National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 325 Victory! Keep Going!

Xiaonailong sees that his blood volume is still half now, which is really not a good thing for him......

After all, the person I am facing is Meng Wang...

Originally, I really didn't have any desire to survive this game, but seeing my teammates and seeing the helpless eyes of my captain...

I still plan to give it a go.....

Lin Feng saw that the eyes of the little Nailong were full of unwavering eyes at this time, it seemed that she really cheered up this time.

When the big fierce dragon saw the strangeness in the eyes of the little milk dragon, he was also a little bit surprised, because usually the little milk dragon is on the weaker side. firm.

Although it is true that it may not be able to win, after all, its blood volume is indeed too big compared with Meng Wang, but, as long as you work hard in every game, you will work hard without leaving any regrets, this is also considered The listing is worthy of everyone.

The little milk dragon breathed out the magic bow in his hand, squinted his left eye slightly, aiming at the position where Lin Feng was at the moment...


The finger holding the bow is constantly moving the recoil Hyun...

I saw long arrows flying towards Lin Feng's position continuously...

Lin Feng looked at the long arrows one after another in front of him, "Zero Ba Zero" leaped directly from these long arrows at a high speed, and then swung the Archangel Sword in his hand, releasing the ability to protect Angel cross cut.

The attack wave gathered momentum and hit the little milk dragon directly.


Lin Feng killed more than half of the remaining HP in an instant

The system prompt sounded at this moment.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the fifth round of the six-player tournament, you will get one point for the six-player tournament victory point.

Zu Long came to Lin Feng's side, and said approvingly: "The King of Meng is the King of Meng, I hope you can win the next competition."

"Another day, another day we will fight again!"

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, let's fight again another day."

The big fierce dragon looked at Murong Wuwu beside him, raised his head proudly and said with a muffled grunt.

"Then so are we!"

"Another day we are engaged in our personal battle!"

"Next time, I will definitely not show mercy to you!"

Murong Wuwu also nodded heavily!


"Next time, I'm looking forward to your performance!"

The little milk dragon pouted, still a little disappointed in his last attack, but none of them belonged to the popular cute king...

If I were a little stronger and faster, maybe I could really turn the whole scene against the wind......

But it's over now, although it is true that their team lost, but generally speaking, they have gained a lot.

Seeing the sullen look of the little milk dragon, Lin Feng comforted him: "Actually, everything you did just now launched a good attack.

"Go back and practice more, and fight again later."

The little milk dragon listened to Lin Feng's praise of himself, and said in embarrassment.


"Do you really think I'm really good?"

Zu Long and Lin Feng nodded approvingly.

Zu Long said to Xiao Nailong: "This is the bravest time I have seen you, and it is worth giving you a thumbs up."

"One by one, you have to learn from the little milk dragon, this time his attack and formation have surpassed all of you."

Hearing this, the big fierce dragon snorted and said.

"The little milk dragon's attack and formation are really good this time. I also hope that you will continue to work hard like this time in the next set."

"In normal times, I actually don't see you exerting such great power. It seems that you can only arouse your potential when you are in front of the most powerful masters. This is a bit like me."

Xiaonailong saw that everyone praised him. In fact, this time he was able to release his skills with ease. It felt completely different from the battles he had participated in before, which was also strange.

"Okay, then I hope you can win the championship of this World's Number One Martial Arts Tournament!"

After finishing speaking, Zu Long took the others and left the martial arts field together.

The system reminded again: "May I ask if the player Meng Wang needs to continue with the sixth round of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"



"Automatching completed...."

The players of the sixth round appeared in front of Lin Feng.

After seeing each other's attributes, the two sides already felt scared...

"I didn't expect that we would really meet Meng Wang...... I thought we could avoid meeting Meng Wang......"

"Lord Meng Wang, please spare me, I hope you can be merciful, don't kill us so quickly, as supporting roles, we can't give us small supporting roles some small time"

Murong Wuwu frowned slightly, looking at the contestants in the sixth round...

