Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1354:

Mamma looked at Wang Ergou: "Does your brother have someone he likes?"

"I don't know about this. I can't control my brother's business." Wang Ergou didn't expect that grandma would ask him, and quickly shook his head to deny it. He felt from his brother's attitude towards the matchmaking matter that his brother said that it was just an excuse to talk about marriage after repaying the debt.

The fact is that Wang Xiaoming himself is very disgusted with the matter of matchmaking. He feels that he is a big man. If he wants to get married, he must find someone he likes. How can he get married by blind date? An old mother to take care of yourself, not to find a housekeeper to take care of yourself, but to find someone you really like and can live with.

Wang Xiaoming entered the kitchen, and Yang Ming asked, "Who is here? What did you say?"

Wang Xiaoming looked at Yang Ming: "Uh, nothing, a neighbor came to visit."

Zhong Yanhong grabbed a few melon seeds in his hand, swayed into the kitchen, looked at Yang Ming who was kept in the dark, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I said, Boss Wang, if someone introduces you to a girlfriend, how are you? After seeing it, I know if I like it or not."

Hearing this, Yang Ming stopped cutting vegetables, turned his head to look at Zhong Yanhong, and then looked at Wang Xiaoming, Wang Xiaoming said embarrassedly, "Boss Zhong, don't talk nonsense, I won't go on a blind date. What is the age? To find a wife in such an old-fashioned way is too incompetent as a man."

The expression on Yang Ming's face was slightly complicated: "Someone came to match you?" His voice was a little hoarse.

Wang Xiaoming was too embarrassed to look at him. He felt that a blind date was an embarrassing thing: "It was a grandma next door who said it, but I didn't agree."

Zhong Yanhong continued: "I think that old grandma is too ignorant. A young talent like Boss Wang, who is good-looking and capable, still uses someone to introduce his girlfriend, and he is two years old. Now, she can't find a suitable girl. She doesn't know that the older a man is, the more attractive he is. The biggest problem for a man to marry a wife is not age, but money! Yang Ming, am I right?"

Yang Ming said, "There is a lot of oil smoke in the kitchen. Boss Zhong should go out."

Zhong Yanhong refused to leave, and said with a smile: "Actually, Boss Wang, every man wants to marry a bad wife, who can be by his side when he has nothing. This person does not despise him for being poor or ugly. You will always be with him, share weal and woe, and support each other. Only with such a person are you willing to give everything for her, don't you think?" He left after saying this.

Zhong Yanhong's words just spoke to Wang Xiaoming's heart. He always hoped that a woman would appear when he was in the most difficult time and accompany him through the troughs of life, which would be the easiest way to see people's hearts. However, the icing on the cake is easy, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow. When he was in the most difficult time, that woman did not appear, but Yang Ming appeared. He helped him step by step out of the muddy mud and on the smooth road of life. It can be said that without Yang Ming, there would be no him. today. Therefore, he was quite disgusted with the matter of matchmaking, and he always felt that others would sit back and enjoy it. How could there be true feelings?

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoming couldn't help but glance at Yang Ming. If Yang Ming was a woman, he would go after him with all his might, chase him as his wife, and dote on him, love him, respect him and protect him for the rest of his life.

Yang Ming just looked up at him, and the two of them looked at each other, always feeling **** in their anger, and hurriedly turned their heads away.

Yang Ming asked, "Are you looking for a girlfriend?"

Wang Xiaoming hurriedly shook his head and denied: "No, no, I don't have anything right now, how can I have the time to think about that."

Yang Ming was silent for a while, and said, "Help me get a piece of beef out. It needs to be fat and thin."

Wang Xiaoming hurriedly ran to get the beef: "I'll cut it, right?"

"I'll kill you, go and prepare the induction cooker and pot, you're almost ready to eat." Yang Ming said.

Wang Xiaoming said, "Okay, I'll go get ready right away."

Wang Xiaoming went to wash the pot, and suddenly heard Wang Bing crying outside, he hurried out: "What's the matter, A Bing?"

Wang Bing stood in the yard with a sad face: "A Rong hit me."

"Don't cry. Why did he beat you?" Wang Xiaoming frowned. A Rong was Luo Junsheng's son, two years older than Wang Bing, and he used to play together a lot.

Wang Bing raised his arm and wiped away tears: "He robbed me of firecrackers, and called Abo a liar and robber, cheating his family for money, saying that we were all bad people. I beat him, but I couldn't beat him."

Wang Xiaoming walked over and raised his hand to wipe away his tears: "Then don't play with him, and don't fight with anyone casually."

"He scolded Abo!" Wang Bing was very indignant about this. Although he didn't know what the liar and robber were, he knew that it was not a good word anyway.

Yang Ming stood at the door of the kitchen: "Uncle Yang Ming will teach you to fight in the future, and whoever scolds you will fight."

Wang Bing said, "Okay!"

Wang Xiaoming looked at Yang Ming: "How do you teach your children?"

"I peed on my head, can you bear it?" Yang Ming said, turning around and entering the room.

Zhong Yanhong stood at the door of the main room and ate melon seeds: "Yang Ming is right, if people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If anyone offends me, I will offend them."

Although Wang Xiaoming felt that when others bullied him, he would definitely fight back, but he still felt that Yang Ming and Zhong Yanhong were both proper violent elements. He carefully inspected Wang Bing's body, and there was no damage, so he patted the ashes on his body and prepared for this. Isn't it common for children to fight?

Before entering the He Juan took her son A Rong to the door angrily: "Look at how your family teaches children, you know how to beat people at such a young age, but you are still so ruthless. , If you don't get a good education, you will become a murderer in the future!"

Wang Xiaoming stopped and hurriedly called out, "Sister-in-law, Happy New Year!"

He Juan said angrily: "Well, look, look, this is all beaten by your Wang Bing, my son's face is blue, and he was beaten on the first day of the new year. Bully, your whole family is riding on our heads!"

Wang Xiaoming said: "Sister-in-law, it is common for children to fight, so don't exaggerate. A Bing is younger than A Rong, how could he bully A Rong? Where is the injury? Let me see, just give him some medicine. already."

"It wasn't your son who was beaten, so you don't feel bad, look at this injury! Your family can't be like this, bullying us from the oldest to the youngest." He Juan's emotions seemed very excited, and she wanted to cry at any time look.

Wang Xiaoming frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean by that? How did we bully you? My A Bing was also beaten when the children fought. You can't just say he wasn't beaten because he couldn't see any injuries on his face. Rongda, he was crying with me just now."

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