National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 313 Let You Three Moves!

In the martial arts arena, especially in team battles, if you encounter a strong opponent and let the opponent make three moves, you will definitely lose.

Murong Er'er looked at Meng Wang worriedly.

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want the opponent to make three moves? These three moves can really determine the victory or failure of our team."

In Murong Occasionally's heart, he would still choose a more conservative approach and just kill the opponent in seconds.

Why do you need to do more of these things...

Although it is true that the opponent is a little miserable, and it seems that there are some bullies on their side, but a game is a game, and there will always be elimination and failure.

"Otherwise we'd better choose a more conservative plan."

"Why do you need to let the other party make three moves?"

Shenlong No. 5 was also pleased with the three moves given to him by Lin Feng.

"Don't worry, captain, I will definitely seize such a good opportunity. I will kill him and avenge you all with three moves."

Shenlong No. 1 and Shenlong No. 2 nodded approvingly when Shenlong No. 5 said this. After all, if these three tricks can really seize the opportunity, they can really turn against the wind.

Lin Feng stood in front of him, looking at Shenlong V without moving.

A faint smile rose from the corner of Shenlong No. 5's mouth.

"Then Meng Wang, I'm really not welcome, don't blame me for bullying."

Lin Feng remained indifferent, facing Shenlong V in front of him.

Because everything about him is nothing more than some small inconspicuous moves to him.

Shenlong No. 5 seemed to have not started yet, thinking that he had won half the battle, raised the long sword in his hand and slashed at Lin Feng's body.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng, just took such a step back, and accurately dodged Shenlong No. 5's long sword attack.

Immediately, Shenlong No. 5 god rose again, and the long sword in his hand slashed at Lin Feng again, but Lin Feng 480 just retreated so that he dodged its attack again.

"Why, why, he seems to be able to see all my skills and always dodge my attacks accurately!"

At this time, when he arrived at Shenlong No. 5, he was puzzled, although he knew that the Meng Wang in front of him was indeed very powerful.

But this is also impossible, so quickly you can clearly know exactly where your attack is.

Shenlong No. 1 and Shenlong No. 2 on the side see Lin Feng, and they can always be at the most critical moment.

From his moves and the calm and composed look on his face, it can be felt that he understands and understands Shenlong No. 5's moves.

In fact, the ending has now been decided.

"There are two moves left, towards opportunities.

At this moment, Shenlong No. 5 also became anxious, and his hands began to gather their own energy.

He saw a long snake climbing a rock on the long sword in his hand, sticking out its tongue at Lin Feng.

"Hiss hiss..."

In an instant, Shenlong No. 5 swung the long sword in his hand, and saw the slender long snake swinging towards Lin Feng's body with its tongue sticking out.

Lin Feng looked at the common sense coming towards him, and just avoided it for a while.

But the long snake still followed it, changed its direction, and continued to bite towards his body.

Seeing this situation, Li Yuan was also a little anxious.

"If I were to give him three moves, I would definitely kill him early.

"The battle that could have ended faster, but he just wanted to give them three tricks. Oh, my god, what should we do? If we say so, won't our reputation be about to collapse?"

Murong Shanshan looked at the situation in front of him very calmly.

Although the common sense released by Shenlong No. 5 can indeed change these directions and attack Mengwang, it does not mean that Mengwang will lose.

"There's no need to be so nervous, after all, the cute king isn't nervous yet, why are our teammates so nervous?"

Li Yuan said anxiously after hearing Murong Shanshan's complaints.

"Of course, as his teammates, we are in a hurry."

"Why do you all seem to be very calm? Although it is true that Meng Wang is the first in the five rankings, it is indeed very powerful, but he let others take the lead."

"For an ordinary player, if these three tricks are achieved by any skill, their blood volume will be reduced by more than half, and they may be instantly killed directly, let alone the three tricks. What's going on?

Flash. "

Seeing that Li Yuan was in such a hurry, Murong Shanshan complained silently.

"No matter how anxious you are, it doesn't seem to be of any help to others. After all, you are not the one who is fighting now."

These words silently inserted a needle in Li Yuan's heart, only feeling.

Murong Shanshan's words shook off his original passion, and a basin of cold water poured down on his feet.


Lin Feng looked at the long shot in front of him, the smile on his face still undiminished.

