Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 369 Ants, do you want to kill God?

For more than a month, after the accident in the Daming Mansion of the Five Great Nations, the Five Great Ninja Villages, under the leadership of Konoha, shared a common hatred against the Akatsuki Organization.

However, in order to maintain the order of the five major countries, a series of measures started from Konoha, implemented by the surviving nobles, and each ninja village served as a violent institution.

For a while, the initial chaos was overwhelmed.

Although there is a lot of dissatisfaction, basically all the middle and lower levels of Ninja Village know that the best choice is to get close to Konoha, otherwise it will be an egg hitting a stone against the Shangxiao organization.

This is the cognition of most ninjas, while other individual guys...

Outrageous Kirabi, Terumi Mei, Kuroto, Gaara and others, they are more aware of the inside story of a series of events.

But just because they knew it, they couldn't speak out.

After a month of peace, Konoha's sudden call made them restless again.

In particular, Uchiha Yun personally went to capture Mio's eyes. This kind of power made them even more afraid to say anything.

At this time, it was the eight-tailed ox ghost who controlled Kirabi's body. Although the tailed beasts were not harmonious, they were by no means enemies.

Even Shouhe and Jiu Lama are getting along very happily now.

"For so many years, we Tailed Beasts have never sat together to eat and drink like today. My Jinzhuli and I get along well, and some things are naturally noticed."

Uchiha said and looked at Xiao Jiuwei: "In fact, we all know the situation between Akatsuki and Konoha. The other Uchiha Obito, his unlimited monthly reading plan will threaten us, but facing those two, He's not a threat."

"In this situation, it can even be said that as long as he dares to stand up, he will be caught sooner or later. Whether it is Uzumaki Sora or Uchiha Yun, he has no room to resist."

Erwei Mataru answered: "So the reason why Konoha brought us together here... is that Uchiha who wants to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki?"

Just finished speaking, I saw him shaking his head again: "The existence of Konoha is the biggest weakness of that one. Uzumaki Sora's ability to resurrect is well known in the ninja world, and Konoha will not allow Uchiha Yun to do this."

A guarding crane on the side laughed and said, "So what if I know? My half body and this stinky fox are both honest, don't you dare to resist?"

"The strength of those two guys is not much worse than that of the old man, not to mention that one can recover and the other can be resurrected."

The teasing words made Xiao Jiuwei frowned.

The six-tailed rhinoceros on the other side controlled Yu Gao and said, "Mizukage said something to me before coming here..."

Several pairs of eyes came together, and Liuwei continued: "The strength of those two people has exceeded the limit of ninjas, they can't resist, and they can't do anything. But because of this, their will will not change easily."

"Unlimited monthly reading is not real peace. Those two people want to bring peace to this world and find a way out for ordinary people who are at the bottom..."

"Just obey and don't think too much, because there is no way to change if you think too much."

The voice fell, and the private room fell silent again for a while.


Niu Gui sighed: "Five generations of water shadows are not very old, but they really think clearly."

At this time, Nine-Tails opposite him opened a bottle of wine and handed it: "Sun Wukong, King Mu, Chongming, their chakras still show no signs of recovery, but relying on them alone, there is no way to revive Ten-Tails. "

Looking at several of the same kind who have known each other for thousands of years, Xiao Jiuwei scratched his head: "I don't know the specific situation, but because I live in Boy Yun's house, I have a guess from what I heard occasionally. "


The little Shouhe beside him looked confused: "What did you guess? Why didn't I know?"

Little Nine Tails pawed on its head: "You know? Besides eating and sleeping all day long, what else do you know?"

Ignoring Xiao Shuhe, who was covering his head, Xiao Jiuwei immediately looked at Niu Gui and said, "Maybe Konoha is worried about enemies from outside this world. We all know the old man's surname, Otsuki. I heard this last name, so that’s all I can know.”

Out of this world?

For a while, several tailed beasts fell into deep thought.

