“Such a level of domineering can’t hurt me! Xia Long said with a grin.

At the same time, the three people, Akainu, Aoki and Kizaru

, were targeted by Xia Long’s Haki. As if something was staring at him, the hairs all over his body stood up, and the sight and sound Haki was giving a frantic warning.

Suddenly, Xia Long’s figure disappeared from the place, and only Fang Tian’s painted halberd remained in place.

At the same time, Akainu heard in his ears Xia Long’s teasing voice

“Speed is power, Akainu, have you ever been kicked by a dragon?”

“Dragon Claw!”

Hearing this voice, Akainu’s eyes rolled. Just as he was about to look over, he saw Xia Long’s figure appearing next to him. The dragon claw of the kicking skill appeared in front of Akainu’s eyes. The speed was so fast that Xia Long appeared beside him. Akainu had no time to react.


The green energy-covered claw-like kick accurately hit Akainu’s temple. In an instant, Akainu’s head was deformed and squeezed together. The huge power made Akainu’s body Uncontrollably, the whole person flew out and hit the warship on the side. The entire warship was directly penetrated.

When Akainu was kicked out, Aokiji and Kizaru on the side reacted.

“Are you kidding, this is my trick!”

Kizaru raised his hand and fired a laser, and the golden light pierced the sky.

Xia Long casually crushed Kizaru’s laser:”The power is very good, but the domineering force is still too weak!”

The dark dragon scales only emitted a trace of smoke, and the laser did not leave a trace on them.

“Ah la la!”

“I hate feeling ignored! Frozen time capsule!”

At such a close range, Aoki Pheasant’s freezing shock wave hit Xia Long’s body accurately.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Long turned into a dragon-man ice sculpture, beautiful and beautiful.

“Qing Pheasant, you froze me!”

Xia Long in the ice sculpture made a teasing sound, and then a ray of red light bloomed from the ice sculpture, and the ice cubes in his body were directly melted.

Blazing flames burst out from Xia Long’s body, turning into a flame dragon..

This is the power of the fire system. As Rayquaza, Xia Long can use special skills such as spraying flames, so it is normal for the whole body to burst into flames.

“Stop lying!”

Qing Pheasant was about to quickly open the distance between him and Xia Long, because he saw that Se Baqi was frantically calling the police.

But Qing Pheasant’s speed was not worth mentioning in front of Xia Long.

“Fire fist!”

The arms turned into phantoms, bombarding Qing Pheasant’s body like machine guns.

“This is how your fists should be struck!”

“Every punch must be thrown out with killing intent, so that the opponent can feel his will”

“And domineering is an extension of one’s own will!”

Every time Xia Long punched, a layer of ice fell off Aoki’s body, and his smile appeared in front of everyone.

Amidst the continuous blows, Aoki’s consciousness gradually faded away, and his eyes turned white.


At this time, Kizaru He also joined the battle.

As a colleague, how could Kizaru watch Aoki being beaten unilaterally? Although it was fun to watch, the pain would sooner or later be added to him after the fun, so Kizaru pulled The Amancongyun Sword is here.

The long-range laser cannot break the defense, so you can only progress.

Use swordsmanship and Haki to fight the enemy.

But Haki without internal destruction cannot break through Xia Long’s defense.

So Kizaru’s Amancongyun Sword He was directly caught in Xia Long’s hand. No matter how hard Kizaru tried, he couldn’t pull out the Tiancongyun Sword.


“I’m going to kill you!”

At this time, Akainu rushed out from the side, his forehead was full of blood, his clothes were torn, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Akainu had never been so embarrassed, and he had never been kicked into a warship. It had never hurt like this before.

The intense pain made Akainu furious. He would not allow himself to lose to a pirate, and he still lost to a pirate three-on-one. Akainu could not afford to lose this person.

“Hell dog!”

The magma arm turned into a huge vicious dog, and slammed towards Xia Long like the impact of a volcanic eruption. The surrounding space was distorted due to the burning sensation of the magma.

“To deal with fire, of course use ice!”

“Freezing punch!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The hot magma and the biting ice collided with each other.

The lava and ice blended with each other, and steam rose up, covering the area.

“Green pheasant!”

Kizaru and Akainu shouted at the same time.

Now they restrained Xia Long’s arms, just in time for Aokiji to take action.

“Thank you so much for taking care of me just now!”

“Absolute zero!”

Qing Pheasant stretched out his palm, and biting cold air burst out, and everything around him was instantly frozen.

Looking at Qing Pheasant, Xia Long grinned:”Qing Pheasant, your ice has no effect on me!”

Xia Long, who has an ice slate in his body, is immune to all ice attacks. He just let Qing Pheas freeze just to give him a little face.

“And I said, to deal with ice, you need fire!”



Huge heat erupted from Xia Long’s body, and the surrounding ice melted instantly. 143

The next second, Xia Long opened his mouth, and the extremely rich flame was sprayed out, like a laser, Qing Pheasant The body was enveloped in it, and the unstoppable overheating penetrated the naval warship behind it. The powerful armed color Haki grabbed the elemental bodies of Kizaru and Akainu, and threw them hard, Akainu and Kizaru were thrown away Go out, roll around on the ground a few times, then half kneel on the ground

“Big fire!”

The fist-shaped magma spurted out and shot towards Xia Long’s position.

“Thunder Palm!”

The next second, Xia Long’s body disappeared from the place, and appeared in front of Akainu in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Xia Long’s whole body was flashing with black and gold lightning.

He pressed hard on Akainu’s forehead.

Huge. The power directly pushed Akainu’s head into the frozen sea, and the power exploded violently at this moment.

Red and black thunder burst out in the void, and a scene like the end of the world appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

The thunder dissipated, and Akainu The dog’s head was already submerged in the ice, its body twitched, and then it stopped responding.

“I really can’t get enough energy to fight with you!”

“Then I’ll deal with you quickly and go have some fun with Zefa!”.

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