Chapter 1098 Inuyasha loses

The fake water god looked at Mukuro with wide eyes, showing a look of surprise.

From the appearance of Mukuro, Inuyasha and others, to now, this is the first time that the god of water has expressed his expression. It can be seen that he is very surprised by Mukuro’s statement. After a brief astonishment, he showed another meaningful smile, still very calm, as if the person being exposed was not him.

Then, he calmly said: “Someone knows my business so well, it’s amazing, but what? Just like you said, no one can defeat the water god under the water. As long as I don’t put down my weapons, I am underwater. It’s invincible. There is only one dead end for anyone to fight with me.”

The fake water god is obviously threatening Mukuro and the others, but his tone is very calm. It is a very common thing to say. It seems that the weapon dedicated to the water god does give him a lot of confidence.

Inuyasha was the first to refuse, and rushed up again waving his broken teeth, shouting:

“Come again!”

Inuyasha slashed at the 16th Water God again, but his strength seemed to be far from that of the Water God. He couldn’t even touch the Water God’s body, and he was already covered in bruises.

Mukuro said calmly: “Why not use Wind Injury?!”

“Do you think I don’t want to use it? I can’t use it!” Inuyasha said angrily, “I don’t know why, I can’t see the wounds of the wind.”

Mukuro was stunned, and then realized that it must be because the water god used the power of another system instead of demon power, or it should be called divine power. The principle of Inuyasha’s use of wind wound is that when the demon energy and the demon energy collide with each other, there will be cracks, as long as the crack is cut down.

But if the water god used it wasn’t demon power, this principle couldn’t be used.

“I see.”

Mukuro shrugged and said with a smile: “It’s no wonder that the water god can’t be defeated by anyone or monsters underwater. It’s really difficult. At least here, Inuyasha, you can’t even exert half of the power of iron shattered teeth.”

“As long as you know.”

Inuyasha said depressed: “Think of a way, how can I defeat this water god?”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, the water god’s arms suddenly became thin and long, entangled Inuyasha’s ankles like a rope, and lifted Inuyasha upside down. At the same time, the water god extended his other arm and grabbed at A Li, trying to snatch away the fragments of the jade from the Four Souls in A Li’s hand. Coral was taken aback, and quickly resisted with flying bones.

Feilaigu cut off the water god’s arm, forcing him to retreat. But the water god seemed to have an immortal body, his arm was obviously cut off by the flying bone, but he could recover in the blink of an eye.

“Look at me.”

Master Maitreya suddenly stood up, opened the wind cave, and wanted to suck in the god of water.

This time, the water god finally showed a bit of panic, and said: “I didn’t expect that humans would have such power. It’s unbelievable, but it’s still a long way from defeating me.”

The water god drew the weapon in his hand to the ground, resisting the attraction of the wind cave, and at the same time curled up the waves of the sky to Maitreya, making Maitreya unable to breathe. Maitreya only persisted for more than two minutes before being forced to give up and fled to the side to catch his breath.

After only a few rounds of fighting, Inuyasha, Coral, and Maitreya’s attacks have all been declared invalid against the God of Water. The village chief’s son and the child who had been sent as a sacrifice saw this place, and they couldn’t help thinking about it. Even Inuyasha and others have failed, what can they do for children who have no power to restrain the chicken? !

Mukuro reluctantly stepped forward and said, “It seems that it is really unrealistic to expect you to defeat the water god underwater. This guy knows his weakness and holds the water god’s exclusive weapon tightly, so he dare not let go.”

“Mukuro, can you stop making trouble? If there is a way, please tell me as soon as possible.”

Ari said helplessly: “Just now you said that no one can defeat the water god underwater, how can you count on Inuyasha and the others again? If you have a compromise that can defeat Inuyasha, then speak out quickly.”

Mukuro said calmly: “There is no compromise. This guy’s position is based on conspiracy and tricks, so he is especially wary of this kind of thing. The only way to kill him is to defeat him head-on and take his Grab the weapon.”

After listening to Mukuro’s method, Inuyasha and others were completely speechless. Obviously, this kind of thing is very difficult for them. If there is a way to defeat God head-on, God will not be called God.

But the so-called god in the Inuyasha world is obviously not in Mukuro’s eyes.

The fake water god probably saw that Mukuro wanted to make a move, and sneered: “What? After the companion fails, do you want to try it too?!”

Mukuro smiled and said: “If I don’t take action, they might really die here. There is no way, so I have to save them. How about you hand over the water god’s weapon? At least you can avoid the suffering of flesh and blood.”

The fake water god sneered and didn’t answer, but directly smashed Mukuro with a weapon.

Mukuro didn’t even have any interest in avoiding, but just burst out the repulsive force and bounced the water god away.

The water god was surprised and said: “Enchantment?! What a strong enchantment! No wonder you dare to challenge me, but hiding in a tortoise shell can’t beat me!”

The god of water waved his weapon, causing a large amount of water waves to turn into waterspouts and rush towards Mukuro. He probably already knew that physical attacks were ineffective after eating the dark loss just now. This was because he wanted to slowly wear down Mukuro’s power with a water jet.

Mukuro certainly knew that such an attack would not have any effect, but he was not interested in taking the time to prove it with facts.

He slowly walked towards the water god, and a 467 gas bomb shot out, suddenly exploding the water god’s body to a rag, only the shoulders were still connected to the head.

The water god said in shock: “What kind of attack is this? Demon power? No! It doesn’t look like it!”

“Don’t worry about what power it is, you just need to know that you can’t resist it.” Mukuro sneered and forced him forward, and another gas bullet shot out.

The monster holding the weapon of the water god does have a body that is almost immortal, but his recovery speed obviously cannot keep up with the speed of Mukuro’s destruction. However, the water god’s weapon landed, and it happened to hit the fake water god’s corpse fragment again, causing him to slowly recover.

“It’s really a cockroach life. It’s all broken and not dead.” Mukuro stepped forward, snatching the water god’s weapon, and immediately felt a powerful force connected to him.

If Mukuro had to describe it, this power should not be weaker than that of Sun Wukong’s brother in the Dragon Ball world, but the instant output is still inferior to that Saiyan.

After the weapon of the water god was taken away, the fake water god finally died completely and wiped out.

Mukuro handed Maitreya the weapon of the water god and was about to speak. Maitreya greeted him with a smile: “This is your trophy, how am I embarrassed to accept it? But if you have to give it to me, I’m not welcome.”

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