National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 78 The Legend Of The One-Sword Knight!

Noon's Glacier's hidden profession is best at super-long attack distance and powerful single-target damage, but after releasing two consecutive skills, she didn't even break the opponent's magic circle, which made her feel a little uncertain .

How strong is the opponent's shield defense?


Although he didn't know what to do, the glacier in the afternoon was not a hesitant person.

Thinking in my heart, the third skill has already been displayed, and with an arrow flying out, three emerald green rays of light are formed, directly attacking the protective light array-.




The damage appeared again, but the magic circle still did not disappear, but now, Lin Feng became more and more confident.

"You continue." Lin Feng smiled.

"It seems that I overestimated the player's damage. Now I am wearing a 50-level gold suit, with a physical resistance of more than 2,220 and a magic resistance of more than 1,900. I always leapfrog to fight bosses, and the magic circle is easy to break, which makes me think This light array is useless. But for a level 30 player, this kind of defense is still very scary. At least his skills can only do about 1,000 damage to me

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng became even less anxious.

Of course, it's not that he wants to stand here and pretend to be aggressive... It's just that the protective light array can't move with him. Once he leaves here, the light array is useless. Why don't you use this time to consume Noon Ri's Glacier's skills and blue volume.

At the same time, pretend to be aggressive and engage in psychological warfare.

At this time, many players watching the live broadcast were surprised.

"I'll go, what kind of skill is this cute king? This wide-ranging transparent shield is very defensive!"

"This defensive power is terrifying!"

Great Bright Arena

Noon's Glacier frowned. This time he didn't use his skills, but directly attacked twice with a general attack.



Two attacks, but all of them are unable to break through the defense!

"It seems that this shield is not aimed at improving the defense of skills, but...all of it is defensive. This defense is very strong, and my general attack can't deal damage at all. Since he has a big support, let's use it a few more times skills, as long as this shield is consumed, he won't have a shield to rely on!" Thinking in her heart, the big bow in her hand lit up with fiery red brilliance again.

"Boom!" The fiery red light directly turned into flame-like petals, directly enveloping Noon Ri Glacier's body, and then condensed to her right arm, a huge arrow that was several times larger than the previous ones, turning into As a streamer of flames, it flew across the sky.

With a bang, Lin Feng's front shield was attacked again.


This time the damage was even higher, but Lin Feng's protective light array was still not shattered.

At this time, Lin Feng stood still, but his eyes were looking around the glacier at Noon Ri, and he began to think about it, and then rushed to the latter, which might be the route he wanted to escape when he flew the kite.

"Huh! I don't believe it, there are two active damage skills, all used.



With a difference of 2 seconds, a pure white arrow swirling around the petals of a lily hit the guardian light array, and shortly thereafter an arrow swirling around the petals of a blue enchantress hit the guardian light array.



"Boom!" And at this moment, the guardian light array finally shattered.

"Broken! The opportunity has come, stand back and wait for the skill to cool down." Noon's glacier's eyes lit up, and then quickly backed away without hesitation.

At the same time, Lin Feng sprinted directly towards the latter, and his speed even surpassed the glacier in the afternoon!

"How could it be so fast? Isn't he a knight or a warrior? Is this agility point more than mine?" Glacier in the afternoon was surprised.

At this time, many players watching the live broadcast were surprised again. Because Lin Feng is wearing heavy armor, many people think that he is a warrior or someone who knows him knows that he is a "second flow knight"

Lin Feng's speed was not slow before, but now he is the increase of the Seraphim race.

Seraphim race without transformation, even in human form, his agility will increase by 50%, directly soaring to 172 points of agility now, naturally faster.

In just three seconds, the two people who were more than 50 meters apart were pulled within 20 meters.

At this time, the knight lightsaber in Lin Feng's hand has been raised, ready to use his skills at any time.

"Don't let him get close. Once I get close, I might be killed." Wu Ri's heart turned sharply. Since the opponent wants to approach him quickly, it means that most of the opponent's skills are close.

"Hundred Flowers!" At the critical juncture, brilliant nine-color light spots suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the glacier at noon, and then countless beautiful petals sprang up all over the body, emitting all kinds of beautiful lights.

"Shua!" She unfurled a pair of nearly transparent purple butterfly wings on her back, and her speed soared, instantly pulling away the distance from Lin Feng.

This time, Wu Ri's glacier speed surpassed Lin Feng, but Lin Feng did not give up and continued to chase the latter.

If you chase, you may not be able to catch up, if you don't chase, you will be beaten 100%.

