At this time, the system prompts: "Do you want to continue the next game?"


This is also the ninth round. After the fight, the six-man battle can be considered as an end, and the ten-man battle will begin.

Murong Wuwu said sullenly: "I hope that the opponent I will meet in the ninth round will be a little bit stronger. If this is the case, I will be worthy of this battle..."

"The players we met just now are really bad..."

"Maybe it's not because they're so bad but because they've given up on us, hope of fighting...this is particularly bad..."

Although she is indeed a person who really wants to win all the way, but... there is still some pursuit of the quality of each battle...

Lin Feng heard what Murong Wuwu said, and felt that Murong Wuwu seemed to have grown up now, and wanted to fight with high quality...

"According to the logic, in this ninth battle, the people you meet should be more powerful."

"It will definitely not be the same as before..."

The system is also matching at the moment...

Everyone is very curious about who will be the ninth player who will be matched with Meng Wang...

"Match completed........"

The contestants of the ninth round also arrived in the martial arts field.

The opponents in this ninth game are more beautiful than the last.

Each of them is wearing an ancient dress, braided with very ladylike braids, and their demeanor is like that of a banished fairy, untouched by the world, and people can't help but take a few more glances.

Li Yuan recognized at a glance that the opponent in front of him was Yue Linglong, the president of Linglong Pavilion!

Her appearance also made everyone feel shocked!

She was wearing a red ancient style dress, her long hair was draped behind her back, and her eyebrows and eyes revealed a peerless beauty.

Murong Wuwu saw that her opponents were all wearing such good-looking clothes this time, her eyes fell on Lin Feng beside her involuntarily.

However, Lin Feng's eyes were still extremely calm, and he just glanced at them.

Because many people have heard of her name, but because her registration time is not fixed, and she usually comes and goes without a trace, very few people have seen her......

Everyone was shocked by this.

More importantly, this time they met not only Yue Linglong who was rarely seen in Linglong Pavilion, but also other people who were also more difficult to see.

But, generally speaking, the chance of seeing other people is higher than the chance of meeting Yue Linglong.

"I didn't expect that we would meet people from Linglong Pavilion."

"It's really just like others said, it looks good."

Li Yuan looked at Yue Linglong, and said to Lin Feng beside him.

Lin Feng nodded silently, and didn't say much...

After all, he usually doesn't seem to have any curiosity about these gossips, and usually he just brushes wild monsters, does tasks, and doesn't know what the forums are...

But Li Yuan is different, usually his favorite thing is to eat melons!

What he likes to read most is the forum, so he understands many things very well.

Yue Linglong was also very surprised to see that she met the cute king who was number one in the five rankings...

I didn't have much time to log in before, and I only heard about Meng Wang, but I didn't expect to meet him so accidentally this time...

It seems that she is also lucky, and it has always been a dream for her to be able to fight against a master.

"It's a great honor to finally meet you today~."

Yue Linglong spoke softly, her eyes were indeed full of eyes ready for this battle.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, seeing that her eyes were full of hostility towards him.

He knew that this battle would definitely be much more exciting than just now.

The audience looked at Yue Linglong, whose eyes were full of murderous intent, and applauded.

Because of her huge contrast, Tuan made everyone's eyes focus on her.

"I feel that there is a sharp contrast on this girl's body, and more importantly, my girl's heart can't help but thump!"

"I feel that this battle will definitely not be the same as the one just now, so boring. From the look in this girl's eyes, I know that she will definitely use her best efforts to make the opponent submit to herself."

"My favorite is this kind of girl whose eyes are full of desire, but if you don't look carefully, you will think that she is a girl who is relatively calm about everything."

"The president of Linglong Pavilion, Yue Linglong, has always existed in everyone's innermost mouth. I finally saw it today. I didn't expect it to be as everyone said. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a fairy-like aura on her body. Woolen cloth.

"NONONO, you are different from the Yue Linglong I heard. I have a friend who has met Yue Linglong before. But, Yue Linglong is actually a gentle girl. I always feel that she is the same as someone else. She looks a little different......

"Why do you think so much! It's already very difficult to see the president of Linglong Pavilion fighting against King Meng, so let's look forward to this battle!"

