Chapter 1099 Save the water god


Mukuro knocked the water god’s weapon on Maitreya’s head, rewarded him with a popcorn, and said, “Where do you want to go? How can you give you such an important thing as the water god’s weapon? People living nearby depend on it. The power of the God of Water comes to life, otherwise you will not want to make the weather smooth. I will give you this thing just to let you return to the God of Water.”

Master Maitreya bowed his head, very disappointed. After all, he had seen the power of the water god’s weapon just now, and the water god’s weapon and his wand were similar.

If he can really get this thing, his strength will definitely increase a lot.

But when he heard that he wanted to return the water god, Master Maitreya was shocked again.

He was taken aback and said, “Mukuro, what do you mean?! Is the last water god still alive? Didn’t the monster kill the water god by the way when he stole the water god’s weapon?!”

Inuyasha was also curious and said, “Mukuro, didn’t you say that the last water god was conspired?!”

“It’s really been calculated, but the God of Water is a God of Water after all. How can it be so easy to die?!”

Mukuro said calmly: “You can still feel a faint aura around here. That aura is different from humans and monsters. It should be the water god, but that guy seems to have been sealed, and he can’t get out of trouble with his own power.”

With that said, Mukuro first restored the shrimp soldiers and crabs in the Water God’s Palace to their original appearance, and then took Inuyasha and others to move out instantly.

Coral saw the changes in the surrounding environment and couldn’t help but sigh secretly:

“Is this the so-called teleportation? It’s really convenient.”

Mukuro and others appeared on the mountainside of a large mountain, the mountain pierced into Qingming, and the clouds and mist on it, like a sacred mountain. However, on the mountainside of the high mountains, one could clearly feel the existence of a demon power. It should be the seal left by the fake water god. The seal was only a meter or two away from Mukuro and the others.

Mukuro pointed to the place and said, “Mile, the breaking of the seal is up to you. Only you can do this kind of thing here.”


Maitreya wondered: “How do I feel that you are making me a coolie?!”

“Why don’t you find it yourself and see who else can do such a thing?” Mukuro said nonchalantly.

Maitreya glanced at the people around him and was speechless. As Mukuro said, he was the only one who could break the seal. Of course, the so-called being able to break the seal actually means breaking the seal without hurting the water god.

Qibao doesn’t mention it, this little bit is too weak to help. Coral and Inuyasha’s attack methods are too violent, and they might kill the sealed water god by the way. Even if A Li’s Demon Breaking Arrow put aside the problem of insufficient accuracy, her penetrating power is also a great threat to the water god.

Maitreya sighed, and had to take out a charm and press it on the seal.

The mage’s exorcism power is indeed very strong. The power of the spell and the power of the seal cancel each other out, and black lightning appears on the spell. The power of the seal is quickly weakened, and finally disappears, and the sealed water god also appears in Mukuro. Waiting for someone. But after seeing the appearance of the water god, Mukuro and others were completely speechless.

The cave where the water god was sealed was only three or four times the size of a fist. The water god was trapped in it, about the same size as a little mouse, and she was a pretty cute girl. In addition to her majesty expression, it is really hard to imagine that she will be a powerful water god.

When Maitreya saw the cute look of the water god, his eyes lit up.

However, the God of Water glanced around the crowd, slowly walked out of the cave, and bowed to Mukuro: “Thank you for your help, otherwise I must be sealed to death by that despicable monster. But you are a human? There is a strong like you among human beings.”

Maitreya was like petrified, standing still at the place where the water god was sealed.

He was very heartbroken. He was the one who had just used mana to save the Water God, but when the Water God turned around, he thanked Mukuro for going and completely ignored Master Maitreya. It would be fine if the water god was a big and thick man, but she was a lovely girl, which made the mage very depressed.

Mukuro said modestly: “Don’t be mistaken, God of Water, it’s not me who helped you unlock the seal, but Maitreya, the mage.”

Master Maitreya nodded repeatedly and pointed to his own face: “Yes, it’s me.”

The Water God glanced at the Maitreya Master, and said coldly: “I have just been able to sense your fight. That power is very powerful. It is you, a human being, who can fight the fake Water God. Only you are the only one who can fight the fake Water God. That wizard just helped me. Breaking the seal and saving me is nothing but nothing.”

Maitreya was completely desperate, with all thoughts grayed out, and her head downcast seemed to have aged for several decades.

Mukuro looked at the water god with a little surprise. He didn’t expect that the existence of this world could also have such a sensing ability, let alone that she could sense it so clearly. Perhaps this is the gap between gods and monsters.

However, Mukuro was not interested in God’s power and other things, smiled, and said, “Don’t talk nonsense. People in the nearby villages have been greatly affected by your negligence in their farming, so hurry up and rain. .”

After rescuing the water god, Mukuro and others returned to the village to rest, and then Tenten Liang left together. When leaving, Maitreya didn’t know where he got two cows. Both cows were pulling the cart, which was filled with various belongings.

Qibao asked, “Master Maitreya, where did you get so many things in just one night?!”

Master Maitreya said indifferently: “The village chief’s son has made great contributions in the battle. He is a brave child. I suggest that the village chief tell his heroic deeds. But I don’t know why, the village chief insists on giving me these things. Maybe it’s thanks to us for helping the village get rid of monsters.”

Ari, Inuyasha and others are full of black lines, and they are already unable to complain about Maitreya Master.

Master Maitreya, is that advice? !

It was obviously a threat to the village chief, but it seemed good to give the village chief a small punishment.

When things came to an end, Mukuro and others continued to move forward, occasionally helping some villagers to eliminate demons when they had time. Of course, Inuyasha is still the main force in the elimination of demons, and Mukuro will never make a move unless it is on a whim.

Although Inuyasha was unhappy on the surface, he was not slow in acting.

One day… late at night, the sleeping Mukuro suddenly woke up, and found that there was a strong human aura and the power of the jade fragments of the Four Souls approaching.

When Mukuro sat up, he found that Ari and Inuyasha had also woken up, and it seemed that they had also discovered that something was wrong.

Ari lowered his voice and said, “It’s the breath of the jade of the four souls, Mukuro, did you feel it too?! This time, the situation seems a little different from the past.”

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