"Captain, let's quickly destroy these teams."

"After all, we still have ten people standing yet to participate."

Lin Feng nodded, looking at the opponents of the sixth round team in front of him, he doesn't have much time to play with them now.

Although his expression was still indifferent, there was still some ruthlessness in his eyes.

Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan's eyes also changed when they learned that these teams should be dealt with quickly this time.

The opponent felt the murderous aura released from Lin Feng's body, and couldn't help but shudder...

But there is no way, after all, this is a game, you can't surrender, you can only fight on!

The system prompt sounded again: "Please get ready, players on both sides, Belgium will start right away...


The opponents in the sixth round launched an attack on Lin Feng and the others!

Lin Feng instantly raised the sword of the Archangel in his hand, and unleashed his own skill Thunder Strike!

A series of dark clouds in the void enveloped the entire martial arts field, and the little electric snake shuttled through the dark clouds in the void

The opponents themselves were surrounded, and they all stood within Lin Feng's attack range, trembling...


A series of thunder motors directly smashed down from the air!

The opponents were like rats crossing the street, but they were not spared in the thunder, and they were all wiped out by Lin Feng!







The system prompt sounds.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the sixth round. I will reward you with a victory point. Do you want to continue the game?"


The opponents let out a long sigh and stepped off the stage one after another...

Lin Feng and the other five people standing in the martial arts arena are like gods, and they cannot be desecrated. …

This time, it only took five minutes in the sixth round to kill it......

Murong Wuwu couldn't help asking Lin Feng.

"Captain, if you continue to fight according to your current moves, we may soon reach the tenth round..."

"We're like soy saucers..."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, you are not soy saucers."

"My attack also needs to be buffered.

"It's just that we all need to speed up."

Murong Wuwu still couldn't help sighing: "It's too fast to speed up..."

"Does the player Meng Wang want to participate in the seventh round of the six-person stand?"


Now we have reached the seventh round.

This also prompts Lin Feng to be fully fired now!

The contestants in the seventh round came to the martial arts arena. The moment they saw Lin Feng, they already felt scared.

"Then let's kill one by one! It's faster!" Li Yuan suggested.

The others nodded in agreement and turned their gazes to one of them.

The contestants in the seventh round couldn't help but let out a long sigh...

"Captain, why do you think we are so bad, why did we meet Meng Wang's team..."

"Yeah, why are we so weak, I thought we could be lucky enough to avoid it."

"Let's go to burn incense after the game is over. I hope we won't meet Meng Wang and his team in the next game..."

Lin Feng listened to them discussing himself, but in fact, in his heart, his own strength didn't seem to be very strong.

"The game is about to start! Players on both sides, please get ready! The game is counting down!"


Lin Feng received the move and released his skill Guardian Angel Counter Slash!

The attack wave landed steadily on the opponent's body, instantly clearing the blood volume to zero!


Others also released their skills one after another.

Murong Shanshan flashed past the opponent's eyes at high speed......

When the opponent still has 1.5 points and reacts, the killer has already been killed!



Blood volume cleared!

The opponents all let out a long sigh...

There was a gentle smile on Murong Er'er's face, but the opposite look in his eyes...

The opponent looked at the current Murong Erer and felt that there was a coldness coming from behind...

I saw that a huge magic circle appeared under him, imprisoning him directly in it...

Boom boom boom!

A series of magical attacks fell from the air, directly blasting the opponent imprisoned in his magic circle to death...


The audience looked at the speed of Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan's attack, it can be said that it can't be faster...

Their skills have also been improved....

Now there are only three opponents left...

The three of them looked at Murong Wuwu, Murong Sisi and Li Yuan, who had ruthless and playful eyes, and couldn't help shivering...

"It's estimated that we don't even need to send out a combo, we've already died..."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Look at how the other people killed people just now..."

"I counted the time, it's only a minute...",

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