Immortality for thousands of years, even if they die at the end, they can be reunited and resurrected. This is their confidence, but it is also their weakness.

Right now, for example, they fear being killed.

The barbecue ended in a not very smooth environment. The tailed beasts all had their own thoughts and suppressed their own guesses.

Four tails, five tails and seven tails are lessons learned from the past. Chakra has not been re-condensed and revived since he disappeared. The specifics can be imagined.


Somewhere underground.


"Luck? No! This world is special, it's definitely not as simple as luck!"

Muttering to himself, Otsutsu Mokura looked at the glass cover in front of him. The force had penetrated deep into the human body, and finally formed a black diamond in the palm of his hand.

Finding the right container after just a few hundred, this world of horror is not that simple.

Then Kaguya, that traitor and Ichishiki, probably just discovered this world by chance.

Even himself and Momoshiki discovered this planet only after discovering the coordinates from Kaguya's ruins.

This point also explains why it is only an indigenous world, but it can breed power at the level of Uchiha Yun and Uzumaki Sora.

special words...

What is so special about it?

At this time, Hei Jue, who was nailed to the rock wall and could not move, also looked over.

Did you make it?

The bastard's experiment finally succeeded!

What is he going to do?

This body of the Uchiha clan is the key to his comeback, is this bastard going to take it away?


The red fishhook flicked, and pulled out a stream of chakra from Heijue's body again.

"Ah!!! Bastard! What the hell are you trying to do?!"

As a part of Kaguya's split, Heijue possessed the characteristic of immortality, but at this moment he howled in pain.

Datong Mupu slowly walked in front of him, and the red fishing rod in his hand changed and directly touched Heijue's body.

"I remember very clearly that this experimental subject did not come later, but was there when I came here."

"So I need you to tell me... what's special about him?"

Panting heavily, Hei Jue raised his head and looked directly at Pu Shi: "Although I don't know what you want to do, but if there is no hope of saving mother at all, do you think I will tell you?"

Pu Shi smiled: "Although you only inherited part of the characteristics of immortality, some abilities of the reincarnation eye at the level can no longer be applied to you. But do you think this secret is important to me?"

Hei Jue grinned and showed two rows of white teeth: "I don't know, but you are very eager, as if you are being chased by death. Now you have succeeded, but what about next time?"

This made Pu Shi dumbfounded.

After ten minutes of silence, Pu Shi stretched out his hand, and all the red light that bound Heijue was withdrawn by him.

As soon as he landed, Hei Jue sank directly into the ground and wanted to slip away.

Although he didn't know why the other party would let him go, he could save his mother in the future only if he could leave and keep his useful body.

"If you will never be able to save Kaguya."

With just one sentence, Hei Jue, who had already sunk into the ground, stopped.

Then the cave fell silent again.

After a long time, Heijue poked his head out and looked directly at Datong Moposhiki: "What do you mean?"

Pu Shi said in a deep voice: "You who have inherited part of Kaguya's memory should know my origin, but the time is not now, but in the future."

This sentence made Hei Jue dumbfounded.


Even if it is a mother, it is impossible to have such an ability!

If this level could be achieved, wouldn't everything be resolved by going back to the past and obliterating those two unfilial sons?

"Thinking about it now, why something like a treasured plow appeared on the bottom of this planet is itself a weird thing."

"When I learned the news secretly, I didn't find any other meanings of this incident..."

After talking to himself, Otsutsu Mokura suddenly showed panic, and his white eyes turned into blue reincarnation eyes.


After a while, Pu Shi regained his composure and looked at Hei Jue again: "I came to this point in time twenty years later, whether you believe it or not, it's the same."

"The ability to return from the future to the past relies on a treasure of the Otsutsuki clan, but this ability is not invincible. The future depends on the past, and when the past is changed, the future will inevitably change."

"According to the power of cultivation that will be formed in the future, no one can stop it by accident. It is very possible that the gain outweighs the loss."

