National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 79 The World Premiere Of The Luxurious Seraph

In the stands, Wuri Bingchuan was not angry because he was killed by Lin Feng. When he saw him come back, he walked up to him and sat down naturally, and said in a low voice, "What is your profession? Why is your defense so high? But it has higher defense than Xiao Wu."

at the same time

"Noonday's Glacier applied to add you as a friend, do you agree?"


Lin Feng clicked on it, and replied directly in the chat between the two: "Guardian of the light, the defense is high because of my equipment, and the attack is high because of my equipment.

The other party said his hidden professional name from the beginning, Lin Feng felt that he had nothing to hide. Because the only level of hidden occupation is that only he owns this occupation, even if he says his name, no one else will know his specific skills.

Noon's Glacier: "Ah! I'm speechless with your explanation. Then why are you so fast?"

Lin Feng: "A skill, isn't your speed "930" faster than mine!"

Noon's Glacier: "That's different. I'm an archer. I'm the Holy Feather Sniper God. My main strength and agility are not as fast as yours in normal state. Your profession is simply a monster profession.

Lin Feng smiled mysteriously: "It's mainly about increasing equipment, you'll know when you reach level 50.

His current gold suit is actually a level 50 suit.

"Are you level 50?" Noon's Glacier was surprised.

"Of course not." Lin Feng shook his head.

At this time, the central battlefield has already started fighting.

Comparing the battle between Lin Feng and Wu Ri's Glacier, this time the battle between the Light of Glory and the Sword and the Oath is much more intense.

The two of Lin Feng and the others were more like a simple round battle. Noon Ri's Glacier attacked first and had no skills. Lin Feng rushed forward and took away with a skill.

Although there are details such as attribute differences, from the perspective of outsiders, it is actually more like a battle of pure crushing. Not too intense.

But this time, the two of them were all in close combat.

Fiercely rushing towards each other, while exchanging various melee skills, there is also the connection of common attack and slash, various combos, and various dodge misses, which is very thrilling.

In this way, you came and I fought for about five minutes, and finally Jian and Oath were killed by the light of glory.

But through this time, Lin Feng can also see that although the light of glory is arrogant, it still has real skills. The close combat PK technology feels not far from Zulong.

Moreover, the opponent is wearing heavy armor and a giant sword. While the defense is strong, the giant sword's attack is not weak.

I'm not sure what profession it is, but every time the giant sword hits, it has a knockback effect.

The PK skills of Sword and Oath are not bad, but Lin Feng can see that the Light of Glory is 34, and the Sword and Oath is 32. At the same time, the attributes are poor, and the equipment seems to be poor.

A white light flashed, and the sword and the oath appeared beside Lin Feng. He smiled wryly: "He is too powerful, and his equipment should be better than mine. His attack is comparable to mine, but his defense is far superior to mine. His basic attack is all Knockback, and too many stun skills at the same time, hard to defend against."

"Don't worry, King Meng will avenge you." Zai Ri's glacier said.

"Uh! Okay." Jian and Oath had a strange expression on his face, and he wasn't too angry when he failed. The question is..... Didn't you two just meet? Why are you so familiar?

"Beauties really like masters, and I have to improve my strength after I go back." Jian and the oath vowed secretly.

The white light fell in the field, and the blood volume of the light of glory was fully restored, and then the white light flashed at the same time as Lin Feng. The two separated, more than 50 meters apart, and stood in the battle field.

At this point, the players watching the live broadcast became excited.

"The final battle has begun!"

"The last battle was very exciting, those two were quite strong, so close range, all kinds of miss dodging skills, dodging basic attacks, the operation is very good. I can't do it.

Huaxia District

"The King of Moe will win! The One-Sword Knight kills that grandson!"

"Get rid of the gringos, the cute king is the best!"

Eumen District

"The Light of Glory kills that cute king!"

"The Light of Glory is the president of Glory, Oumen exists in the top ten in the PK list, I think he will win!"

"Kill that Huaxia G..."

Great Bright Arena

The Light of Glory carried the huge sword on its shoulder, and said with a sneer: "I didn't expect you, a piece of trash, to be able to persist until a fight with me. y

"I think you are sick and need to take medicine, but I have to kill you first, and then you go home and take medicine!" Lin Feng confronted each other.

Light of Glory: "China's garbage should belong to you, China. You are looking for death if you run to my Oumen."

"Wrong, they invited me here. It doesn't look like you, did you lick me?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Bastard! Die!"

It may be that Lin Feng mentioned the sore spot of the light of glory, the latter's whole body suddenly emitted a gray light, and then his body straightened up.

In a blink of an eye, the Light of Glory turned into a little giant with a height of more than ten meters, a gray light all over his body, and a layer of gray stone skin. The giant sword in his hand also directly grew into a stone sword more than ten meters long.. .....

At this time, the information of the Light of Glory also changed.

Light of Glory Mountain Giant Form

Grade: 34

"It's changed race too! It's useless just now, the light of glory still has something to hide!" Lin Feng thought, "If that's the case, let's transform."

At that time, Lin Feng's whole body exuded white and gold light, and his body naturally floated.


Three pairs of six gorgeous and noble huge angel wings appeared, his long black hair grew rapidly and crazily, directly drilled out from the gap of his helmet, and then turned silvery white in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng, who was just handsome at first, suddenly acquired a holy and noble temperament. His appearance is much more handsome than before, his face has become more refined, and his body has grown a bit older, reaching about two meters.

Moe King Seraph Form!

Seraphim Form (Six Wings): It can be transformed into Seraphim with flying ability, agility X3, magic attack X3, health X3. When not in combat, the form can be switched freely without a time limit. It lasts for 1 hour in battle and cools down for 12 hours.

At that time, Lin Feng's blood volume reached more than 30,000, and his magic attack directly soared to more than 2,500.

"This... Angel! Seraphim!"

"Could it be... Seraphim?"

At this time, many NPCs in the stands were surprised, and the players were also surprised.

At the same time, the players watching the live broadcast were all shocked.

"Damn it! Mengwang looks so handsome! Seraphim 2.8!"

"I'm sorry! This angel looks so cool, and he's so handsome."

"This is race! So fierce!"

At this time, the light of glory also showed surprise: "Angel clan! How is it possible? I have been looking for news of the transformation of the angel clan for so long, but I can't find it. How could this bastard be an angel clan! Damn it, it's simply hateful."

At first he was surprised, but at this moment, the eyes of the light of glory showed jealousy and resentment.

As the president of the most powerful guild in Oumen, and a student of the Pope of the Holy Cult of Light, he did not become an angel family, but a Chinese who became an angel family instead!


The speed of the light of glory suddenly increased. Although the body was huge, the speed did not slow down, and it even became faster.

But at this time Lin Feng was faster, raised his foot, and shot out directly from his body. .

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