National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 326 Kill Three Contestants In Seconds!

Murong Wuwu listened to their calculated time, a smug smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"This time, I will kill them in the shortest time, just like Meng Wang!"

Li Yuan already looked eager to try, controlling the rain of thousands of swords to fly straight to the opponent's body!

The opponent wanted to escape but he was not as fast as Li Yuan's attack speed, all the sword rain fell on the opponent!


The blood volume is cleared again!

Everyone in the auditorium watched their attacks hit the nail on the head, and all sighed...

"This is too powerful... I don't know, I thought I had seen an illusion. Looking at their current strength, I couldn't help but wonder if their previous battles were all at the mercy of their opponents. ....."

"From what you said, I really feel that they are really letting their opponents go. Otherwise, they would have reached the tenth round by now, right?"

"Sure enough, the real strength will be more revealed later on. You can see that Meng Wang is still very modest in front of all opponents. From the seventh round onwards, he seems to be a different person. with full force!"

"That's right! I also think that everyone seems to be fully fired now. I don't know how long it will take them to kill the people in these games. It's probably about the same...

"I calculated carefully just now that it took only five minutes for King Meng to kill his opponent... If you calculate it like this, it will take less than half an hour to finish the fight with six players.

"I think half an hour is already considered low. I feel that Meng Wang will be even more powerful if it is normal. Besides, if it only takes five minutes to kill 26 people in seconds, the battle can be completed in fifteen minutes.

"Everyone, let's do some calculations! It feels like they are really fast! If I had their strength, I would definitely not be stuck in one position and go to T#..."

The corners of Murong Sisi's eyes slightly narrowed and she looked at the opponent in front of her...

The opponent felt scared when he saw the cannon in Murong Sisi's hand...

The giant cannonball hit the opponent directly with a bang!

The opponent was trembling with fear seeing the giant shells flying in front of him, let alone releasing an attack, he had simply forgotten all his attacking moves...



Blood volume cleared!

Now only the duel between Murong Wuwu and the opponent is left.

The other party looked at Murong Wuwu with disdain in his eyes at this moment, and remembered the way Murong Wuwu fought against others in the battle he watched earlier, and there was still a bit of evil in his heart...

"Be merciful..."

Murong Wuwu frowned when she heard that she didn't understand.

After thinking about it for a while, this is a game. If you are merciful, it must be disrespectful to the game...

"No, this is a competition. If you show mercy, it means disrespecting the competition."

What a domineering sentence...

As soon as the words fell, Murong Wuwu directly summoned two huge water jets, directly hitting her body!



The opponent was directly blasted not far away by Murong Wuwu's water column!


The blood volume is cleared to zero again!

The system reminded again: "Congratulations to the player Mengwang team for winning, you will get one point for the six-player victory point.

Now it has reached the eighth round.

Murong Er Er still said cautiously.

"It is estimated that the eighth round is a master, but we have to be careful."

Li Yuan said proudly.

"Don't be afraid, we'd better use the countermeasure just now and kill them directly. I'm curious to see how good the team that can make it to the eighth round is!"

Murong Er Er looked at Li Yuan's complacent look, and said.

"You still don't want to be too happy too early, maybe we will really meet our opponent this time."

"Even if the players in the eighth round are not very good, the players in the ninth round must be good. Otherwise, it is impossible to reach the ninth round after many hardships."

Murong Shanshan's eyes were already filled with scorching eyes!

"I'm still more inclined to the continuous side."

"So what? No matter how powerful they are, they won't be as powerful as our team."

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi also nodded in agreement.

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng adoringly and said with a smile.

"We have Meng Wang in our team, so it is very unlikely that we will fail, and you don't want to kill everyone with a casual move by Meng Wang.

Murong Sisi heard that Murong Wuwu was flattering Lin Feng, and her face once again showed a foreign expression.

"Oh shit."

"Sure enough, Xiao Wu is different. Hearing others comment on Meng Wang, he will definitely reply.

Murong Wuwu snorted and looked at Murong Sisi's playful look.

