My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 141 The Ultimate Collision! Deuce Autumn Colors? (Please Subscribe!!)

Wait until all the smoke has dispersed.

They looked at the situation on the field carefully, and saw that as the scene became clearer and clearer, the shock in their hearts became deeper and deeper.

Because the stones used by the two people in the fight had disappeared without a trace.

And the smoke in the sky is the powder produced after the stones are broken!

What's even more terrifying is that the land behind the two people is riddled with holes.

Although this is an ordinary dirt floor, it takes a lot of energy to make the ground a mess!

Echizen Ryoma said with some surprise:

"This... such a scene!"

At this moment, he finally understood why his father never competed with him seriously.

Because once his father becomes a little more serious, the consequences will be completely unbearable for him!

At this moment, he truly understood how different he was from Beihara Xiu!

However, he thought that the matter was over, and then Tezuka suddenly said:

"Take a closer look!"

Echizen Ryoma doesn't know why, but since Tezuka reminded me to take a closer look, I'll take a closer look.

Echizen Ryoma focused his attention on the surrounding scenes, but what he saw surprised him even more, because.

Not only are there many holes on the ground, but there are also many holes on the surrounding trees!

These holes are very small, only about 3mm in size, but as long as you look through the light, you can see that the trees have been completely penetrated!

That is to say.

Just after the stones were thrown out, the debris generated by the collision had actually broken such a thick tree!

This left Echizen Ryoma speechless because it was so exaggerated.

Is it possible to play tennis to such an extent..."

This cannot be blamed on their lack of knowledge.

It can only be said that this scene, even if anyone in the world sees it, will be extremely surprised.

And on the field.

The two did not pay attention to the conversation between Ryoma and Tezuka.

They just make comments about each other.

Nanjiro was actually slightly surprised.

He felt that this guy really exceeded his expectations by far.

I have just brought out the different dimension. Although it is not 100% activated, it is equivalent to spending my own money.

Unexpectedly, even so, he would not be able to take advantage of him.

What happened just now was a lose-lose situation.

Or to put it nicely, there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

Osamu Kitahara was also surprised by Nanjiro's performance.

The trace of sword intent he had just exerted was almost the most condensed will.

However, it turned out that it was just a fight with Nanjiro.

I am still a young man, and Nanjiro...

You know, a tennis player cannot maintain strong strength for a long time.

In other words.

A person's peak is always only a short period of time, and some people even only have a peak period of a few months!

However, Nanjiro is now in his thirties and forties, and has been away from tennis for many years. It can be said that he has completely relaxed.

But just after testing it, he found that this guy had not degraded at all, and was even a little stronger than when he was young!

Worthy of being a tennis legend!!

Between masters and masters, it often only takes one move to determine the outcome, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

The two looked at each other and saw something in their eyes.

In other words, the two of them achieved each other's goals just through this small stone.

"I really look forward to seeing you shine in the World Cup in the future."

After the ball was over, Nanjiro said to Kitahara Osamu.

Kitahara Monastery:

"That's natural. My goal is to win the World Cup!"

Echizen Nanjiro thought for a while, then asked with some curiosity:

"Which team are you going to join?"

Bei Yuanxiu said calmly:

"Team Germany."

Nanjiro heard this and nodded.

"The German team... that is indeed a good place... They have won the previous nine World Cups! It seems that you want to create your first consecutive championship."

Kitahara Osamu nodded to indicate that he guessed correctly.

The match between the two ended with a tacit understanding.

The two of them didn't exchange much, they said goodbye to each other and left.

Echizen Ryoma, who was still on the spot, said blankly:

"Is this the end?"

Tezuka thought for a while and then replied:

"Between the two of them, there is no need to go through six games to determine the outcome. They should have played a close match just now."

Echizen Ryoma nodded. Although he felt depressed when he saw that his father only used his full strength in front of Kitahara Osamu, the samurai's blood would never stop burning.

He feels that through hard work, he should be able to achieve the same achievements as his father, and then he can have another fight with Kitahara Osamu!


After winning the championship, Rikkai came to the noodle shop to eat noodles and drinks.

Minors are not allowed to drink!

After winning the game, everyone was very happy. After eating and drinking, everyone began to look forward to their future life.

Kirihara Akaya said:

"I heard that there will be a training camp recruitment in the future. Have you heard about it?"

Everyone became curious and asked:

"What kind of recruitment? We have never heard of it, not even in the previous years!"

Kirihaya said:

"The new rule that just came out this year is that junior high school students must participate in the World Cup, so all countries are recruiting junior high school students, and our country should be no exception!"

"Is it true?"

This news naturally aroused everyone's curiosity.

After all, it is the mysterious place of the training camp!

The so-called U17 training camp is a special institution in various countries around the world that selects talented players under the age of 17. Most qualified teenagers can be selected in their first year of high school. "

U17 can be called the reserve force of professional players, and the best players in U17 are the reserve force of the national team. Almost all members of the national team come from U17.

It can be said that anyone who can enter a country's U17 training camp can be regarded as the genius of the entire country!

If you can enter and train there, it will be very helpful for your tennis career!

Kitahara Osamu gave the final news. road:

"Kirihaya is right, it should be soon. The Japanese training camp will issue a recruitment order, and you will all have the opportunity to participate."

After hearing the news, everyone was happy and cheered.

After all, they were worried about not being able to find their current goal after winning three consecutive championships. Now they have a new goal, which is to dominate the training camp!!

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