At this time, the glacier at Noon Ri may also know how to attack others in the air, which consumes a lot of physical strength, but he has wings but does not use them, but relies on this increase in movement speed to run quickly.

While running, she turned around and launched a general attack on Lin Feng, two quick attacks.



"Haven't broken the defense yet!" Wu Ri's Glacier was surprised. Although "Hundred Blossoms" mainly increases attack speed and movement speed, she thinks her attack is not low, even among level 30 players.

But when it hit Lin Feng, it didn't break the defense!

While running, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Your basic attack is useless to me, I guess, your active skills should be in cooling [can't be used temporarily, right? Why don't you admit defeat! This way everyone can't see the difference between us. "

"I won't admit defeat. I run faster than you. After a while, my skills will cool down and I will kill you." While running, Wu Ri's glacier continued to attack Lin Feng without giving up.

And Lin Feng, who knew that the opponent's general attack could not break through the defense, no longer dodged, and the result was a miss again.

After chasing for ten seconds, the distance between the two sides has increased to more than 50 meters. Lin Feng frowned slightly: "I can't do this anymore. If the opponent's skills are well cooled, if they give me such a set, I will be very hurt."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng waved directly.

Protect the unicorns!

"Boom!" The light array appeared, and the three-meter-tall Gemini Guardian Unicorn rushed out. Lin Feng directly chose to ride and jumped onto the back of the unicorn.

"He's a knight!" Wu Ri's glacier was surprised, and wanted to see through the unicorn's information, but it was a pity that the display was all ???, this is the function of the light guardian star ring.

...asking for flowers...

Although Lin Feng's name is known, others cannot see through other information, and at the same time his pets cannot be seen through by others.

"Shuang'er, chase!" Lin Feng said quickly.

"Shua!" Shuang'er turned into a white line, and the speed reached the fastest speed. The two sides were more than 50 meters away, at the feet of the Gemini Guardian Unicorn, as if they didn't exist.

The glacier in the afternoon only ran a few meters, Lin Feng quickly approached, and when the two sides approached within three meters, Lin Feng directly canceled the ride.

Leaping away, the big sword in his hand directly slashed at the glacier in the afternoon.

Guardian of Light can also be considered as a knight class, he can attack on a mount, but Lin Feng has no experience in fighting while riding, and his speed is too fast, he can't guarantee the accuracy of his skills at all.

The big sword fell and directly hit the birthday Chuan's body.

But what Lin Feng saw was miss!

Afterwards, the body of Wuri Glacier turned into an image and dissipated directly.


But at this time, the glacier at noon was on top of Lin Feng's head, his body rotated, and his long legs slashed down vertically, hitting Lin Feng's shoulder.



A burst of petals appeared.

"Sure enough, there is also a melee attack skill. If I used the skill just now, I would have missed it!" Lin Feng thought, and at this time, after the glacier landed in the afternoon, it kicked Lin Feng again, and the flying one There are more petals on the legs.

Guard the Cross!

And at this moment, Lin Feng's skills were cast.

"Brush!" The cross cut directly submerged the noon glacier.

The distance between the two sides was too close, and the glacier at noon was in front of Lin Feng. Even if he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't dodge it at all, and he was the first to be hit.



At noon, the blood volume of the glacier instantly cleared to zero.

Second kill!

"This attack!" The glacier in the afternoon just had such a thought, and it had already turned into white light. Then the white light flashed, and she appeared in the stands, next to the three bright archbishops.

Only Lin Feng is left on the battlefield.

"In the first battle, King Meng defeated the glacier at noon. The second battle will be held in three seconds."

Just like that, Lin Feng stood in the field, and the live broadcast was also fixed on him.

At this time, various posts immediately appeared on the game forum, some directly analyzing why Lin Feng won, and some were amazed at Lin Feng's strength.

"Let's go, the difference in strength is a bit big! I thought that the four of them would have similar strengths when fighting against each other, but it seems that King Meng crushed the glacier that afternoon."

"Nonsense, don't you know the Knights of the Second Flow? That King Meng beat the chaotic battle mode of Longyuan City to the point that no one dared to choose to enter, and he was also a great master who wiped out 100 masters in Hot Pot City by himself. Who would meet He is taken away with one skill, so he shouldn’t be too strong!”

"In my opinion, it should be called the One Sword Style Knight! I was watching the beautiful skills of Noon Ri Glacier the whole time. It was really a fierce operation, but Meng Wang killed it in seconds with one skill!"

"It's awesome! It's too strong, this is really one-shot, crushing everyone!"

Three seconds later, Lin Feng returned to the stand, the light of glory and the sword and oath appeared in the battle field, and then the battle between the two sides

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