The smile on Murong Er'er's face became brighter and brighter, but his eyes were also extremely serious about this battle.

She knew that this battle would never be the same as the previous few battles...

Murong Sisi looked at the opponent in front of her, but she still acted very calm, her mind was full of delicious food...

"This is the last six-player battle of the day, I can go eat delicious food after the fight!"

The attributes of both parties appear in the eyes of the other party

Player: Yue Linglong

HP: 789990

Mana: 19890

Player: Moon Lingxin

HP: 689999

Mana: 18980

Player: Yuelingfeng

HP: 689990

Mana: 17870

Player: Yue Lingqing

HP: 599999

Mana: 17660

Player: Yue Lingxian

HP: 599998

Mana: 17550

Player: Yue Lingyue

HP: 599997


At this moment, Yue Linglong had already set her sights on Lin Feng. In her eyes, the only person who could confront her now was Lin Feng.

Seeing Yue Linglong staring at him curiously, Lin Feng also understood that Yue Linglong had long regarded herself as someone she must PK.

"I still hope that Meng Wang will not show mercy to us just because we are girls, otherwise, you will definitely regret it."

Yue Linglong spoke in a calm tone, her eyes filled with the murderous look of Shu Lin Feng.

After all, this war also depends on the popularity of both sides.

Li Yuan saw that Yue Linglong's goal was very clear and she was staring at Lin Feng, so he whispered to Lin Feng.

"It seems that you are probably lucky today, and you are the only one in people's eyes."

Lin Feng silently rolled his eyes at Li Yuan.

"You really don't have a clear idea of ​​what this criminal love looks like."

"Don't always stare at other women, be careful with your wife..."

Li Yuan frowned slightly when he heard that, thinking of his wife's fierce look...

It is estimated that if he knew that he was secretly looking at beautiful women, he would definitely kneel down at the keyboard when he returned home!

But when I think about it carefully, my wife doesn't have time to take care of me now, and it's impossible for me to know that I look at beautiful women. Besides, who will make my life better...

"What do you mean by being careful?"

"You're describing me as a wife who is afraid of her own!"

"Do I look like a henpeck to you?"

Don't you want to lose face?

At this moment, the four Murong sisters all looked at Li Yuan with strange eyes.

Lin Feng nodded resolutely, not giving Li Yuan any face at all.

At this moment, Li Yuan only felt as if his heart had been pierced by a needle, the pain was severe, and he said silently.

"Can you stop saying this in front of them..."

"I don't want to lose face?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes again and said.

"You don't want to lose face."

He felt that what he said was the truth...

Besides, he himself is afraid of his wife, if he is not telling the truth, wouldn't it be even more shameless?

Seeing Lin Feng's upright speech, Murong Wuwu couldn't help but smile...

Lin Fengneng has always been a straight man of steel, so it is quite normal for him to answer such a question.

Murong Shanshan couldn't help but said: "Actually, from your words and deeds, it can be seen that you must be a henpecked person.

Li Yuan felt like crying for a while...

My brother is really becoming more and more straight...

In fact, after thinking about it carefully, he (had it) seems to have always looked like this!

Feeling even more desperate for a moment...

Yue Lingxin pointed at Li Yuan, and said arrogantly: "You too!"

"You can't ignore us just because we are girls!"

Upon hearing this, Li Yuan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I don't know if King Meng will show no mercy..."

"However, I will never show mercy."

After all, if my wife finds out, she probably won't be merciful to her subordinates...


Lin Feng chuckled lightly.

He knew that if Li Yuan showed mercy to these girls, his wife would definitely not show mercy to him...

Originally, it might just be kneeling on the keyboard or something, and the punishment for him might be upgraded!

But in the final analysis, he is still a man who dotes on his wife.

Yue Lingxin was relieved when she heard what Li Yuan said. In her heart, her team has always been one of the best!

If they were lenient, wouldn't they lose face?

"Then, it's accepted!"

Yue Lingxin said, her eyes were full of eager light.

The system beeped at this moment.

"Players on both sides, please get ready, the six-player battle will begin immediately!"

"Time is counting down!"


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