"Now you have only one move left."

Shenlong No. 5 didn't expect that the two moves he unleashed didn't lose half of Lin Feng's HP.

I couldn't get enough energy in my heart. I already had a certain amount of confidence in this battle, but seeing that I didn't put any of my moves on him, I began to doubt my moves.


"It was impossible for people to avoid my moves before. How could he avoid them so easily?"

The speed of his moves is much faster than other people's. How does he know exactly where the attacks he releases are, and he can always avoid them easily, and it's only a little bit short.

Now there is only one last move left, if he can't seize this opportunity, he will definitely fail.

Everyone saw that at this moment Shenlong No. 5's forehead began to emit light beads of sweat. It seemed that he had already begun to worry. In fact, a person's mentality is also very important during a battle. If the mentality is affected, it will not matter at all. May turn around again. (cgdg)

It is now obvious that Shenlong No. 5's mentality has been affected by Lin Feng, and he is becoming more and more anxious.

Seeing Shenlong V, Lin Feng said with a smile while hesitating.

"Come on quickly."

"It's the last resort."

Shenlong No. 5 took a deep breath, looked at Meng Wang in front of him, his hands still trembled nervously...

Both Shenlong No. 1 and Shenlong No. 2 pinned their hopes on Shenlong No. 5's final trick....

If the last trick is useless, then the ending must have been doomed.

Shenlong No. 5 is staring at Lin Feng at this moment, his eyes are full of anger!

I saw that the long sword in his hand began to spread blue flames, and the long snake hovering on his sword revealed a snake letter, and the originally black eyes suddenly turned blue...

Shenlong No. 5 once again began to gather power on Lin Feng's body, sending out a powerful attack wave!

The long snake that was spitting out snake letter opened its bloody mouth as if it had been manipulated, and bit Lin Feng's body, as if it wanted to swallow Lin Feng into its stomach.

Lin Feng looked at the long snake with a huge mouth, like a monstrous ocean wave...

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Feng at this moment...

They were all curious whether Lin Feng would be attacked by Shenlong V's unique move this time!

Even if you can't kill him, at least you can kill him with a little blood, which is enough...

Murong Wuwu was a little nervous, looking at the huge long snake with its mouth open in front of her, she asked Murong Shanshan beside her.

"Do you think Meng Wang will be attacked by his attack?"

Murong Shanshan shook his head, from the time he knew Meng Wang to the present, to the two-person stand and the six-player stand, his strength will never be harmed by this person's moves.

Suddenly, Lin Feng once again avoided the attack of Shenlong V at the most dangerous moment!

All the members of the Shenlong Duo let out a long sigh, but they never expected to be defeated in the end...


Seeing that he had used up all three moves, Lin Feng had a murderous look in his eyes.

Released the skill Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

The sword of the Archangel in his hand waved in the eyes of everyone...

The rest of the Shenlong team closed their eyes one after another.

Two powerful attack waves hit Shenlong No. 5 directly and fiercely, and there was a moment! Shenlong No. 5 was bounced by Lin Feng's attack to the ground several meters away before stopping.


The blood volume was instantly reduced to zero, and the long snake controlled by him was also reduced to ashes under the cross cut by his guardian angel...

The system prompts: "Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning! You will get one victory point for the six-person stand. I hope the six will continue to work hard!"

The Shenlong team also admires Lin Feng extremely.

Shenlong No. 1 said: "I hope there will be a chance to fight with him in the future."

"This battle really told me that there is still a great need to improve my ability."

Shenlong No. 2 and Shenlong No. 3 also had faint smiles on their faces.

"A big reason for this battle is actually because we were too negligent in training."

"I hope we can meet again when ten people stand together and fight again!"

Shenlong VI silently shook his head, and spoke with a full face of rejection.

"The thing I hope most now is not to meet their team..."

"Captain, it is estimated that if we really meet again next time, we will still lose completely.

Shenlong No. 1 silently rolled his eyes at Shenlong No. 6...

Lin Feng was amused by what this Shenlong VI said.

I don't know why they seem to describe their entire team as if they are going to eat people...

"Actually, you don't need to describe us as if you want to eat people." Li Yuan couldn't help but said.

In fact, Murong Shanshan and Murong Er'er have always felt that the team they are in is actually not very powerful...

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