three, apart from the Hundred Ghost Huo family, also shared the sword spirit."

"Sword spirit of the former strongman has now become a sacrifice. Dayun Mansion resists the spirits of the virtual world, especially the sword-bearers. Every time, there are countless deaths and injuries. But in the end, there is no shadow, and it disappears."

Di Ye sneered: "This is the universe, vast and no temperature."

The sword worm cried silently.

"Sword Soul of the House Lord..."

Chu Yi clenched his fists. He has a sword species in his body, and he has evolved again, which is the nimble sword soul. That is the fusion of Yuanying and the sword species. It can be said that it represents the highest achievement of a kendo.

The spirit of the sword is imprisoned and ignited. For the strong, it is tantamount to a kind of humiliation. It is equivalent to re-digging out the dead ancestor's body and violent wilderness.

Shi Mu was sweating heavily: "Grandpa, don't say it, it's useless to say it. The Universiade has already perished. Those three shots, and there are virtual world creatures, no one can resist it. How many years? In the past, there is still no news from Universiade."

"Old man, I just sighed, what are you nervous about, Lord Chenhuo is kind to me, I'm just dissatisfied."

"Grandpa, dare to ask you what you are doing?" Chu Yi's face did not change, he would not confess to others because of the other party's few words.

His identity is too sensitive.

"It's just supreme," Di Ye grinned, showing black teeth.

"Seniors are so powerful, it took me a long time to practice before I arrived at Yuanying." Chu Yi obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't tell the truth himself.

"Well, your strength is fair, you are young, and it's not bad."

Several people casually chatted and stopped talking about Universiade.

But at this time, the brothers and sisters of the Mo family finally landed, the desert sand beast and the Gobi merged, and gradually sank.

"Baigan Supreme!"

"Relentless brother, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you are challenging success again, one step closer to the Star Wars."

Many monks came forward to congratulate, of course, some of them stopped at the same place without moving. Obviously, they did not make good friends with the Mo family, but just nodded slightly.

"You're welcome, you guys, I'm one step closer to reaching the pinnacle supreme. If you don't enter the pinnacle supreme, you can never enter the Star Wars. The above are all terrible characters. I'm far inferior."

"Fengyun gathers, in the dream world, there are also many titles of supreme and asterisk supreme. I remember Mo Family's Uranus is here to enter the Star Wars, and now it is the top 20 of the Star Wars. "" exclaimed a crane.

"It's too far away, I still need the accumulation of endless years. Come here today, I just want to help my sister to see if there is a suitable method to drop."

Mo ruthlessly clenched his fists and said: "You don't have to be polite, I am here now, and I have been suppressed to the infancy, and I will rely on my own skills."

"Sister Moxin... It's really my pity, Baigan Supreme's veins are all amazing." Some people exaggerated.

Mo Xin lowered his head and smiled, these are the children of Xianjia Rune, not mortals, they are the objects of their Mo family, she also needs to draw, exaggerate her social circle.

Her figure is uneven, the curves are undulating, and she has charm. It is easy to get everyone's favor.

And Mo Xin's appearance is also famous in the Mo family.

Chu Yi just watched from afar.

The sword worm could not help going up now, teaching the other party a meal and killing him with a piece of armor.



Shi Mu looked up and reminded Chu Yi that the original sky cloud cirrus cloud Shu, but at this moment, suddenly the white cloud burned like a sea of ​​fire.

One vortex after another appeared in the sky, and there seemed to be something brewing in the middle of that vortex.

"Brother Chu, the bigger the vortex, the better the exercises. These naturally-occurring exercises have a high probability of being rare exercises. With me as a guarantee, you can go up and try, but don’t grab it. Big, it should be in Mo's pocket."


Suddenly, a white figure rises to the sky like a dragon, not a dragon, and is a variant of the dragon family.

"White Dragon Cave of the thirty-six cents!"

"Bailong Surui!"

Bai Long Changxiao said: "Mo Mo ruthless, I will not be polite with you, each depends on his ability."

"Haha, Brother Su, I didn't expect you to be here, too. We just tried it." Mo laughed heartlessly.

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