National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 312 Crush The Opponent!

Murong Sisi fixed her disdainful eyes on Shenlong No. 4 in front of her, and asked after finishing her cannon.

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"It hasn't started yet, and you still have a chance to go back on your word."

"Once it starts, there is no chance of regretting it. Now the fate of your team depends entirely on the two of you. Maybe you have chosen someone else and there is a possibility of a counterattack.

When Shenlong No. 4 heard what Murong Sisi said, he really hesitated, but seeing the other people next to him, he directly killed the second most powerful existence in his entire team with one move. If he chose him, it would definitely be a bad idea fate.

Looking at this opponent, the opponent, the moves he used just now are completely superior to his own, there is no need to compare, there is no chance of winning at ten o'clock...

Then there is Murong Xiaosan, she is an assassin, not to mention her own moves, she probably has been wiped out before she even used her moves...

There is no need to choose Mengwang, and if you choose, you will only die in a more tragic state...

According to everyone's exclusion, only Murong Xiaosi and Murong Xiaowu are left...

This is the only time they can hold a glimmer of hope.

Murong Sisi saw that Shenlong No. 4 decided to choose her, nodded, and aimed the shell at him accurately.

"Okay, let's get started then."

"Don't say I'm bullying you, now I'll let you do it casually!"

Shenlong No. 4 was a little unbelievable when he heard it...

"You want to make a move?"

Although his tone was full of contempt for his interest, it also increased his chances of winning a little bit.

Murong Er Er said with some worry,

"Xiaosi, are you sure?"

"His health and mana seem to be high.

Murong Sisi nodded heavily, her eyes were full of boredom.

"Hurry up, we are all in a hurry."

There was a hint of resentment in the eyes of Shenlong No. 4. As a big man, he was ridiculed by a woman like this, and anyone would be upset.

"Accept it!"

Shenlong No. 4 summoned a huge iron hammer, and radiated its own attack towards Murong Sisi's position!

Who would have thought...

Murong Sisi's figure disappeared directly in place, and Shenlong Sichang's attack directly missed...

Suddenly, a large pile of shells appeared from behind him, and before he could react, all of them hit him!




The 300,000 HP was instantly taken down by Murong Sisi's shells...

Now that his blood volume is less than half, in Murong Sisi's eyes, it's just a matter of moves.

Shenlong No. 4 knew that he had no chance of turning the tables, and once again placed all his beliefs in his own attack power!

In the void, many iron hammers appeared, and struck down again in the direction of Murong Sisi!

Murong Sisi saw so many iron hammers in the void, bang bang bang! Also instantly fired countless shells and began to resist Shenlong No. 4's moves!

The void at this moment seems to be torn apart by their attacks, and black smoke surrounds the entire void.

Murong Sisi let out a cold snort, narrowed his eyes, and once again aimed his cannon at Shenlong No. 4 accurately.


Another cannonball that was about to get close to him flew over with a whistling sound!

Before everyone came back to their senses, Murong Sisi's eyes were full of complacency, and she made a voice,


Shenlong No.4 couldn't dodge Murong Sisi's such a big attack at all, and its blood volume was instantly reduced to 0.

The audience clapped their hands one after another!

"I didn't expect this Murong Xiaosi to be so powerful! It really is powerful... It seems that everyone thinks that he is weak, but in fact he is really very strong.

"That's right! The way Murong Xiaosi raised the firecracker just now really made my heart beat for this girl. I really think this girl is so powerful. I guess Shenlong No. 4 regretted it to death." .”

"Actually, there is no need to regret anything. Comparing everyone in Mengwang's group with everyone in the other group, in fact, no matter how you choose your opponent, you are better than yourself. So, whoever you choose is the rhythm of death."

"Yeah, I also think that anyone who chooses is dead anyway. If I were to choose Meng Wang, I would choose Meng Wang directly. After all, the death is more heroic... But in fact, I can understand that most people will choose to look Weaker opponent."

"If it were me, I would definitely choose Meng Wang. We are very similar in this point. After all, what I think is always what I think. If I want to kill the other party in seconds, it is an impossible thing to turn against the wind. After all, the strength The disparity is huge."

