Naruto: Big Foodie

Chapter 1355:

"It wasn't your son who was beaten, so you don't feel bad, look at this injury! Your family can't be like this, bullying us from the oldest to the youngest." He Juan looked very excited, as if she wanted to cry at any time come out.

Wang Xiaoming frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean by that? How did we bully you? My A Bing was also beaten when the children fought. You can't just say he wasn't beaten because he couldn't see any injuries on his face. Rongda, he was crying with me just now."

He Juan shouted: "I care so much about you, now you hurt us, then we will lose money, we can't just forget about it!"

Zhong Yanhong stood at the door, opened his mouth and looked at He Juan in disbelief.

"How much?" Yang Ming didn't know when he came out again.

He Juan said, "Five thousand!"

Zhong Yanhong burst out laughing.

Wang Xiaoming knew that He Juan was venting his dissatisfaction with Luo Junsheng paying tuition fees to learn to cook, so he said, "Sister in law, look at this, I have 100 yuan here, you can buy some medicine for your child to wipe, if you have more Buy candy for the kids."

He Juan said reluctantly: "You send a beggar for one hundred yuan! Five thousand yuan, no less than a cent."

Zhong Yanhong showed an unbearable expression: "You play the house as a child, you can do as much as you want. If you want 5,000 yuan, you can take your son to have an injury check, and get the injury check sheet, it's not enough for 5,000 yuan. Crap, I'll make sure to hit him for that fee."

"Boss Zhong, don't you make trouble?" Wang Xiaoming glared at Zhong Yanhong, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He knew that He Juan was making trouble without reason, so he said, "Sister-in-law, I know that your family has been in a lot of trouble recently, and you are not in a good mood. It's New Year's Eve, it's making people laugh like this, I apologize for my family's A Bing and A Rong, let's just forget about it."

As soon as He Juan heard this, he spat at Wang Xiaoming: "Bah, you are not afraid of being laughed at by corrupting our money! You are not afraid of eating this kind of unscrupulous money!"

Wang Ergou couldn't take it anymore: "If you say that again, don't blame me for being rude!" After saying that, he took a big broom and went to chase people away, "Go away, shrew, shameless, run to someone else during the New Year's Eve. Make trouble at home."

He Juan scolded while jumping: "He killed someone, please help!"

Wang Xiaoming hurriedly stopped his brother: "Second dog, don't make trouble, okay?"

When He Juan made such a fuss, many of the neighbors next door had already come out. Everyone stood on the edge of the yard and watched the fun. It is human nature to like to watch the fun, not to mention quarrels. Everyone pricked up their ears and listened to gossip.

Yang Ming walked into the yard with a cold expression: "I sell the recipe of a dish for 5,000 yuan, and the price is clearly marked. Luo Junsheng is willing to learn from me. This is what you and I want. If you think I am a liar, then You are fools who are willing to be fooled, what is there to talk about? Talking about it will only make you more embarrassed."

He Juan burst into tears and cried loudly: "You are a liar, you cheated us of tens of thousands of dollars, you robber, liar! And you, Wang Xiaoming, you made us A Fen jump off the building, you shameless, seduce A married woman who almost ruined the family, you will be punished by God!"

As if struck by lightning, Wang Xiaoming's eyes darkened, and he was speechless for a while, then he gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean, I seduced A Fen and made her jump off the building? You tell me clearly! "Wang Xiaoming speculated that the reason for Luo Yufen's quarrel might be that Huang Jiangong was suspicious of himself, but he never thought that this crime would be directly planted on his head, and it was ridiculous to say anything about seduction!

He Juan said, "A Fen has admitted it himself, do you still want to argue?"

Wang Xiaoming resisted the urge to reach out and slap her, and gritted his teeth: "Then you can call A Fen over, and I will confront her face to face! I, Wang Xiaoming, have no other skills, but I absolutely dare to do what I have done. If A Fen really had something with me, I would be struck by lightning right now! If she really had something with me, Huang Jiangong could touch her with a finger? Would she be forced to jump off the building? Since she married To Huang Jiangong, I met her alone only once. That was when you and Huang Jiangong jointly demolished the snack street. I couldn't set up a stall. A Fen came to apologize to me for her brother and her man. The day she jumped off the building, she attended the class reunion in my store. The whole class can testify. I didn't even say a word to her. Is this what you call I seduced A Fen? It's a money-hungry ghost, who treats her as a cash cow, and even puts a bucket of **** on her when she is forced to death! That's what you do to your maiden, do you still have humanity? You're not even better than a beast! Let me see you again, and I'll beat you to death! Get out!"

Wang Xiaoming shouted violently! He Juan shivered in fright.

The neighbors all shook their heads helplessly. No one on the island knew about Wang Xiaoming and Luo Yufen. If it wasn't for the Luo family's greed for Huang Jiangong's 200,000 betrothal gift, Li Qiulian forced her daughter to marry her. How could you be forced to jump off a building? Now it is still said that Luo Yufen has an affair with other men, let alone whether it is a fact, even if it is a fact, as a maiden's family, would you say it in front of so many outsiders? What kind of maiden family is this? It's like trying to force people to death. No wonder Affin wants to jump off the building.

He Juan was not a smart woman in the first place, and what she said at this time was completely self-inflicted and harassing her own family. Luo Junsheng came out of the room with a livid face: "What's the trouble, hurry up and come back to me! Idiot!" He came over, reached out and slapped He Juan, then dragged him to look around The lively people shook their heads, sighed helplessly and left. Wang Xiaoming didn't have the energy to say hello to everyone. He was gasping for breath. At that moment, his lungs were about to explode.

Zhong Yanhong discovered the gossip and asked Yang Ming in a low voice, "Is there any gossip that I don't know about? What is the relationship between Huang Jiangong's wife and Boss Wang?"

Yang Ming said angrily: "Childhood sweethearts, hit the mandarin duck with a stick."

"Damn it! Huang Jiangong's wife jumped off the building. Is it related to Boss Wang?"

Yang Ming glanced at him: "How is it possible!"

"I also don't think it's possible. But it sounds like a very poor woman. Huang Jiangong is nicknamed Huang Lunatic. She can do anything when she is crazy. She likes to be jealous. It can't be him. In the past, he and a friend of mine saw a lady sitting on the stage at the same time. The lady is not all rich and who is with whom. Today is with this and tomorrow with that. As a result, this annoyed Huang Jiangong and he kicked the girl. The spleen was ruptured. Later, the woman didn't dare to stay here, and after recovering from her injury, she ran away to another place, and didn't dare to come back." Zhong Yanhong couldn't help shaking his head and sighing when he talked about Huang Jiangong's bad deeds.

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