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He held the microphone, looked at Xu Yi, then looked at Director Cai Zhuoyan and Director Xu Ke, and said with a smile:"It seems that I will host a large-scale dating show today! This is the first time for everyone to meet, so let's say hello!"

Xu Yi thought that the other party was a respected director and a famous female star for a long time. As a newcomer in the entertainment industry, he should be more polite.

So, he spoke first and greeted the two one by one:"Hello, Director, Hello, Sister Yan."

Cai Zhuoyan kept looking at Xu Yi with a smile, while Xu Ke was more direct and more formulaic. He said to Xu Yi directly:"I have seen your wirework drama, and the movements are very beautiful. I heard that you don't use a double, you do it all by yourself, is it true?"

Xu Yi nodded at Director Xu Ke and affirmed:"No double was used, I did it all by myself. I was originally a stuntman, and I have also been a wirework double for the original male lead before."

Xu Yi said these without hesitation.

Actually, Xu Ke had already checked Xu Yi's situation. He was well aware of all these situations. Moreover, he had heard these things when he was waiting backstage just now.

But he just wanted to ask Xu Yi in person and confirm with him. This was probably the director's obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hearing Xu Yi's admission, Xu Ke looked at Xu Yi and exclaimed:"I think those actions can only be performed by stuntmen with a certain level of skills. Before, the Internet said that you didn't use a stand-in, but I didn't dare to believe it completely. Now that I hear you say that you are a stuntman, I understand.""

"Young man, you have a bright future."Xu Ke patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and said sincerely,"There are many people in the entertainment industry who can act, and there are even more people who can act. But there are not many people who have this hard skill and are willing to continue to endure hardships."

"Thank you Director Xu for the compliment. I won't forget my roots." Xu Yi took Director Xu Ke's words as a spur and promised seriously.

He won't forget his roots, which is also his promise to all his fans and moviegoers.

Xu Ke looked at Xu Yi and nodded in appreciation. He admired Xu Yi's attitude of being ambitious but not arrogant, and felt that there were not many young people like him in the entertainment industry nowadays.

Director Xu Ke admired Xu Yi more and more, and directly invited Xu Yi on the stage:"My next movie will start preparations at the end of the year. I hope we can have a chance to cooperate. I will reserve the position of the male lead for you!"

The host of the Happy Family was stunned for a few seconds like Xu Yi. It was Xie Na who reacted first, with his eyes wide open and his mouth opened wide because of surprise. He said in disbelief:"What did I hear? Director Xu actually invited me to be the male lead of his next movie on the spot?"

Li Weijia, a senior fan of Director Xu, also exclaimed:"I actually witnessed this historic moment."

Xu Yi came back to his senses and quickly responded:"Okay, Director Xu. I will definitely participate in your play. Thank you for your kindness."

"You're welcome." Xu Ke waved his hands, disapprovingly,"You earned this through your own efforts, so you don't have to thank me. A talented actor like you deserves good opportunities."

At this time, the person who had been watching the show in silence spoke up:"It's not just his talent, right? His super high looks can also help your movie!"

Cai Zhuoyan said to Xu Ke, and then turned to Xu Yi and praised him unabashedly,"When I saw the real person, I found that he was even more handsome than in the drama. Maybe you are more suitable for modern dress! If you have the chance

, you can also shoot more modern dramas~" Xu Yi thought that he would shoot the drama Jiuzhou just because he could act with Xiaoju. He didn't think much about shooting modern dramas.

However, if there is another opportunity to shoot with Xiaoju, he naturally would not resist.

At this moment, in order to save face, he still politely responded to Cai Zhuoyan:"If there is a good script, I will consider trying it."

Xu Yi's words were very official, which made Cai Zhuoyan feel a little left out.

She was not willing to accept it, and spared no effort to praise Xu Yi:"I just heard you singing well backstage, you are really versatile. Let's sing together if there is a chance. I especially like male and female duets, and I think our voices are suitable."

This time, Xu Yi did not respond.

Fortunately, Teacher He took over the conversation in time and mobilized the atmosphere and said:"Wow! After inviting the male lead on the spot, I witnessed the invitation of duets on the spot. Today is really a good day for our base camp, and we have witnessed so many historic moments."

After witnessing the two historic scenes just now, the audience on the scene was also boiling, and they all had a new understanding of Xu Yi.

The atmosphere on the stage was very good, and the greetings were basically completed.

Teacher He began to follow the program process and said at the right time:"So many new friends came today, and so many good things happened. Everyone is very happy. Let's continue this happiness and enter the game session!"

Then, the guests and the host went backstage to change into sportswear that was convenient for movement, and redid their makeup and hair. When they came back again, the guests and the Happy Family had automatically divided into two groups according to the color of their clothes.

Xiaoju, Xu Yi, Wu Shi and Xie Na, who were wearing red clothes, were in one group.

Cai Zhuoyan, Li Weijia, Wu Xin and Haitao, who were wearing blue clothes, were in another group.

Teacher He was the host and announced that the first game was"The Magic of Love".

The rules of the game were displayed on the big screen: each team sent out three people in each round, and after completing ten elephant circles, they stood on the high platform to take pictures before the countdown ended. In the final photo, one point was awarded for successfully showing the face. The two teams stood in front of the starting line, and Xiaoju stood beside Xu Yi. At the zero command from Teacher He, everyone began to do the elephant circle while pinching their noses.

This action tests a person's balance, and everyone does it at different speeds. Xu Yi can do it easily because his physical fitness has been enhanced by the system.

But he still kept a low profile and maintained He ran at a speed similar to everyone else. However, when everyone had almost finished ten turns and the countdown sounded, the running state was completely different.

Xu Yi did not shake at all and ran towards the platform with a steady pace. On the way, he did not forget to pay attention to Xiaoju's position. When her center of gravity was unstable, he helped her appropriately.

Xiaoju is a serious person and is serious about everything she does. She also has a strong personality. Even in games, she strives to be the best.

Since the beginning of the game, Xiaoju has been playing very hard. But probably because she is smaller, although she was the second person to rush to the platform, she was squeezed down unknowingly not long after.

Before Xiaoju fell off the platform, Xu Yi half hugged her with one hand. Xiaoju looked at Xu Yi with her body half-up, and found that her boyfriend was also handsome from this angle. Especially in this posture of saving her, he is full of boyfriend power.

But the next second, Xiaoju saw a phenomenon somewhere and couldn't help frowning.

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