"I think if you want to win, it's better not to meet the Mengwang group. The chances are higher. In fact, their team can kill the entire team in seconds by just picking such a person. Don't think about it anymore... "

Everyone was talking about the duel between Murong Sisi and Shenlong No. 4.

In fact, many times everything is doomed from the very beginning......

At this moment, only the duel between Murong Wuwu and Shenlong No. 5 was left.

Compared with Shenlong No. 4, Shenlong No. 5 is even more afraid of Murong Wuwu in front of him.

Although he chose Murong Wuwu, as you have seen just now, her strength is also very amazing.

Murong Wuwu came in front of Shenlong No. 5 and said, "Then let's go PK quickly!"

Shenlong No. 5 looked at his teammates around him in fear, his whole body trembled slightly, and his eyes trembled a little.

Murong Wuwu was a little speechless, looking at the shivering Shenlong No. 5, she also asked.

"Are you comparing now or not?"

"Or, you also wanted to choose someone else?"

"If you want to choose, choose quickly, don't hesitate."

Shenlong No. 5 is caught in a tangle. In fact, the two roads are death. It feels that death is more spectacular, and it will appear more powerful.

"I'd better choose Meng Wang!"

"Anyway, it's death. It's impossible to come back against the wind just by me alone. It's better to fight against King Meng......"

Lin Feng nodded in agreement when he heard his choice.

"Okay, then do as he said."

Facing Lin Feng at this moment, Shenlong No. 5 summoned a long sword in his hand.

Lin Feng walked in front of him, and saw that his hands began to tremble involuntarily...

When Shenlong No. 1 saw that Shenlong No. 5 hadn't fought yet, the whole person was flustered, silently holding his forehead...

I don't know why I just feel ashamed...

"Don't shake..."

"Will people eat people.

Shenlong No. 1 said in a low voice.

Facing Lin Feng in front of him, Shenlong No. 5 couldn't control his hand for some reason, as if looking at him would make him inexplicably nervous...

"I don't want to shake my hands..."

"However, I am inexplicably nervous

Lin Feng was also helpless, looking at Shenlong No. 5 at this time, and said silently.

"Then I will let you do three tricks this time." "

Li Yuan next to him was slightly surprised when he heard what Lin Feng said.

He had thought that the opponent would have to make three moves. If he took advantage of these three moves, their pair would lose.

"Are you sure you want him to make three moves? If he really takes advantage of these three moves, we will really lose.

Lin Feng looked extremely calm, looked at Shenlong No. 5 in front of him and Li Yuan who was anxious beside him, and said indifferently.

"Do as I say."

Shenlong No. 5 didn't expect such a good thing to happen, and the love came to her, it seems that God really helped her.

If I don't seize this opportunity, I probably won't be able to turn around anyway. If I seize this opportunity, it may even set the whole team on fire.

"Okay, then follow what you said, let me do three tricks, but you can't turn against me.

Lin Feng nodded.

Shenlong No. 1 was also very surprised by how good Lin Feng did this time.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, looking at Shenlong V in front of him.

According to his own calculations, he estimated that he would release his ultimate move at the beginning.

After all, I gave him such a good opportunity, if he really seized it, maybe there is a possibility of turning against the wind.

Everyone in the auditorium was also very surprised, because this is a 6-person battle, and the battle of one person has also been decided.

(Nuo Qian Zhao) Whether the six of them can survive in this martial arts arena, I didn't expect Meng Wang to make such a choice.

"Is Mengwang so selfish about his own strength? If they really fail, their entire team will fail."

"That's what I said, but judging from other things, Meng Wang may not really fail."

"Meng Wang also gave others three tricks in a personal battle, but that person didn't seize the opportunity. In fact, I think this person is his choice. We don't know. I think it must be his choice. We also don't know. I don't know what to say."

"That's true, after all, it's someone else's choice, all we can really do is watch them...Anyway, I still hope that Meng Wang can win this round.

"Sure, but I still think Meng Wang is too risky, although Meng Wang will definitely win, after all, the team he is facing is not very strong

But if in the future, if you encounter a powerful person and make such a choice, you will pull the whole team. "

"I think we, as viewers, don't really need to think about it so much. We don't have to think about it at all. We can do whatever people like. We just need to pay attention to how the whole battle is going."

"I hope Meng Wang can win. This is the only thing I can bless him. After all, he has already chosen to make others three tricks."

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