After Otsutsuki Mokura finished speaking, he looked at the container in the glass cover: "In the future, my death seems to be inevitable, but death is not necessarily the end for us. In the past, I used this container to resurrect and suppress time. When everything forms a closed loop, it will be able to come to this special world again."

Although the words were cloudy, Hei Jue understood.

"You want me to protect this experimental subject, because you can use him to resurrect, right? Your brain should be fine, do you think I will agree?"

Pu Shi laughed: "No, you will agree. As Kaguya's split will when she was sealed, the meaning of your existence is to release Kaguya. But from the established facts that have happened in the future, Kaguya still Still in that moon."

Hei Jue frowned tightly: "So you want to make this a condition? Do you think I will believe you? Believe that you will rescue mom after you succeed?"

Pu Shi stretched out his hand, and the red fishhook pointed directly at Hei Jue.

"You don't have the right to refuse, and it's not a threat from me. Because even with my help, after resurrection, you still don't have the power to fight against Uchiha Yun and Uzumaki Sora."

Hei Jue hesitated and said, "Do you want to join forces with your mother?"

After exhaling, Urashiki replied: "Most of the reasons for failure come from arrogance, whether it is Momoshiki or me. Twenty years later, Uchiha Cloud's power is beyond your imagination."

"Kaguya is indeed a betrayer, but this so-called betrayal is meaningless in front of the life-level leap forward. If there is no meaning, there is no so-called betrayal."

"She who has tasted the sweetness of the chakra fruit will not refuse to cooperate, because even if she is better than me now, she will still not be the opponent of that bastard."

"You and me, or Kaguya and me...there is only a possibility of joining forces, otherwise she will be sealed forever, and I will be completely killed."

"Leave him. After I die, you will gradually understand my words. The choice is up to you."

After the voice fell, Datong Mokpo-style disappeared directly into the space channel.

In the dark underground, only Hei Jue and a few scientific researchers in white coats remained.

A few minutes later, Bai Jue's head was pulled out from the ground.

"Gone? That guy who didn't need to poop just left?"

"I haven't asked him why he doesn't have a bowel movement! He just left?"

Hei Jue, who was full of thoughts, was in no mood to pay attention to Bai Jue's trash talk. He just looked at a few white coats and said, "Kill them, it's worthless."


Half an hour later, the sky above Yunyin Village.

Otsutsu Mokura, who was floating in mid-air, frowned.

Sure enough, those huge chakras were moved away, and there was only one... Konoha.

The established future will always be unchangeable for some reason. I originally wanted to capture some for the future, but now it seems that except for the three from Heijue, there is no way to capture others.


If that's the case, then it's time to die.

Only the beginning of a hard new life.

There are many secrets on this planet...

Baogu plow, Uchiha cloud, Uzumaki sky, Kaguya who has achieved immortality, and what other containers contain special powers.

Here... maybe there is the secret of becoming a god.

When the strength is not enough to achieve crushing or even fall into a disadvantage, turning from light to darkness is the best choice.

Tao Shi believed that this world was like other planets, which were all indigenous and vulnerable, so he lost.

Fortunately, Tao Shi kept a hand, but the growing strength will inevitably be gradually discovered by that guy.

Only myself, only myself can use the way of death to return to the dark place and wait for the time...

The next moment, Datong Mokura disappeared into the space channel.


early morning.

Konoha, Shadow Rock.

This place was chosen deliberately, Datong Mokura stepped out of the space passage, and looked at the village below with a pair of white eyes.

In the future, he did not take a good look at the village. But now it seems that there are many special powers.

It's not the eye of reincarnation, but there is Gouyu.

There are many white eyes, but basically they are not pure, and the power of the pupils is very different.

There is another power contained in the body...

Not powerful, but there are so many.

This world is special, very special!

After affirming the thoughts in his heart again, Urashi turned his head and looked at the woods behind him.

"Ants! Do you want to kill God?"


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