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Xie Na was still in shock. She looked at Xu Yi with the microphone and said a little stutteringly because of excitement:"Is this the first time you have made your relationship public on the show?" Seeing Na Jie's excitement, Xu Yi smiled and said:"Not only on the show, but on any platform, this is the first time we have made our relationship public."

"wow~ congratulations!" Na Jie cheered and said happily.

Li Weijia saw through her and exposed her:" Na Jie is thinking that the ratings for this episode will be settled."

"Hey, why did you misunderstand me?"Xie Na said carelessly,"Am I such a vulgar person? I am happy for the two of them! A talented man and a beautiful woman, they are really a match made in heaven."

"Now that it's public, we can talk about these photos that the program team found on the Internet!"

Teacher He led the rhythm of the program steadily, turned sideways and pointed at the stage and said:"Please look at the big screen!"

The next second, some puzzle photos were put on the big screen. The audience who followed this relationship are familiar with the things in the photos, including the apartment and luxury car that Xu Yi bought for Xiaoju, the LED birthday greetings arranged on her birthday, and the diamond crown that Xu Yi personally put on Xiaoju.

Wu Xin, an unmarried person, saw the photos on the big screen and showed an envious expression:"If someone prepared these for me, I would get married immediately." Hearing this

, Xie Na teased Wu Xin:"Didn't they say that the wedding can't be rushed and must be well prepared, but you are in a hurry?"

"Haha! I'm worried about Xiaoju~" Wu Xin looked at Xiaoju and squinted,"right, Xiaoju?"

Xiaoju lowered her head embarrassedly, she was indeed... a little anxious.

Teacher He clicked on the photos one by one and enlarged each gift that Xu Yi prepared for Xiaoju, which caused another exclamation from the audience.

The girls said one after another:"Wu Xin is right, if you meet a man like this, just marry him without hesitation!"

Teacher He, who has always seen the world, couldn't help but sigh when he clicked on the last photo:"These things are still hastily prepared, so what will it be like if you prepare seriously~ I am looking forward to your perfect wedding. Remember to invite me to be the host then!"

Xie Na immediately interrupted:"And me, and me! I will also be your free host for the wedding!"

Xu Yi smiled and said a little panic:"How can I let the two of you attend my wedding and do labor! If you have to do it, you should be the witnesses."

"Anything is fine!" Xie Na said carelessly,"Just invite me to your wedding, so that Sister Na can see the world."

We have seen above that Xu Yi made such a big scene just to celebrate Xiaoju's birthday. If it is their wedding ceremony, and seeing Xu Yi's attitude that it must be prepared seriously, the wedding must be comparable to that of the European royal family.

Xu Yi agreed immediately:"No problem, I will definitely invite you, Sister Na."

Xie Na pointed at the camera exaggeratedly, and Yi said:"That's what you said! The camera recorded it. After it is broadcast next week, people all over the country can testify for me, but you can't!"

Xu Yi smiled helplessly:"Don't worry, I won't."

At this point, Teacher He turned to look at Xu, and continued:"After today, when the wedding is really held, you may have to invite someone else"

"Who is it?" Xu Yi asked naturally.

"Who is it?" Teacher He asked in a suspenseful tone, while turning to the back of the stage.

At this time, a familiar background music sounded in the recording room, a well-known song"Dimples".

The singer Cai Zhuoyan held the microphone and walked out from the backstage while singing. The audience burst into applause when they saw her pure and sweet appearance.

As the originator of the girl idol group, Cai Zhuoyan had the largest number of fans back then. If you haven't been a fan of Twins, you are embarrassed to say that you are a **.

Until now, she is still very well-known in the mainland. After so many years, she still maintains her youth. Chun has a beautiful image, but she rarely appears in variety shows.

This time, the audience at the Happy Camp was in for a treat. It was a big surprise for them. Many of them were fans of Cai Zhuoyan, and now they rarely see her.

Everyone was surprised to see Cai Zhuoyan suddenly.

After the song ended, the cheers at the scene did not stop. The five hosts of the Happy Family handed the microphone to the audience, and the audience cheered even more vigorously.

Cai Zhuoyan had a smile on her face all the time, and she was still shy like a girl.

Teacher He took back the microphone and pulled back the main key:"We welcome Cai Zhuoyan!"

A wave of applause continued to break out on and off the stage.

Teacher He continued:"And Director Xu Ke who came from afar."

As he spoke, Director Xu Ke had already walked up from the back of the stage with the microphone.

The audience was boiling again.

Not only the audience, but also several hosts on the scene were boiling.

Li Weijia especially liked Director Xu Ke, his eyes were full of admiration, and he asked Xu Ke with a trembling voice:"Director Xu, I am your loyal fan and have been following you for many years. As far as I know, this is your first time on a variety show, right?"

Xu Ke raised his hand and casually stroked his gray hair, and replied,"Yes."

Then, he showed a helpless smile and looked at Cai Zhuoyan:"I am here to accompany her. If I don't come, she won't promote the movie well."

After listening to Director Xu Ke's words, everyone in the Happy Family squinted their eyes and looked at Cai Zhuoyan with a smile.

The goddess still has the mind of a child.

Director Xu Ke refused to let her go, and continued to reveal:"Originally, she refused to come when we tempted her with Changsha snacks. Later, when she heard that the male lead Xu Yi, who played Jiuzhou, was coming, she clamored to come." As soon as Director

Xu said this, everyone cast their eyes on Xu Yi again.

This time, Cai Zhuoyan was no longer shy, and instead began to reveal Xu Ke:"Director Xu, aren't you the same as me? Do you usually participate in this kind of variety show? Isn't it because you saw Xu Yi's wire action and praised him, saying that you wanted to get to know him in person that you came on the show with me?"

The two began to expose each other and hurt each other.

After the two exposed the news, the people on and off the stage once again focused their attention on Xu Yi.

It turned out that they were lucky enough to meet these two big names today, all thanks to Xu Yi?

Because they were Xu Yi's admirers, so they came here?

Finally solved the case.

But I didn't expect Xu Yi's power to be so great that his influence has spread to Hong Kong and Taiwan, and he is also a top female star and powerful film director in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Xu Yi again.

Then they understood.

There is no blind spot from top to bottom, especially his handsome face, plus the dedication of the actors in the same crew just now.

Such a man is indeed worthy of love._Feilu reminds you: Three things to read-collect

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