"Not at all..………"

"I'm telling the truth, okay..."

"I'm talking about it, it was originally, because our team has a cute king, there shouldn't be many people who can compare with us, right?"

Murong Sisi also doesn't want to continue arguing with Murong Wuwu...

The system prompts: "Do you want to continue the eighth round of the six-person stand of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament?"



"Automatching completed..."

The contestants in the eighth round appeared in the martial arts arena, and like all the contestants just now, when they saw that they were matched with the Mengwang team, they felt a little bit of ABX in their hearts......


"Why is it Meng Wang's team..."

"Oh my god! We managed to reach the eighth round without expecting to meet the Mengwang team! This feeling is really hard!"

The opponents were still the same as everyone just now, with a long sigh and a listless look...

After all, the ending has already been written in front of everyone, how can there be any chance to counterattack...

Lin Feng thought that the contestants in the eighth round would be so good, but he didn't expect that they were still the same as before......

Silently doubting life in my heart, as for...

As for looking listless when I see myself, as if I will eat people in the next second.....

Murong Er'er was also a little speechless when he saw the contestants in the eighth round in front of him...

She thought that the contestants who have reached the eighth round should be very powerful... She didn't expect that they were not much different from those contestants just now...

Silently, I don't know why I am a little disappointed....

Li Yuan said with a smile: "I've said it all, I guess the people we met in these two rounds won't be too good..."

"Look at them, I feel scared when I see us... I guess the fighting power is really not good..."

"Let's all still fight like we did just now!"

After looking at each other's attributes...

Once again, it was the same as the seventh game, and they all released their own attacks...

The contestants in the eighth round no longer had any desire to fight, and just stood still and let the attack hit them!


The blood volume of the six players was cleared to zero!

This made Murong Er'er and Murong Shanshan feel a little inexplicably disappointed with the contestants in front of them...

After all, on the battlefield, I still want to meet a powerful opponent so that I can be worthy of the meaning of participating in this world's number one martial arts conference...

Murong Wuwu glanced at her mouth, and couldn't help complaining: "You say, is it because we are too come the contestants you meet don't struggle a bit?"

"It feels like there is no passion to win..."

Murong Sisi didn't feel anything and said plainly: "It can't be helped, everyone seems to have given up on fighting us..."

"However, it saves time. I feel like I'm going to eat after finishing the six-player station."

"Today I have an appointment with my friend to go to a new restaurant.

Lin Feng was a little speechless...

Although it is true that there is no desire to defeat the opponent at 320, there is no way [after all, everyone is still fighting for the final victory.

Having said that, this is random after all, so the chance of becoming a master is quite high, just follow the fate if you can meet...

After the contestant saw that he had failed, he immediately left the martial arts field where Lin Feng was.

Everyone was a little speechless about these three battles, and they began to discuss...

"No...why do I feel that the players I meet are all listless? It seems that they really don't have that kind of mentality at all...I really don't know why other people have this kind of mentality Kind of teammates..."

"I think it's decent to play every game seriously. I didn't expect that so many people are not so decent now... Sigh... I don't know since when the beginning

"Maybe it's because they think Meng Wang is too powerful. Compared with those who have given up without a fighter, I actually prefer those who know that they may lose but are still willing to take a gamble."

"Yes, yes, yes! I think it's also a competition. If they don't have this kind of mentality, they don't know why they are participating in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference... Besides, every game is won by you. Why do people think so much about the situation..."

"I always feel like you guys are scolding me, but I don't seem to have any evidence... In fact, I also think it's a failure if you don't have the courage to face difficulties. I hope everyone has it.

"Everyone is still working hard to move forward. No matter whether the person you meet is a master or not, I feel that you need to fight everyone well... Even if you meet the King of Meng, so what! As long as You work hard, at least you can be decent!"

The ninth round is about to begin......

At this time, Murong Shanshan really hoped that the contestants she met in the ninth round this time would be powerful characters...

At least you won't give up the fight before you start it......

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